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All items are in UNC (uncirculated) condition (even if unmarked) unless stated otherwise.
All the goods on this page are genuine and original (not forgeries, not counterfeits)
and are carefully inspected, identified, graded, appraised and described accordingly.

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Code #      Description        Search Entire Website        Price in €    PIC  Shopping Cart

ICELAND (Island)

IS-37a     5 Kronur 1957 (Viking Ingolfur Arnarson; Bessastadir)    10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A3604xx) (Sig: Thor; Mariasson)
IS-44      100 Kronur 1961 (Tryggvi Gunnarsson; Hekla; sheep)        7.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (DA298766xx) (Sig: Hjartarson; Ólafsson)
IS-48      10 Kronur (1981) (Arngrimur Jonsson; household scene)     2.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A1176769x) (Sig: Hjartarson; Ólafsson)
IS-49      50 Kronur (1981-86) (Guthbrandur Thorlaksson; printers)  12.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B03989xxx)(Sig: Hjartarson; Ólafsson)
IS-58      500 Kronur 22.5.2001 (Jon Sigurdsson 1811-1879)          15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D2679148x) (Sig: Gunnarsson; Guðnason)
IS-59      1000 Kronur 22.5.2001 (Bishop Brynjolfur Sveinsson)      25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (E461450xx)(Sig.: Svein Harald Øygard)
IS-60      5000 Krónur 22.5.2001(2005) (Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir)     105.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (F20842911) (Sig.L63: David Oddsson; Eiríkur Gudnason)
IS-61      10000 Krónur 22.5.2001(2009) (Jónas Hallgrímsson; bird) 200.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (H06731050) (Sig.L66: Már Gudmundsson)

INDIA (Bharat)

IN-SHPWRCK 10 Rupees ND KGVI watermark only shipwreck note. AU      10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (blank)

Reserve Bank of India

IN-53Ac    2 Rupees (1985-90) (Asoka; tiger) (pinholes) UNC-         2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (92V/5361xx)
IN-77d     1 Rupee 1968 (coin design) (usual pinholes) UNC           7.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (F55/068910)
IN-77j     1 Rupee 1972 (coin design) (usual pinholes) UNC           4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (T20/9783xx)
IN-78Ad    1 Rupee 1989 (coin design) (usual pinholes) UNC           2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (16A/1354xx)
IN-80p     5 Rupees (1975-02) (Arms; farmer ploughing; Sun) ph UNC   2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (49N/6818xx)
IN-81h     10 Rupees (1985-90) (Ashoka column; peacocks) 2ph AU-UNC  3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (92Q/4018xx)
IN-88Aa    5 Rupees (2002) (Mahatma Gandhi) First series 00A         5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (00A/0495xx)
IN-88Ab    5 Rupees (2002) (Mahatma Gandhi; farmer ploughing) "L"    2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (73B/7828xx)
IN-89q     10 Rupees (1996) (Mahatma Gandhi) Sig. Reddy - "R"        2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (24A/5400xx)
IN-90j/h   50 Rupees (2005) (Mahatma Gandhi; Parliament) "E" Sig.89  7.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (7WS/20767x) (Sig: Reddy)
IN-95t     10 Rupees 2010 (Mahatma Gandhi) letter "M" Subbarao sig.  8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (97S/000004)
IN-95t     10 Rupees 2010 (Mahatma Gandhi) letter "M" Subbarao sig.  8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (97S/000005)
IN-95t     10 Rupees 2010 (Mahatma Gandhi) letter "M" Subbarao sig.  8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (97S/000006)
IN-95t     10 Rupees 2010 (Mahatma Gandhi) letter "M" Subbarao sig.  8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (97S/000007)
IN-95t     10 Rupees 2010 (Mahatma Gandhi) letter "M" Subbarao sig.  8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (97S/000008)
IN-97ci    50 Rupees 2007 (Mahatma Gandhi; Parliament) "E" Reddy     5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (7FR/27990x)
IN-97cj    50 Rupees 2007 (Mahatma Gandhi; Parliament) "L" Reddy     5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (7DN/5086xx)
IN-97dm    50 Rupees 2008 (Mahatma Gandhi; Parliament) "E" Reddy     5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (7KS/6548xx)
IN-98ck    100 Rupees 2007 (Gandhi; Himalaya mountains) "L" Reddy    7.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (9FS/78795x)
IN-99j     500 Rupees 2007 (Mahatma Gandhi and his followers) VF     5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (2CB 266973) "L" (pinholes, ink writings)
IN-99o     500 Rupees 2008 (Mahatma Gandhi and his followers) "R"   30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (1MM/009408)
IN-99p     500 Rupees 2009 (Mahatma Gandhi and his followers) VF+    9.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (8GM 620589) (without pinholes)
IN-99x     500 Rupees 2011 (Mahatma Gandhi and his followers) VF     7.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (0RR 197906) (with lt. pinholes)
IN-106d    500 Rupees 2012 (Mahatma Gandhi and his followers) VF     8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (3DW 475779) "R" (without pinholes)
IN-106e    500 Rupees 2013 (Mahatma Gandhi and his followers) VF     7.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (1KH 767493) (4 lt. pinholes)
IN-106g    500 Rupees 2013 (Mahatma Gandhi and his followers) VF     8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (8HQ 910399) "R" (without pinholes)
IN-106j    500 Rupees 2014 (Mahatma Gandhi and his followers) VF+    9.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (8GR 563642) (without pinholes)
IN-106n    500 Rupees 2015 (Mahatma Gandhi and his followers) VF+    9.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (5RH 309087) (without pinholes)
IN-106v    500 Rupees 2016 (Mahatma Gandhi and his followers) VF-XF 10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (4GW 064744)
IN-109-S   10 Rupees 2018 (M.K. Gandhi; Sun Temple, Konark)          2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (63S/3299xx)(Plate letter "S")
IN-110-R   20 Rupees 2019 (M.K. Gandhi; Ellora Caves)                2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (22A/7869xx)(Plate letter "R")
IN-111h    50 Rupees 2019 (Mahatma Gandhi; Garuda chariot, Hampi)    3.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (3DR/2916xx) (Plate letter "L")
IN-112a    100 Rupees 2018 (Mahatma Gandhi; Rani ki vav stepwell)    6.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (6FH/3382xx) (W/o plate letter)
IN-112g    100 Rupees 2019 (Mahatma Gandhi; Rani ki vav stepwell)    6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (2BA/5641xx) (Plate letter "L")
IN-113i    200 Rupees 2019 (Mahatma Gandhi; Great Stupa, Sanchi)    10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (8BP/7346xx) (W/o plate letter)

Government of India

IN-117b    1 Rupee 2016 (1 Rupee coin; Drill ship Sagar Samrat) "L"  1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (71A/6924xx) (Sig: Watal)

INDONESIA (Indonesie)

