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France Banknote Gallery | French Banknotes For Sale

France 1000 Francs 1949

Item Code: FR-130

Obverse: Minerva and Hercules (half Roman gods guarantors of honesty in commercial transactions);
Fruits, vegetables, flowers, wheat ears, birds; Reverse: Bust of a young woman representing France, heir of
ancient civilizations, surrounded by arabesque flower decorations; Work by: Clement Serveau;
Engraved by: André Marliat (obverse) and Emile Deloche (reverse); Watermark: Faces of people in profile.

French Currency Gallery

This picture is for reference only. It may not be exactly the same image as the one
for sale in the
pricelist or this may be a gallery item (not for sale).

Original Size: 172 x 95 mm

Texts: Banque de France; Mille Francs; Le Controleur Général; Le Caissier Général; Le Secrétaire Général;
L'Article 139 du Code Pénal Punit des Travaux Forcés Ceux qui Auront Contrefait ou Falsifié les Billets de Banques
Autorisées par la Loi. Ainsi que Ceux Qui Auront Fait Usage de Ces Billets Contrefaits ou Falsifiés.


Legal Tender Status: This banknote circulated between 2nd of July 1945 and 6th of December 1955.

France Banknote Gallery | French Banknotes For Sale

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