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All items are in UNC (uncirculated) condition (even if unmarked) unless stated otherwise.
All the goods on this page are genuine and original (not forgeries, not counterfeits)
and are carefully inspected, identified, graded, appraised and described accordingly.

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Katanga, Kazakhstan, Keeling Cocos Islands, Kenya, Kerguelen, Kingdom of Time, Korea, Mainland Korea, South Korea,
Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan.

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Code #      Description        Search Entire Website        Price in €    PIC  Shopping Cart


KAT-5Ar    10 Francs (1960) Obverse incompletely printed. UNC-     100.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]

KAZAKHSTAN (Kasachstan, Kazachstan, Kazakhia, Qazaq Eli)

KZ-1c      1 Tiyn 1993 (arms)                                        1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (serial#varies)
KZ-2b      2 Tiyn 1993 (arms)                                        2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (481xxxx)
KZ-2c      2 Tiyn 1993 (arms)                                        2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (8613xxx)
KZ-2d      2 Tiyn 1993 (arms)                                        2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (8612xxx)
KZ-3a      5 Tiyn 1993 (arms)                                        2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (0966xxx)
KZ-4a      10 Tiyn 1993 (arms)                                       2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (1910xxx)
KZ-5b      20 Tiyn 1993 (arms)                                       2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (07497xx)
KZ-6b      50 Tiyn 1993 (arms)                                       3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (04371xx)
KZ-7a      1 Tenge 1993 (Al-Farabi; architectural drawings mosque)   2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AM26040xx)
KZ-8a      3 Tenge 1993 (Suinbai; mountain river; Alatau mountains)  2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AY33717xx)
KZ-9a      5 Tenge 1993 (Kurmangazy Sagyrbaev; Mausoleum complex)    3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AF25523xx)
KZ-10a     10 Tenge 1993 (Shoqan Valikhanov; Mount Okzhetpes)        4.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AT91671xx)
KZ-11a     20 Tenge 1993 (Abai Kunanbaev; horseback hunter; eagle)  10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AM50380xx)
KZ-12a     50 Tenge 1993 (Abilkhair Khan; native artwork)           12.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BE23221xx)
KZ-13b     100 Tenge 1993(2001) (Ablai-Khan; Yasavi Mausoleum)      10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (GA78447xx)
KZ-28      200 Tenge 2006 (Baiterek; Statehood symbols & monuments)  4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BE41459xx)
KZ-35      1000 Tenge 2010 (Astana-Baiterek mon-mt; Akorda Palace)  18.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AA0304512)
KZ-44      1000 Tenge (2013) (Kul Tigin; Turkic drawings)           12.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AA17898xx)
KZ-A45     500 Tenge 2017 (Independence monument, map, seagulls)     6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AA94808xx)
KZ-55      10000 Tenge 2024 (Irbis, the snow leopard)               65.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AA4876556)


Sold out. Buying.

KENYA (East Africa)

KE-9a      50 Shillings 1.7.1969 (Mt. Kenya) (pen "23") VF-XF      200.00  [F] [B] [Add-to-Cart] (A/6 229706)
KE-15      5 Shillings 1.7.1978 (Jomo Kenyatta; coffee plantation)   4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C/33 3441xx)
KE-16      10 Shillings 1.7.1978 (Mzee Jomo Kenyatta; cattle)        6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C/46 3946xx)
KE-17      20 Shillings 1.7.1978 (Mzee Jomo Kenyatta; lion family)   8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C/60 2032xx)
KE-42a     100 Shillings 2.2.2004 (Mzee Jomo Kenyatta; mountains)    8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BK99004xx)
KE-44a     500 Shillings 1.4.2003 (Jomo Kenyatta; Parliament)       25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AL74087xx)
KE-46      200 Shillings 12.12.2003 (40 Years of Independence)      20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AU17685xx)
KE-47b     50 Shillings 1.4.2006 (Mzee Jomo Kenyatta; caravan) UNC-  3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CD91139xx)
KE-47e     50 Shillings 16.7.2010 (Mzee Jomo Kenyatta; caravan) UNC  3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (ER04172xx)
KE-52      50 Shillings 2019 (Kenyatta statue; Power industries)     3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AC25077xx)
KE-53      100 Shillings 2019 (Kenyatta statue; Agriculture etc)     5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AB19097xx)
KE-54      200 Shillings 2019 (Kenyatta statue; Education, health)   9.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AA2638867)

