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China 10 Cents 1930

Item Code: CN-323B

Front: Portrait of Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925). Back: The Customs House on the Bund in Shanghai (built in 1927). Watermark: None.
Security features: Running serial numbers on the front and back of the banknote. Coloured dots in paper. Predominant colour: Violet.
Artist: ABNC. Engraver: ABNC. Signatures: Li Jue "D.L. Lichia" (General Manager); Huang Xiufeng "SiuFeng Huang" (Assistant Manager).
Security thread: None. Printing method: Intaglio. Issuer: The Central Bank of China (Established: November 1928). Date of Issue: 1930 =
19th year of the Republic. Withdrawn: Yes. Legal tender: No. Total issue: N/a. Material: Cotton paper. Printer: American Bank Note
Company (ABNC).

China Currency Banknote Gallery

This picture is for reference only. It may not be exactly the same image as the one for sale
in the
pricelist or this may be a gallery item (usually not available for sale).

Dimensions: 116 x 58 mm

Texts: The Central Bank of China (Zhonghuá Mínguó Zhongyang Yínháng) promises to pay the bearer on demand at its office here.
Ten Cents. Customs Gold Unit. Shanghai, 1930. Republic of China.

China Banknote Gallery | China Banknotes For Sale

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