ID-39      2 1/2 Rupiah 1951 (steep sea shore; palm trees) AU-UNC   16.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BC994964)
ID-50      50 Rupiah (1957) (Crocodile; Mesjid Raya) VF-XF (XF)    100.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (5OBQ18440)
ID-51      100 Rupiah (1957) (Squirrel; Pres. Palace) F-VF (VF)     30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (100YP/20191)
ID-51      100 Rupiah (1957) (Squirrel; Pres. Palace) XF           100.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (100HB/93769)
ID-55      5 Rupiah (1958) (woman batiking; traditional house) UNC-  6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (UBY06463x)
ID-57      25 Rupiah 1958 (weaver; traditional Karo Batak house)     8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (LAS0559xx)
ID-59      100 Rupiah 1958 (rubber tapper; Kalimantan house)         9.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (SDF009xxx)
ID-65      5 Rupiah 1.1.1959 (yellow flower; four sunbirds)          3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (5APF/377xx)
ID-66      10 Rupiah 1.1.1959 (flowers; four cockatoos)              3.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (10BYB/076xx)
ID-69      100 Rupiah 1.1.1959 (Amorphophallus Raffles; Hornbills)  25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (100MBG/1282x)
ID-78      1 Rupiah 1961 (Rice field workers; vegetables)            2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CRE0004xx)
ID-79      2 1/2 Rupiah 1961 (agricultural scene; flowers; corn)     2.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CLY0981xx)
ID-89      10 Rupiah 1963 (Bali: wood carver; huts; mythical beast)  2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (UBA02254x)
ID-90      1 Sen 1964 (peasant with straw hat)                       1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AGM0274xx)
ID-91a     5 Sen 1964 (female volunteer in uniform)                  1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AHJ0999xx)
ID-91r     5 Sen 1964 (female volunteer in uniform) REPLACEMENT UNC- 3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (XBJ004654)
ID-92r     10 Sen 1964 (female volunteer in uniform) REPLACEMENT     3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (XDW0237xx)
ID-93a     25 Sen 1964 (male volunteer in uniform)                   1.25  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CSO0500xx)
ID-94a     50 Sen 1964 (male volunteer in uniform)                   2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (GUH0034xx)
ID-97b     100 Rupiah 1964 (rubber tapper; Kalimantan house)        10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (WFB0175xx)
ID-97br    100 Rupiah 1964 (rubber tapper; Kalimantan house)        20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (XVZ025892) REPLACEMENT
ID-102     1 Rupiah 1968 (General Sudirman; woman collecting copra)  3.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (ASQ0074xx)
ID-108a    100 Rupiah 1968 (General Sudirman; coal facility) AU-UNC 10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (ser#vary)
ID-110     1000 Rupiah 1968 (Gen. Soedirman; Fertilizer plant) VF    9.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (VCH005696)
ID-117     500 Rupiah 1977 (woman with orchids; Bank of Indonesia)  15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (WBW0549xx)
ID-119a    1000 Rupiah 1980 (Dr. Soetomo; Ngarai Sianok valley) UNC- 6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (QLE11809x)
ID-119r    1000 Rupiah 1980 (Dr. Soetomo; Ngarai Sianok valley)     12.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (XAR059190)
ID-121     500 Rupiah 1982 (Amorphophallus Titanum; Central Bank)    6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (WBY0543xx)
ID-123     500 Rupiah 1988 (Rusa timorensis deer; Bank Indonesia)    6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (MCP03193x)
ID-125     5000 Rupiah 1986 (Teuku Umar; Minaret of Kudus shrine)   15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (HZV0446xx)
ID-126     10000 Rupiah 1985 (R.A. Kartini; Prambanan temple)       15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (ZJF2300xx)
ID-128f    500 Rupiah 1992/1997 (orangutan; Kalimantan native huts)  3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (NNP3513xx)
ID-129f    1000 Rupiah 1992/1997 (Lake Toba; stone jumping on Nias)  3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KCP4124xx)
ID-130j    5000 Rupiah 1992/2001 (Sasando instrument; Kelimutu)      3.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (UCT3592xx)
ID-131c    10000 Rupiah 1994 (Hamengku Buwono IX; Borobudur Temple) 12.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (LRO0144xx)
ID-139a    50000 Rupiah 1999 (W. Rudolf Soepratman; flag hoisting) 105.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CAC000001)
ID-141e    1000 Rupiah 2000/2004 (Pattimura; fishing boat; volcano)  2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KSF4280xx)
ID-143c    10000 Rupiah 2005/2007 (Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II)      3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (XCH5118xx)
ID-144d    20000 Rupiah 2004/2007 (O. Iskandar Di Nata; tea pickers) 6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (ACS1935xx)
ID-145b    50000 Rupiah 2005/06 (I Gusti Ngurah Rai; Beratan Lake)  15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (QCF0805xx)
ID-148a    2000 Rupiah 2009/2009 (Pangeran Antasari; Dayak dance)    2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (JAW5867xx)
ID-150a    10000 Rupiah 2010/2005 (Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II)      3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CAB5438xx)
ID-162a    1000 Rupiah 2022 (Tjut Meutia; Banda Neira; Tari Tifa)    1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AAV6320xx)
ID-163a    2000 Rupiah 2022 (M. Thamrin; Ngarai Sianok; Tari Piring) 2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (JAP5948xx)
ID-164a    5000 Rupiah 2022 (Idham Chalid; map; Mt. Bromo; dancer)   3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (OAT9888xx)
ID-165b    10000 Rupiah 2022/23 (Frans Kaisiepo; Wakatobi; dancer)   5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (GBY5509xx)
ID-166a    20000 Rupiah 2022 (Dr. Ratulangi; Derawan; Tari Gong)     6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (FAK45018x)
ID-167a    50000 Rupiah 2022 (D. Kartawidjaja; Komodo NP; dancer)   12.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KAU3837xx)

INTERNATIONAL (Global, Universal, Worldwide, Multinational, Cosmopolitan)

Artist's (Franck Medina) Commemorative Essay Notes (Limited print)

'Banco de Kamberra' (Fantasy)

INT-FMHTL  50 Numismas 11.3.2019 (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec)        25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (X01/00132) (Size:153x84mm)
INT-FMPC   50 Numismas 15.4.2019 (Paul Cézanne)                     25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (S01/00104) (Size:154x84mm)
INT-FMFRC  50 Numismas 17.5.2020 (François-René Chateaubriand)      25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (K01/00060) (Size:153x84mm)
INT-FMVVG  50 Numismas 2.3.2021 (Vincent Van Gogh)                  25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (S02/00251) (Size:154x85mm)

'Banque de Guadeloupe et de Martinique' (Fantasy)

BGM-FM1     1000 Francs 3.3.2021 (Woman; Fruit seller; Flowers)     25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D03/00317)

'Banque de la Réunion et de Mayotte' (Fantasy)

BRM-FM1     1000 Francs 17.5.2021 (Woman; Fruits; Drummer; Beach)   25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (G01/00040)

More interesting designs:

INT-MGARCH One Pi = 3,14 2024 (Archimedes)                          20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (00285)
INT-MGTESL 80 Years without Nikola Tesla 1943-2023 (Niagara Falls)  20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (NT 00204)


"Bitcoin Cash Notes are a glimpse into the future of cash that will transform the banknote industry.
Each note is able to be deposited with Bitcoin Cash, making it a portable bank account with your
complete control. The key to access the Bitcoin Cash is encapsulated within the note underneath
a tamper-evident seal. They are in very limited supply, and are currently available with very low
id numbers, making them attractive for collectors. They are also a great way to gift or tip."