KERGUELEN (private release with time-limited reimbursability)

KL-1       100 Francs 13.2.2010 (Admiral Kerguelen; cat) polymer     4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (068xx)
KL-2       200 Francs 5.11.2010 (Rene Bossière; cat) polymer         6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (0269x)

KINGDOM OF TIME (Royaume du Temps; Tempore Regnum; private release)

The following "Time Currency" by "Kingdom of Time" are monetarily
semi-negotiable time currency collectibles, which can be converted
into/from time, goods, labour or services by a wide variety of ways,
factors and mutual agreements. Other denominations such as "weeks",
"months", "years" etc. are being designed and will be released in
the nearest future. So far the first 100 notes were issued with
serial numbers X 000001 through X 000100. "One Second" notes got
updated in 2012 and the second 100 pieces of notes were released.
Unique pieces with unique date and time of release. Time is Money!

KT-3-2     One Hour 2008 (Labour) Serial # C 000002                100.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] RARE (unique)

Coin featuring Michael Jackson (1958-2009) (only 100 coins minted):

KT-9C-1    One Lifetime - Michael Jackson Commemorative coin 2009
           with serial numbers A0001 - A0100. This coin # A0001    100.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]
KT-9C-2    One Lifetime - Michael Jackson Commemorative coin 2009
           with serial numbers A0001 - A0100. This coin # A0002     50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]
KT-9C-3    One Lifetime - Michael Jackson Commemorative coin 2009
           with serial numbers A0001 - A0100. This coin # A0003     40.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]
KT-9C-4    One Lifetime - Michael Jackson Commemorative coin 2009
           with serial numbers A0001 - A0100. This coin # A0004     30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]
KT-9C-5    One Lifetime - Michael Jackson Commemorative coin 2009
           with serial numbers A0001 - A0100. This coin # A0005     20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]
KT-9C      One Lifetime - Michael Jackson Commemorative coin 2009
           Any one coin with a serial # A0006 through A0100         15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]

Coin featuring the 9/11 Massacre (2001-2011) (only 100 coins minted):

KT-8C-1    One Decade - 9/11 Massacre Commemorative coin 2011
           with serial numbers A0001 - A0100. This coin # A0001    100.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]
KT-8C-2    One Decade - 9/11 Massacre Commemorative coin 2011
           with serial numbers A0001 - A0100. This coin # A0002     50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]
KT-8C-3    One Decade - 9/11 Massacre Commemorative coin 2011
           with serial numbers A0001 - A0100. This coin # A0003     40.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]
KT-8C-4    One Decade - 9/11 Massacre Commemorative coin 2011
           with serial numbers A0001 - A0100. This coin # A0004     30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]
KT-8C-5    One Decade - 9/11 Massacre Commemorative coin 2011
           with serial numbers A0001 - A0100. This coin # A0005     20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]
KT-8C      One Decade - 9/11 Massacre Commemorative coin 2011
           Any one coin with a serial # A0006 through A0100         15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]

KOREA pre-1948 (Koryo)

KOR-29a    1 Yen (1932) (Bearded man) F-VF                          20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] ({227} 445636)
KOR-31a    10 Yen (1932) (Bearded man; Bank of Chosen) Fine         25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] ({18} 609464)

KOREA (MAINLAND) (Koryo, The Mainland)

KP-8b      1 Won 1947 (Worker and farmer; mountains)                 3.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KB/P 5012xx)
KP-20c     10 Won 1978 (Chonllima Statue in Pyongyang; factories)    2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (HP 0576xx)
KP-22a     100 Won 1978 (K.I.Sung; Mangyongdae)                      5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (MK 6858xx)
KP-27a     1 Won 1988 (Equestrian statue "Chollima")                 2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (G/K-D/T 0324xx)
KP-34      50 Chon 1988 (Coat of arms)                               2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (SB/P 0070xx)
KP-40b1    5 Won 1998 (University; students; nuclear design; palace) 2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (NS 35432xx)(wmk normal)
KP-40b2    5 Won 1998 (University; students; nuclear design; palace) 2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (NN 59935xx)(wmk shifted)
KP-44c     500 Won 2007 (Kumsusan Memorial; suspension bridge)       4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (MB/P 3456xx)
KP-46c     5000 Won 2006 (K.I.Sung and his birth place)              6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (G/K-NG 33885xx)
KP-48      200 Won 2005 (Siebold's Magnolia flowers)                 2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D/T-CH 8974xx)
KP-58      5 Won 2002 (Two men; nuclear design; Hwanggang Dam)       2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (NM 16697xx)
KP-59      10 Won 2002 (Soldiers; Liberation Victory Monument)       2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (G/KS 38030xx)
KP-60      50 Won 2002 (Korean youth; Workers Party Monument)        3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (G/KP 04735xx)

