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Brazil 5 Cruzeiros (1962)

Item Code: BR-166b

Front: Young man on raft with sail. Portrait of a Brazilian native indigenous indian man. Back: Water lilies (Victoria amazonica (Vitória Régia)). Watermark: N/a. Main colour: Brown. Security features: Consecutively running red horizontal serial numbers on the obverse of the banknote. Artist: Unknown. Engraved by: Unknown. Signatures: Walter Moreira Salles (Ministro da Fazenda); Reginaldo Fernandes Nunes (Diretor Caixa de Amortização). Issuer: República dos Estados Unidos do Brasil (Tesouro Nacional). Date of issue: 1962. Legal tender: No. Date of withdrawal: 1966. Demonetised: Yes. Total issue: N/a. Material: 100% cotton paper. Printing method: Intaglio. Printer: Casa da Moeda do Brasil (CdM-B).

Brazilian Currency & Bank Note Gallery

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numbers, signatures, dates etc. may vary, or this may be our
Museum's Gallery item (some gallery items may not be available for sale).

Dimensions: 155 x 67 mm
Texts: República dos Estados Unidos do Brasil. No Tesouro Nacional se Pagará ao Portador desta a Quantia de Cinco Cruzeiros Valor Recebido. Republic of the United States of Brazil. The National Treasury will pay to its bearer the amount of Five Cruzeiros received.
Brazil Banknote Gallery | Brazil Banknotes For Sale

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