BTC-1      1 Milli ND (Satoshi Nakamoto) Dimensions: 150x69mm         -    [Photo] (000000001740)
BTC-5      5 Milli ND (Gavin Andresen) Dimensions: 154x69mm           -    [Photo] (000000000114)
BTC-10     10 Milli ND (Mike Hearn) Dimensions: 156x69mm              -    [Photo] (000000000022)
BTC-20     20 Milli ND (Jihan Wu) Dimensions: 158x69mm                -    [Photo] (000000000035)
BTC-50     50 Milli ND (Amaury Séchet) Dimensions: 160x69mm           -    [Photo] (000000000201)
BTC-100    100 Milli ND (Roger Ver) Dimensions: 162x69mm              -    [Photo] (000000000425)
BTC-SET6   Complete set of the above 1,5,10,20,50 & 100 Milli ND    35.00  [above] [Add-to-Cart] SOLD OUT (INQUIRE)

World banknote sets and international banknotes can be found here and here

Checks (cheques) and Thank-You notes:

CMG-BGF1   Cheque: Bank of Good Fortune: 365 Happy Days (20..)       2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (blank, strong watermarked, undated & usable/functional)(147x76 mm)
CMG-BOP1   Cheque: Bank of Prosperity: 365 Happy Days ND(2018)       3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (blank, well watermarked, undated & usable/functional)(147x74 mm)
CMG-OLBF21 One Like 2021 (Woman with mobile; Handshake) MG-signed   50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (watermarked)(175 x 92 mm)
CMG-OBT22  1 Big Thanks 2022 (Allegorical female; Bratislava)       10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (watermarked)(115 x 67 mm)
CMG-GL24   1 Good Luck 2024 (Clover; Piggy bank)                    10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (watermarked)(88 x 53 mm)

IRAN (Persia)

IR-59      10 Rials 1332(1953) (Reza Pahlavi; Seal of Darius) XF    25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (ser#varies)
IR-59      10 Rials 1332(1953) (Reza Pahlavi; Seal of Darius)       50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (42/667868)
IR-65      20 Rials 1333(1954) (Reza Pahlavi; Bank Melli) XF-AU     35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (14/658585)
IR-65      20 Rials 1333(1954) (Shah Reza Pahlavi; Bank Melli)      60.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (20/097018)
IR-78a     20 Rials 1344(1965) (Reza Pahlavi; horseback hunters)    15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (24/7589xx)
IR-78b     20 Rials 1344(1965) (Reza Pahlavi; horseback hunters)    20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (42/7297xx)
IR-84      20 Rials 1348(1969) (Reza Pahlavi; horseback hunters)     8.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (120/3451xx)
IR-97b     50 Rials 1350(1971) (Shah Reza Pahlavi; Land deeds)      22.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (18/4771xx)
IR-100a2   20 Rials (1974-79) (Reza Pahlavi; Amir Kabir dam)         7.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (3/1724xx)
IR-100b    20 Rials (1974-79) (Reza Pahlavi; Amir Kabir dam)        10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (11/1 2083xx)
IR-100c    20 Rials (1974-79) (Reza Pahlavi; Amir Kabir dam)        10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (21/1 3397xx)
IR-103c    200 Rials (1974-79) (Reza Pahlavi; Shahyad Tower) VF+    12.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (127/665963)
IR-132     100 Rials (1981) (Imam Reza Mosque at Mashhad; Charbagh)  5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (49/3 8298xx) (sig.20)
IR-135     100 Rials (1982) (Imam Reza Mosque at Mashhad; Charbagh)  4.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (22/8 9713xx) (sig.21)
IR-136e    200 Rials (2004) (Mosque; farmers)                        3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (59/15 3682xx) Sig: Sheibani; Hosseini
IR-137Ab   500 Rials (2004) (Seminary; Tehran University)            3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (34/29 9815xx) Sig: Sheibani; Hosseini
IR-137Ac   500 Rials (1997) (Seminary; Tehran University)            3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (92/27 4327xx) Sig: Noorbakhsh; Namazi
IR-138f    1000 Rials (1982-) (Fayziya Madrasa in Qom; Omar Mosque)  5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (62/20 1806xx) (sig.25)
IR-140f    100 Rials (1985-) (Ayatollah Moddaress; Parliament)       2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (87/5 5164xx) (sig.28)
IR-140g    100 Rials (1985-) (Ayatollah Modaress; Parliament) Sig.31 2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (53/6 3272xx)
IR-140g    100 Rials (2004)  (Ayatollah Modaress; Parliament)        2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (3/6 4097xx) Sig.35a: Sheibani; Hosseini
IR-141j    2000 Rials (1997) (Revolutionaries; Kaaba in Mecca)       5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (23/19 066982) (Sig.27: Dr. Mohsen Nourbakhsh; Morteza Mohammad Khan)
IR-144a    2000 Rials (2005) (Ayatollah Khomeini; Kaaba in Mecca)    4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (54/1 5647xx) (Sig.32: Ebrahim Sheibani; Davoud Danesh-Jafari)
IR-145e    5000 Rials (1993-) (Ayatollah Khomeini; flowers; birds)   4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (48/17 6348xx) (sig.30)
IR-146f    10000 Rials (2003) (Ayatollah Khomeini; Mount Damavand)   6.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (1/33 5921xx) (Sig.30: Ebrahim Sheibani; Tahmasb Mazaheri)
IR-146g    10000 Rials (2005) (Ayatollah Khomeini; Mount Damavand)   6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (86/41 2008xx) (Sig.32: Ebrahim Sheibani; Davoud Danesh-Jafari)
IR-148c    20000 Rials (2007) (Khomeini; his square in Isfahan)     10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (75/21 3858xx) (Sig.33: Tahmasb Mazaheri; Davoud Danesh-Jafari)
IR-151a    100000 Rials (2009) (Ayatollah Khomeini; Saadi Tomb)     15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (45/12 8694xx)(Sig.35: Mahmoud Bahmani; Shamseddin Hosseini)
IR-151b    100000 Rials (2013) (Ayatollah Khomeini; Saadi Tomb)     10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (49/20 5823xx)(Sig.36: Sig.36: Valiollah Seif; Ali Tayebnia)
IR-153a    20000 Rials (2014) (Khomeini; Aghazadeh Mansion)          7.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (36/26 9764xx) (Sig.36: Valiollah Seif; Ali Tayebnia)
IR-153Ab   500000 Rials (2009) (Imam Reza Shrine; calligraphy)      30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (871611/0234xx/xx) (Sig.2 (Cheque): Mahmoud Bahmani) Blue ink seal on reverse
IR-154     500000 Rials (2014) (Imam Reza Shrine; drink fountain)   20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (1342/4858xx) (Sig.3: Valiollah Seif)
IR-154Aa   1 Million Rials (2008) (Tachara Palace in Persepolis)    20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (872104/6508xx/xx) (Sig.1 (Cheque): Dr. Tahmaseb Mazaheri)
IR-154Ba   1 Million Rials (2009) (Tachara Palace in Persepolis)    35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (872124/2499xx/xx) (Sig.1 (Cheque): Mahmoud Bahmani)
IR-154Bb   1 Million Rials (2013) (Tachara Palace in Persepolis)    25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (872192/1958xx/xx) (Sig.2 (Cheque): Valiollah Seif)
IR-154Ca   2 Million Rials (2008/2023) (Karun-3 Hydroelectric Dam)  30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (873019/5313xx/xx) (Sig.1 (Cheque): Dr. Tahmaseb Mazaheri)
IR-154Cb   2 Million Rials (2009/2023) (Karun-3 Hydroelectric Dam)  22.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (873063/6823xx/xx) (Sig.2 (Cheque): Mahmoud Bahmani)
IR-155b    50000 Rials (2019) (R. Khomeini; Tehran University gate) 10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (57/24 2687xx) (Sig.39: Abdolnaser Hemmati; Farhad Dejpasand)
IR-159a    10000 Rials (2017) (R. Khomeini; Tomb of Hafez, Shiraz)   5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (65/1 3482xx) (Sig.36: Valiollah Seif; Ali Tayebnia)
IR-159c    10000 Rials (2018) (R. Khomeini; Tomb of Hafez, Shiraz)   4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (83/3 4938xx) (Sig.39: Abdolnaser Hemmati; Farhad Dejpasand)
IR-164c    500000 Rials (2021) (Imam Reza Shrine; Mt. Damavand)     13.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (1499/9952xx) (Sig.6/3: Ali Salehabadi)
IR-164d    500000 Rials (2023) (Imam Reza Shrine; Mt. Damavand)     12.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (1569/4238xx) (Sig.7/4: Mohammad Reza Farzin)
IR-165a    1000000 Rials (2020) (Tachara Palace; Oil refinery)      22.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (2127/0308xx) (Sig.4: Abdolnaser Hemmati (Abd al-Nasir Himmati))
IR-166a    1000000 Rials (2022) (Fatima Masumeh Shrine; Refinery)   21.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (2182/333322) (Sig.6/1: Ali Salehabadi)
IR-166b    1000000 Rials (2023) (Fatima Masumeh Shrine; Refinery)   17.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (2512/9405xx) (Sig.7/2: Mohammad Reza Farzin)

