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Belgium Banknote Gallery | Belgian Banknotes For Sale

Belgium 500 Francs / Frank 1982-1998

Item Code: BE-143

Front: Effigy of Belgian painter and sculptor Constantin Meunier (1831-1905). Coaling tower. Drill head. Fragment
from the painting "The Return of the Miners" - Constantin Meunier (1831-1905) - oil on canvas, Meunier Museum,
Brussels. Back: Geometric circular industrial and scientific multi-faceted designs. A turbine. Watermark: Effigy of
King Baudouin I in 1/2 profile. Work by: Yvon Adam; Manfred Hürrig; Anne Velghe (Inv. - Sketch authors, designers);
H. Decuyper (Sc. - Engraver). Main colour: Blue. Signatures: Pierre van Droogenbroeck (De Schatbewaarder - Le
Tresorier); Alfons Verplaetse (De Gouverneur - Le Gouverneur). Date of issue: 4 Oct. 1979. Printer: Unknown.

Belgian Banknote & Currency Gallery

This picture is for reference only. It may not be exactly the same image as the one
for sale in the
pricelist or this may be a gallery item (not for sale).

Dimensions: 148 x 75 mm

Texts: Banque Nationale de Belgique. Cinq Cents Francs. Nationale Bank van Belgie. Vijfhonderd Frank. National
Bank of Belgium. Five Hundred Francs. Le contrefacteur est puni des travaux forcés (Art.173 du Code Penal). De
namaker wordt met dwangarbeid gestraft (Art.173 van het Strafwetboek).

Belgium Banknote Gallery | Belgian Banknotes For Sale

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