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French Indo-China 10 Xu Cents 1939

Item Code: FIC-85D

Front: Stone relief carving of Apsaras dancing on Bayon temple wall and a live female dancer at Angkor Wat.
Reverse: People with elephant gathering at a local market. Watermark: None. Security features: Running serial
numbers on the obverse. Predominant colour: Reddish brown, terra cotta. Artist: G. Barriére. Engraver: G. Barriére.
Signatures: Louis Mayet (Le Trésorier Général); Jean Cousin (Le Directeur des Finances). Security thread: N/a.
Printing method: Intaglio. Issuer: Gouvernement Général de l'Indochine. Date of Issue: (1939). Date of withdrawal: N/a.
Legal tender: No. Total issue: N/a.
Material: Cotton paper. Printer: Imprimerie de l'Extrême Orient (I.D.E.O.) in Hanoi.

French Indo-China Currency Gallery

This picture is for reference only. It may not be exactly the same image as the one for sale
in the
pricelist or this may be a gallery item (usually not available for sale).

Dimensions: 104 x 55 mm

Texts: Gouvernement Général de l'Indochine. Dix Cents. Muoi Xu. Payable au porteur en Indochine en espèces.
L'Art. 139 du Code Pénal Punit des Travaux Forcés a Perpétuite Ceux qui Auront Contrefait ou Falsifié les
Billets emis par le Tresor Public.

French Indo-China Banknote Gallery | French Indo-China Banknotes For Sale

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