IRAQ (Assyria, Babylon, Irak, Mesopotamia, Sumer)

IQ-66a     25 Dinars 1978 (Arabian horses; Abbasid Palace) XF       15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (0627364 ayn-kha/19)
IQ-69c     1 Dinar 1984 (coin; Al-Mustansiriyah School in Baghdad)   2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (08054xx waaw/421)
IQ-73      25 Dinars 1986 (Saddam Hussein; horsemen; monument) UNC-  5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (01601xx ayn-kha/52)
IQ-75b     50 Dinars 1991 (Saddam Hussein; Great Mosque) sec-thrd    5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Serial#varies)
IQ-76r     100 Dinars 1991 (Saddam Hussein; Victory Arch Monument)   3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (03245xx daal-miim/17) (Reprint)
IQ-77      1/4 Dinar 1993 (Date palms; Middle Gate - Bab al-Wastani) 1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (01673xx alif-raa/55)
IQ-80b     5 Dinars 1992 (Saddam Hussein; Unknown Soldier's tomb)    2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (04055xx alif-kha/477)
IQ-81      10 Dinars 1992 (Dictator Saddam Hussein; winged beast)    3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (02396xx alif-ayn/19)
IQ-83      50 Dinars 1994 (Saddam Hussein; Saddam bridge)            3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (05098xx nuun-kha/551)
IQ-84a     100 Dinars 1994 (Saddam Hussein; Baghdad clock) AU-UNC    3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (06693xx alif-miim/558)
IQ-85a     250 Dinars 1994 (Saddam Hussein; Liberty Monument)        3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (04508xx daal-kha-miim/1199)
IQ-86      25 Dinars 2001 (Saddam Hussein; Ishtar Gate)              1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (04435xx 0066)
IQ-87      100 Dinars 2002 (Saddam Hussein; Old Baghdad)             2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (06510xx 0023)
IQ-88      250 Dinars 2002 (Saddam Hussein; Rock Dome)               2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (04549xx 1388)
IQ-90      50 Dinars 2003 (Basra grain silo; date palm trees)        1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B/21 70456xx)
IQ-91a     250 Dinars 2003 (Astrolabe; Spiral minaret in Samarra)    2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (J/17 16191xx)
IQ-93a     1000 Dinars 2003 (Gold dinar coin; Mustansiriya School)   6.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D/88 72508xx)
IQ-98Ab    500 Dinars 2018 (Dukan Dam; Lamassu Winged Bull statue)   3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (T'/34 52599xx) Sig: Ali Mohsen Ismail Al-Alaq (name in print)
IQ-100c    5000 Dinars 2023 (Geli Ali Beg waterfall; al-Ukhether)   15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (H/210 07903xx) Sig: Mustafa Ghaleb
IQ-101c    10000 Dinars 2018 (Freedom Monument; Al Hadba Minaret)   28.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (W/118 10258xx) Sig: Ali Mohsen Ismail Al-Alaq (name in print)
IQ-102g    25000 Dinars 2023 (Kurdish peasant; tractor; Hammurabi)  55.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Z/254 14943) Sig: Ali Mohsen Ismail Al-Alaq
IQ-103e    50000 Dinars 2023 (Water wheel; waterfall; fishermen)    98.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Y/101 41212xx) Sig: Ali Mohsen Ismail Al-Alaq
IQ-104     1000 Dinars 2018 (Shamash symbol; Mustansiriya School)    5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D/56 618788x)


IE-56d     10 Shillings 1.9.1959 (Lady Hazel Lavery) VF-XF          85.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (78N 342789)
IE-72a     10 Pounds 18.7.1978 (Jonathan Swift; Dublin map) VF-XF  150.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (EGC 961285)(Sig: Murray; O'Cofaigh)
IE-73b     20 Pounds 11.7.1983 (W.B. Yeats; Blasket islands) XF    235.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (GKE 049317)(Sig: O'Cofaigh; Doyle)
IE-75b     5 Pounds 15.10.1999 (Catherine McAuley; classroom)       50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (RTM 519311)


Bank of Ireland

IEN-92     20 Pounds 2.10.2017 (BOI, county emblems; OB Distillery) 60.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AN281074) polymer plastic

Danske Bank

IEN-215    20 Pounds 6.7.2019 (Henry Ferguson; tractor; Belfast)    60.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AB1452487) polymer plastic


IM-40b     1 Pound (1991) (Map outline; QEII; Tynwald Hill)          9.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Y3013xx)
IM-41b     5 Pounds (1991) (Map outline; QEII; Castle Rushen)       23.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (K4781xx)

ISRAEL (Israël, Izrael, Israele, Israíl, Judea, Jewish State, Judaica, Canaan)

IL-29a     1/2 Lira 1958 (soldier woman; Tomb of Sanhedrin)         10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (H/1 4931xx)
IL-30c     1 Lira 1958 (fisherman; synagogue floor mosaic)           6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (L/8 083xxxx)
IL-31a     5 Lirot 1958 (worker; factory; Seal of Shema)            15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (N/2 8513xx)
IL-33e     50 Lirot 1960 (boy; girl; mosaic of menorah)             35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (TZ/2 696446)
IL-34a     5 Lirot 1968 (Albert Einstein; atomic nuclear reactor)   20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Y/7 340860xx)
IL-35a     10 Lirot 1968 (Chaim Nahman Bialik; house in Tel-Aviv)   15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (V/2 045472xx)
IL-35b     10 Lirot 1968 (Chaim Nahman Bialik; house in Tel-Aviv)   15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (N/3 89120658)
IL-35c     10 Lirot 1968 (Chaim Nahman Bialik; house in Tel-Aviv)   15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Z/1 216083xx)
IL-36b     50 Lirot 1968 (Chaim Weizmann; Knesset) UNC              25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Alef/9 014268xx) 
IL-37d     100 Lirot 1968 (Dr. Theodor Herzl; menorah; symbols)     45.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (S/4 43511533)
IL-38      5 Lirot 1973 (Henrietta Szold; Lion's Gate)               4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (730783xxxx)
IL-39      10 Lirot 1973 (Sir Moshe Montefiore; Jaffa Gate)          4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (1939119xxx)
IL-40      50 Lirot 1973 (Chaim Weizmann; Sichem Gate)               7.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (0866331xxx)
IL-41      100 Lirot 1973 (Dr. Theo Herzl; Zion Gate)               10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (6994450xxx)
IL-42      500 Lirot 1975 (David Ben-Gurion; Golden Gate) Fine       7.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (4541233545)
IL-42      500 Lirot 1975 (David Ben-Gurion; Golden Gate) F-VF       8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (serial # varies)
IL-42      500 Lirot 1975 (David Ben-Gurion; Golden Gate) VF         9.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (4144339755)
IL-42      500 Lirot 1975 (David Ben-Gurion; Golden Gate) VF-XF     15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (2445901902)
IL-42      500 Lirot 1975 (David Ben-Gurion; Golden Gate) XF+       35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (3841751871)
IL-42      500 Lirot 1975 (David Ben-Gurion; Golden Gate) AU        40.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (3844300833)
IL-43      1 Sheqel 1978 (Sir Montefiore; Jaffa Gate)                3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (2012349xxx)
IL-44      5 Sheqalim 1978 (Chaim Weizmann; Sichem Gate) Fine        2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (ser#vary)
IL-44      5 Sheqalim 1978 (Chaim Weizmann; Sichem Gate) VF          3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (ser#vary)
IL-44      5 Sheqalim 1978 (Chaim Weizmann; Sichem Gate) XF          4.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (ser#vary)
IL-44      5 Sheqalim 1978 (Chaim Weizmann; Sichem Gate) UNC         6.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (1364975xxx)
IL-45      10 Sheqalim 1978 (Dr. Theo Herzl; Zion Gate)              8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (6587760xxx)
IL-46a     50 Sheqalim 1978 (David Ben-Gurion; Golden Gate)          5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (5410823xxx)
IL-47a     100 Sheqalim 1979 (Jabotinsky; Herod's Gate)             15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (4898974698)
IL-48      500 Sheqalim 1982 (Baron Rothschild; grape vines)        25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (0042933006)
IL-49b     1000 Sheqalim 1983 (Rabbi Maimon-Maimonides; Tiberias)   28.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (3750547644)
IL-50a     5000 Sheqalim 1984 (Levi Eshkol; water pipe)             50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (6221445966)
IL-51Aa    1 New Sheqel 1986 (Rabbi Maimon-Maimonides; Tiberias)    10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (376054xxxx)
IL-52a     5 New Sheqalim 1985 (Levi Eshkol; Jerusalem; irrigation) 15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (64592703xx)
IL-53c     10 New Sheqalim 1992 (Golda Meir; Moscow Synagogue)      20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (091034xxxx)
IL-66b     50 New Shekels 2014 (Shaul Tchernichovsky; Corinthian)   45.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (0090284699)

ITALY (Italia, Italien, Italie)

IT-81a     1000 Lire 14.4.1948 (Angels, cherubins) VF-XF           350.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (W3915/006943)
IT-94a     500 Lire 14.2.1974 (Mercury; Zeus on Trojan Horse) UNC   15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (E02/739428)
IT-94b     500 Lire 2.4.1979 (Mercury; Zeus on Trojan Horse) UNC    12.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (F32/7191xx)
IT-95      500 Lire 20.12.1976 (Mercury; Zeus on Trojan Horse) UNC- 10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (L24/373579)
IT-97a     10000 Lire 3.7.1962 (Michelangelo; del Campidoglio) VF   30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (E0089/037908) Sig: Carli, Ripa
IT-97b     10000 Lire 14.1.1964 (Michelangelo; Campidoglio) F-VF    20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (I0134/059323) Sig: Carli, Ripa
IT-97b     10000 Lire 27.7.1964 (Michelangelo; Campidoglio) VF(et)  25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (H0175/087964) Sig: Carli, Ripa (et)
IT-97c     10000 Lire 20.5.1966 (Michelangelo; del Campidoglio) VF  30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B0262/055848) Sig: Carli, Febbraio
IT-97d     10000 Lire 4.1.1968 (Michelangelo; Campidoglio) VF-XF    40.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (S0330/088763) Sig: Carli, Pacini (2 ph)
IT-97e     10000 Lire 8.6.1970 (Michelangelo; Campidoglio) VF-XF    45.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (G0450/004150) Sig: Carli, Lombardo
IT-97f     10000 Lire 15.2.1973 (Michelangelo; del Campidoglio) VF+ 35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (O0474/003395) Sig: Carli, Barbarito
IT-101a    1000 Lire 25.3.1969 (Giuseppe Verdi; La Scala) Fine       2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (PA 990279 M)
IT-101d    1000 Lire 5.8.1975 (Giuseppe Verdi; La Scala) F-VF        3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BC 763340 M)
IT-101g    1000 Lire 20.2.1980 (Giuseppe Verdi; La Scala) F-VF       3.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (VD 962839 G)
IT-101h    1000 Lire 30.5.1981 (Giuseppe Verdi; La Scala) Fine       2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (UD 458955 V)
IT-102a    5000 Lire 20.5.1971 (C. Columbus; Sailing ships)        150.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (FA 339521 A)
IT-103c    2000 Lire 24.10.1983 (Galileo; Tower of Pisa; Zodiac)    19.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (FA 5268xx Y)
IT-106a    10000 Lire 30.10.1976 (Painting "Portrait of a Man") AU  35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (SA 089547 A)
IT-106b    10000 Lire 3.11.1982 (Painting "Portrait of a Man") VF   15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (HC 135787 P)
IT-106b    10000 Lire 3.11.1982 (Painting "Portrait of a Man") XF   20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (SC 530623 P)
IT-108b    100000 Lire 1.7.1980 (Primavera; architecture) VF        95.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (SA 046270 I)
IT-109b    1000 Lire 6.1.1982 (Marco Polo; Doge Palace in Venice)    5.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (RF 5828xx Q)
IT-110a    100000 Lire 1.9.1983 (Caravaggio; Basket of Fruit) UNC  205.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (FB 265141 N)
IT-110b    100000 Lire 1.9.1983 (Caravaggio; Basket of Fruit) VF+   35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (ME 446175 T) Sig: Ciampi, Speziali
IT-110b    100000 Lire 1.9.1983 (Caravaggio; Basket of Fruit) XF    65.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (FF 056986 H) Sig: Ciampi, Speziali
IT-110b    100000 Lire 1.9.1983 (Caravaggio; Basket of Fruit) AU    90.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (FE 197292 L) Sig: Ciampi, Speziali
IT-111c    5000 Lire 4.1.1985 (V. Bellini; opera Norma scene)       12.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (GD 6057xx S)
IT-112b    10000 Lire 3.9.1984 (Alessandro Volta; Volta Mausoleum)  25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (PD 361091 M)
IT-112d    10000 Lire 3.9.1984 (Alessandro Volta; Volta Mausoleum)  20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (GK 263948 G)
IT-113a    50000 Lire 6.2.1984 (Bernini; Equestrian statue) XF-AU   50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (EB 253122 R)
IT-114a    1000 Lire D.1990 (M. Montessori; teacher and student)     5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (FA 8977xx T)(Sig: Ciampi & Speziali)
IT-114c    Sealed brick of 1000 Lire D.1990 (Maria Montessori)    3250.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (LG 017100 P)(Sig: Fazio & Amici)
IT-115     2000 Lire D.1990 (G. Marconi; yacht Elettra; radio)       8.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (EA 430510 C)
IT-116c    50000 Lire D.1992 (G.L. Bernini; Equestrian statue)     100.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KE 563131 B)
IT-117a    100000 Lire 6.5.1994 (Caravaggio; Fruit Basket) XF-AU   120.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AA 077778 W) Sig: Fazio, Speziali
IT-117a    100000 Lire 6.5.1994 (Caravaggio; Basket of Fruit) AU   125.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AA 121314 R) Sig: Fazio, Speziali
IT-117a    100000 Lire 6.5.1994 (Caravaggio; Basket of Fruit) AU   100.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AA 1213xx R) Sig: Fazio, Speziali
IT-118     500.000 Lire 6.5.1997 (Raffaello and his frescoes) XF   300.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (MA 367228 E)

Trento Cionini (1919 — 2005) Designs Trials & Proofs
Chief engraver at the Bank of Italy 1960 — 1980

IT-CION5   Set of 50, 50, 100, 500000, 500000 Lire 1980s PROOFS    150.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AA272D, AA133D, AA214D, AA067D, AA117D)

ITALY - Local Mini-Cheques - Mini-Assegni

La Banca Agricola Commerciale di Reggio Emilia

IT-BACREC  100 Lire 3.3.1976 (Banca Agr. C. di Reggio Emilia) VF+    1.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CL 2581378)
IT-BACREC  100 Lire 1.9.1976 (Banca Agr. C. di Reggio Emilia) VF     1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CL 3157958)
IT-BACREC  100 Lire 12.11.1976 (Banca Agr. C. di Reggio Emilia) VF   1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CL 5334534)
IT-BACREC  100 Lire 12.11.1976 (Banca Agr. C. di Reggio Emilia) F-VF 1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CL 5576778)
IT-BACREC  100 Lire 12.11.1976 (Banca Agr. C. di Reggio Emilia) VF   1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CL 5969575)
IT-BACREC  100 Lire 18.6.1977 (Banca Agr. C. di Reggio Emilia) F-VF  2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CL 6286317) Issued in: Casina (RE)
IT-BACREC  100 Lire 18.6.1977 (Banca Agr. C. di Reggio Emilia) Fine  2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CL 6447351) Issued in: Casina (RE)
IT-BACREC  100 Lire 30.9.1977 (Banca Agr. C. di Reggio Emilia) Fine  1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CL 6852627)
IT-BACREC  100 Lire 3.10.1977 (Banca Agr. C. di Reggio Emilia) VF    1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CL 7324436)
IT-BACREC  100 Lire 3.10.1977 (Banca Agr. C. di Reggio Emilia) F-VF  1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CL 7369590)
IT-BACREC  100 Lire 5.10.1977 (Banca Agr. C. di Reggio Emilia) VF+   1.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CL 7518951)
IT-BACRECC 200 Lire 30.9.1977 (Banca Agr. C. di Reggio Emilia) VF    1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (DL 1188195)
IT-BACRECC 200 Lire 3.10.1977 (Banca Agr. C. di Reggio Emilia) Fine  1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (DL 1379960)
IT-BACRECC 200 Lire 3.10.1977 (Banca Agr. C. di Reggio Emilia) Fine  1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (DL 1384370)
IT-BACRECC 200 Lire 3.10.1977 (Banca Agr. C. di Reggio Emilia) VF    1.25  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (DL 1301565)
IT-BB50    50 Lire 26.4.1977 (La Banca Belinzaghi, Milano) XF-AU     2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Nº L- 021.578)
IT-BCV100  100 Lire 21.12.1976 (La Banca Cattolica del Veneto) VF    1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (63.987.796)
IT-BCAB-C  100 Lire 25.10.1976 (La Banca Credito Agrario Bresciano)  1.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (102340189) VF-XF
IT-BCAB-C  100 Lire 12.9.1977 (La Banca Credito Agrario Bresciano)   1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (106419764) F-VF
IT-BCAB-C  100 Lire 13.2.1978 (La Banca Credito Agrario Bresciano)   1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (107557963) F-VF
La Banca di Credito Agrario di Ferrara

IT-BCAF50  50 Lire 10.8.1976 (Banca di Credito Agr. di Ferrara) Fine 0.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Nº 9020401)
IT-BCAF50  50 Lire 27.9.1976 (Banca di Credito Agr. di Ferrara) VG   0.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Nº 9161410)
IT-BCAF50  50 Lire 20.5.1977 (Banca di Credito Agr. di Ferrara) Fine 1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (GP Nº 3845765)(Sig: C.e.C. Autostrade S.p.A., Bologna)
IT-BCAF-C  100 Lire 10.8.1976 (Banca d Credito Agr. di Ferrara) Fine 1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Nº 7961041)
IT-BCAF-C  100 Lire 3.1.1977 (Banca di Credito Agr. di Ferrara) Fine 1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AF Nº 1125136)
IT-BCAF-C  100 Lire 3.1.1977 (Banca di Credito Agr. di Ferrara) F-VF 2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AF Nº 161794)(Pizzeria Tavola - Calda, stamped on bk.)
IT-BCAF-C  100 Lire 4.4.1977 (Banca di Credito Agr. di Ferrara) VF   1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AF Nº 2109088)
IT-BCAF-C  100 Lire 3.5.1977 (Banca di Credito Agr. di Ferrara) VF+  1.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AF Nº 3309493)(wmk: full bank inscription)
IT-BCAF-C  100 Lire 21.6.1977 (Banca Credito Agr. di Ferrara) XF-AU  2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AF Nº 6862156)(wmk: rosette designs)(Sig: C.e.C. Autostrade S.p.A., Bologna)
IT-BCAF-C  100 Lire 4.8.1977 (Banca di Credito Agr. di Ferrara) XF   2.25  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AF Nº 11843081)(wmk: rosette designs)(Sig: C.e.C. Autostrade S.p.A., Bologna)
IT-BCAF-C  100 Lire 13.9.1977 (Banca di Credito Agr. di Ferrara) aVF 2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AF Nº 18068120)(wmk: rosette designs)(Sig: C.e.C. Autostrade S.p.A., Bologna)
IT-BCAF150 150 Lire 27.6.1977 (Banca di Credito Agr. di Ferrara) aVF 2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CA Nº 2842127)(wmk: rosette designs)(1 cm tear)
IT-BF150   150 Lire 16.5.1977 (La Banca del Friuli, Udine) VG-F      1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Nº005142554)
IT-BPB100  100 Lire 22.12.1976 (La Banca Popolare di Bergamo) F-VF   1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A/1148420)
IT-BPB100  100 Lire 22.12.1976 (La Banca Popolare di Bergamo) F-VF   1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A/1445033)
IT-BPB100  100 Lire 24.6.1977 (La Banca Popolare di Bergamo) F-VF    1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A/3739727)
IT-BPM50   50 Lire 21.2.1977 (La Banca Popolare di Milano) F-VF      1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (082598984)
IT-BPM50   50 Lire 28.3.1977 (La Banca Popolare di Milano) F-VF      1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (085260163)
IT-BPM50   50 Lire 30.6.1977 (La Banca Popolare di Milano) Fine      1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A80140300)
IT-BPM100  100 Lire 10.5.1977 (La Banca Popolare di Milano) F-VF     1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (097456646)
IT-BPN100  100 Lire 27.10.1976 (La Banca Popolare di Novara) F-VF    1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (050081431)(Sig: Guglielmo Guaglio)
IT-BPN100  100 Lire 19.11.1976 (La Banca Popolare di Novara) aXF     1.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (056326144)(Sig: Guglielmo Guaglio)
IT-BPN100  100 Lire 3.12.1976 (La Banca Popolare di Novara) VF       1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (060806977)(Sig: Gaetano Quadrio)
IT-BPN100  100 Lire 20.1.1977 (La Banca Popolare di Novara) VF       1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (070541693)(Sig: On. Aristide Tesini)
IT-BPN100  100 Lire 20.1.1977 (La Banca Popolare di Novara) VF+      1.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (070589216)(Sig: On. Aristide Tesini)
IT-BPL50   50 Lire 19.1.1978 (La Banca Provinciale Lombarda) Fine    1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (926214995) Sede di Bergamo
IT-BPL100  100 Lire 24.9.1976 (La Banca Provinciale Lombarda) F-VF   2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (912939015) Sede di Pavia
IT-BPL100  100 Lire 10.12.1976 (La Banca Provinciale Lombarda) Fine  1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (911923954) Sede di Bergamo
IT-BPL100  100 Lire 21.12.1977 (La Banca Provinciale Lombarda) F-VF  1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (927659664) Sede di Bergamo
IT-BPL100  100 Lire 13.1.1978 (La Banca Provinciale Lombarda) F-VF   1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (928192845) Sede di Bergamo
IT-BPL100  100 Lire 10.3.1978 (La Banca Provinciale Lombarda) VF     1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (928294944) Sede di Bergamo
IT-BPL100  100 Lire 6.4.1978 (La Banca Provinciale Lombarda) F-VF    1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (928016955) Sede di Bergamo
IT-BPL150  150 Lire 12.8.1977 (La Banca Provinciale Lombarda) VF     1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (924811849) Sede di Bergamo
IT-BPL150  150 Lire 22.9.1977 (La Banca Provinciale Lombarda) Fine   1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (925182822) Sede di Bergamo
IT-BPL200  200 Lire 16.11.1976 (La Banca Provinciale Lombarda) VG    0.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (913635117) Sede di Bergamo
IT-BPL200  200 Lire 11.2.1977 (La Banca Provinciale Lombarda) VG     0.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (915677496) Sede di Bergamo
IT-BPL200  200 Lire 17.6.1977 (La Banca Provinciale Lombarda) VG-F   1.25  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (921968334) Sede di Lodi
La Banca San Paolo di Brescia

IT-BSPB100 100 Lire 15.11.1976 (La Banca S.Paolo-Brescia) Fine       1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (101170047)
IT-BSPB100 100 Lire 15.11.1976 (La Banca S.Paolo-Brescia) VF         1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (102057702)
IT-BSPB100 100 Lire 1.8.1977 (La Banca S.Paolo-Brescia) Fine         1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (103794743)
IT-BSPB100 100 Lire 3.11.1977 (La Banca S.Paolo-Brescia) Fine        1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (105335712)
IT-BSPB150 150 Lire 3.11.1977 (La Banca S.Paolo-Brescia) F-VF        1.25  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (152475248)
IT-BSPB200 200 Lire 15.11.1976 (La Banca S.Paolo-Brescia) F-VF       1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (201195004)
IT-BA100   100 Lire 6.4.1977 (Il Banco Ambrosiano, Milano) VG-F      1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (991486554)
IT-BA100   100 Lire 29.6.1977 (Il Banco Ambrosiano, Milano) Fine     1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (992756220)
Il Banco di Chiavari e della Riviera Ligure

IT-BCRL200 200 Lire 15.2.1977 (B.d Chiavari e.d. Riviera Ligure) VG  0.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (020710462)
IT-BS100   100 Lire 2.4.1976 (Il Banco di Sicilia, Bologna) VF       1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BA Nº 1269982)(Sig: Battaglia)
IT-BS100   100 Lire 2.4.1976 (Il Banco di Sicilia, Catania) VG       0.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BB Nº 1402295)(Sig: Cav. Giuseppe Recca)
IT-BS100   100 Lire 25.10.1976 (Il Banco di Sicilia, Catania) VF     1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BB Nº 2488010)(Sig: Cav. Giuseppe Recca)
IT-BS100   100 Lire 25.10.1976 (Il Banco di Sicilia, Firenze) VG-F   1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BC Nº 1433685)
IT-BS150   150 Lire 25.10.1976 (Il Banco di Sicilia, Ancona) F-VF    1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AI Nº 1272946)(Sig: Comm. Bruno Bedetti)
IT-CA100   100 Lire 5.5.1977 (Il Credito Artigiano, Milano) VG-F     1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (054829977)
IT-CA150   150 Lire 15.7.1977 (Il Credito Artigiano, Milano) F-VF    1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (061940327)
IT-CV100   100 Lire 1.10.1976 (Credito Varesino, Varese) VF          1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (803007338)(Sig: Dott. A. Taborelli)
IT-CV100   100 Lire 7.10.1977 (Credito Varesino, Varese) Fine        1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (812273841)(Sig: La Centrale, Finanziaria Generale S.p.A.)
IT-CV100   100 Lire 14.11.1977 (Credito Varesino, Varese) Fine       1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (813477642)(Sig: Dott. A. Taborelli)
IT-CV100   100 Lire 20.2.1978 (Credito Varesino, Varese) VF          1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (816243301)(Sig: Dott. A. Taborelli)
IT-CV200   200 Lire 15.11.1976 (Credito Varesino, Varese) VF         1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (950486719)(Sig: Dott. A. Taborelli)
IT-IBI100  100 Lire 1.3.1976 (L'Istituto Bancario Italiano) XF       2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (412933391) Sede di Roma
IT-IBI100  100 Lire 1.3.1976 (L'Istituto Bancario Italiano) VF-XF    1.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (411290158) Sede di Roma
IT-IBI100  100 Lire 14.12.1976 (L'Istituto Bancario Italiano) F-VF   1.25  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (424595514) Sede di Napoli (Sig: Lino Coppola, ASCOM)
IT-IBI100  100 Lire 21.12.1976 (L'Istituto Bancario Italiano) VF     1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (423726635) Sede di Roma
IT-IBI100  100 Lire 28.12.1976 (L'Istituto Bancario Italiano) F-VF   1.25  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (426432614) Sede di Napoli (Sig: I.C.A.R., Il Segretario Generale)
IT-IBI100  100 Lire 28.12.1976 (L'Istituto Bancario Italiano) VF     1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (421966425) Sede di Roma
L'Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino

IT-IBSPT50 50 Lire 27.1.1976 (Ist-to Banc. S.Paolo di Torino) Fine   1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (250120489) Sede di Piazza San Carlo
IT-IBSPT50 50 Lire 27.1.1976 (Ist-to Banc. S.Paolo di Torino) VG     0.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (250310849) Sede di Piazza San Carlo
IT-IBSPT50 50 Lire 29.1.1976 (Ist-to Banc. S.Paolo di Torino) VG-F   1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (252841735) Sede di Genova
IT-IBSPT-C 100 Lire 14.1.1976 (Ist-to Banc. S.Paolo di Torino) F-VF  1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (216725046) Sede di Milano
IT-IBSPT-C 100 Lire 20.12.1976 (Ist-to Banc. S.Paolo di Torino) VF   1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (285675734) Succursale di Piacenza
IT-IBSPT-C 100 Lire 18.2.1977 (Ist-to Banc. S.Paolo di Torino) Fine  1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (289692748) Sede di Milano
IT-IBSPTCC 200 Lire 21.1.1976 (Ist-to Banc. S.Paolo di Torino) VG-F  1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (220029769) Sede di Piazza San Carlo
IT-IBSPTCC 200 Lire 23.1.1976 (Ist-to Banc. S.Paolo di Torino) Fine  1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (223230725) Sede di Genova
Istituto Centrale di Banche e Banchieri

IT-ICBB100 100 Lire 25.2.1977 (Ist-to Ctr di Banche e Banchieri) XF  1.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (103052012) Banca Emiliana - Parma
IT-ICBB100 100 Lire 25.2.1977 (Ist-to Ctr di Banche e Banchieri) XF  1.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (103220102) Banca Emiliana - Parma
IT-ICBB100 100 Lire 25.2.1977 (Ist-to Ctr di Banche e Banchieri) aXF 1.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (103271239) Banca Emiliana - Parma
IT-ICBB100 100 Lire 7.3.1977 (Ist-to Ctr di Banche e Banchieri) XF   1.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (106739756) Banca della Provincia di Napoli
IT-ICBB100 100 Lire 7.3.1977 (Ist-to Ctr di Banche e Banchieri) AU   2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (106739757) Banca della Provincia di Napoli
IT-ICBB100 100 Lire 25.6.1977 (Ist-to Ctr di Banche e Banchieri) aVF 1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (112181719) Banco S.Geminiano e S.Prospero s.p.a.
IT-ICBB100 100 Lire 5.7.1977 (Ist-to Ctr di Banche e Banchieri)  VF  2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (113971922) Kiola Cantine Batasiolo S.p.A., Sig: Roberto Censabella (Sig: Carlo Nasalli Rocca, Banca Rasini S.p.A.)
IT-ICBB100 100 Lire 16.8.1977 (Ist-to Ctr di Banche e Banchieri) VF  1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (115851041) Banco Lariano, Sede di Como
IT-ICBB150 150 Lire 20.7.1977 (Ist-to Ctr di Banche e Banchieri) VF  1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (201071516) Banca Emiliana - Parma
IT-ICBB150 150 Lire 20.7.1977 (Ist-to Ctr di Banche e Banchieri) VF  1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (201081321) Banca Emiliana - Parma
L'Istituto Centrale delle Banche Popolari Italiane

IT-ICBPI-C 100 Lire 27.10.1976 (L'Ist Ctr dle Banche Pplari Itl) VG  0.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (01097477) Assoc. Commercianti - Banca Popolare S.Agata - Catania
IT-ICBPI-C 100 Lire 22.11.1976 (L'Ist Ctr dl Banche Pplari Itl) Fine 1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (05023640) Unione Artigiani di Lodi e Circondario; Banca Mutua Popolare Agricola di Lodi
IT-ICBPI-C 100 Lire 22.11.1976 (L'Ist Ctr dl Banche Pplari Itl) Fine 1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (03121607) Assoc. Prov. Comm. & Banca Popolare di Ravenna
IT-ICBPI-C 100 Lire 5.1.1977 (L'Ist Ctr dle Banche Pplari Itl) VF    1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (21032516) Ass. Comm. Prov. & Banca Popolare di Modena
IT-ICBPI-C 100 Lire 18.2.1977 (L'Ist Ctr dle Banche Pplari Itl) F-VF 1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (32242651) Ass. Comm. & Banca Popolare di Catania
IT-ICBPI-C 100 Lire 20.5.1977 (L'Ist Ctr dle Banche Pplari Itl) Fine 1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (44361060) Ass. Comm. Prov. & Banca Popolare di Cremona
IT-ICBPI-C 100 Lire 27.6.1977 (L'Ist Ctr dle Banche Pplari Itl) VG-F 0.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (48999520) Ass. Comm. & Banca Popolare di Abbiategrasso / Circondario
IT-ICBPI-C 100 Lire 27.6.1977 (L'Ist Ctr dle Banche Pplari Itl) F-VF 1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (48858082) Banca di Credito Popolare e Coop. di Reggio Emilia
IT-ICBPI-C 100 Lire 6.7.1977 (L'Ist Ctr dle Banche Pplari Itl) VG    0.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (51442948) Banca Popolare Santo Stefano - Portogruaro / Caorle
L'Istituto di Credito delle Casse Rurali e Artigiane

IT-ICCRA-C 100 Lire 14.1.1977 (L'Ist Cred dle Casse Rur e Artg) Fine 1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (1164976) Raiffeisenverband Südtirol - Bolzano (Bozen)
IT-ICCRA-C 100 Lire 18.2.1977 (L'Ist Cred dle Casse Rur e Artg) VG   0.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (5993163) Ditta Raggi Molk Pietro Faenza
IT-ICCRA-C 100 Lire 31.3.1977 (L'Ist Cred dle Casse Rur e Artg) VF   1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (8854632) Castrocaro Terra del Sole Football Club

IVORY COAST (Côte d'Ivoire)

CI-103Ae   1000 Francs (1966) (Married couple; older man) VF        55.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (S.55/136775169) Sig: Mohamed Salem Ould M'Khaitirat; Robert Julienne
CI-103Ag   1000 Francs (1968-70) (Married couple; older man) VF+    60.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (N.73/181244035) Sig: T.M. Garango; Robert Julienne
CI-103Ah   1000 Francs (1971) (Married couple; older man) aVF       45.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (V.94/234514974) Sig: Babacar Bâ; Robert Julienne
CI-103Ah   1000 Francs (1971) (Married couple; older man) VF        50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Z.92/229849723) Sig: Babacar Bâ; Robert Julienne
CI-103Aj   1000 Francs (1974) (Married couple; older man) VF        50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Z.118/294893270) Sig: Edem Kodjo; Robert Julienne
CI-103Ak   1000 Francs (1975) (Married couple; older man) VF        50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (O.141/351302153) Sig: Edem Kodjo; Abdoulaye Fadiga
CI-108Aa   5000 Francs 1977 (woman; fishing scenes; carvings) VF    40.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (N.1/0012443605) Sig: Fadiga, Bedie
CI-108Ab   5000 Francs 1978 (woman; fishing scenes; carvings) UNC- 125.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (W.1/0021235897) Sig: Fadiga, Amoussou
CI-108Ag   5000 Francs 1989 (woman; fishing scenes) AU-UNC          95.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (R.010/0241683339) Sig: Fadiga, Kone
CI-113Ag   5000 Francs 1998 (Smelting; women; pottery market) VF    25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (9817716948) Sig: Banny, Ngoran
CI-113Ai   5000 Francs 1999 (Smelting; women; pottery market) aXF   35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (9943206877) Sig: Banny, Gnandou
CI-113Al   5000 Francs 2002 (Smelting; women; pottery market) VF-XF 30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (02059562747) Sig: Banny, Assimaidou
CI-113Al   5000 Francs 2002 (Smelting; pottery market) (sd) AU      50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (02069641177) Sig: Banny, Assimaidou (minimal soiling on the right side)
CI-113Am   5000 Francs 2003 (Smelting; women; pottery market) VF    27.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (03058036796) Sig: Banny, Assimaidou
CI-114Ah   10000 Francs 1999 (BCEAO building; man; vine bridge) aXF 40.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (9932456105) Sig: Banny, Gnandou (light "turmeric" stains)
CI-114Ai   10000 Francs 2000 (BCEAO building; man; vine bridge) aXF 40.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (0002285222) Sig: Banny, Diop
CI-118Aj   10000 Francs 2011 (Sawfish; Tauraco macrorhynchus)       40.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (11330676982)
CI-119Ai   500 Francs 2020 (Stylized sawfish; touch tablet; hippos)  6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (203148036xx)

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