KOREA (SOUTH) (Koryo, The Peninsula)

KR-28      10 Jeon 1962  (- 2 -)                                     2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (-2-)
KR-29      50 Jeon 1962  (- 2 -) AU                                  2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (-2-)
KR-29      50 Jeon 1962  (- 2 -) UNC-                                2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (-2-)
KR-47      1000 Won (1983) (Scholar Yi Hwang; Tosanseowon Academy)   5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (MeoGeoNeo 14783xx)
KR-54      1000 Won (2007) (Toegye (Lee Hwang); Gaesangjunggeodo)    5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BF0101xxxK)
KR-55      5000 Won (2006) (Scholar Yi I Yulgok; Insect and Plants) 12.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (DJ08193xxE)
KR-56      10000 Won (2007)(Sejong the Great; Astrolabe; Telescope) 22.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KH2646217K)

KUWAIT (Quwait, Q8)

KW-11d     1/4 Dinar L.1968 (1980-91) (Oil derrick; Oil refinery)    8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AJ/56 8705xx)
KW-13d     1 Dinar (1980-91) (Telecommunications center; fortress)   5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (JimJim/49 7775xx)
KW-14c     5 Dinars L.1968 (1986-91) (Minaret; Seif Palace)         10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (DJim/19 3002xx)
KW-15c     10 Dinars L.1968 (1983) (Falcon; Boum sailing vessel)    10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (HJ/72 4799xx) Sig: AW Al-Tammar; AK Al-Sabah
KW-23h     Quarter (1/4) Dinar (1994) (Al Mouhaleb; girls playing)   3.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AHaa/239 8597xx)
KW-24g     Half (1/2) Dinar (1994) (Pot; Souk shops; boys playing)   5.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BHaa/159 3155xx)
KW-25g     1 Dinar (1994) (Oil lamp; Kuwait Towers; Shuwaikh Port)  10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (JimHaa/267 1853xx)
KW-26g     5 Dinars (1994) (Liberation Tower; Oil refinery)         45.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (DH/67 551264)
KW-27f     10 Dinars (1994) (Great State Mosque; fishermen; dhow)   70.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (HH/163 308825)
KW-29a     Quarter (1/4) Dinar (2014) (Liberation Tower; 1st coin)   3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AF/05 2731xx)
KW-30a     Half (1/2) Dinar (2014) (TV Towers; dhow; Sea turtle)     5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BF/04 0273xx)
KW-31a     1 Dinar (2014) (Great State Mosque; Bateel; Failaka)      9.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CF/17 5882xx)
KW-32a     5 Dinars (2014) (Central Bank; Oil tanker and refinery)  40.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (DF/04 652870)
KW-33a     10 Dinars (2014) (National Assembly; camel; falcon)      65.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (EF/07 156909)
KW-CS1     1 Dinar 1993 (2nd Anniversary of Liberation of Kuwait)   12.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CA 826609)(banknote only) polymer
KW-CS2     1 Dinar 26.2.2001 (Liberation 10th anniversary) polymer  15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CB 191230)(banknote only)

KYRGYZSTAN (Kirgizia, Kirghizistan, Kirghizie, Kirgistan)

KG-2b      10 Tyiyn (1993) (Bald eagle; national ornament)           1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (99/KT 029090xx)
KG-3a      50 Tyiyn (1993) (Bald eagle; national ornament)           2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (20/TS 011475xx)
KG-4       1 Som (1993) (Manas the Noble; Manas Mausoleum)           2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (26/CH 001546xx)
KG-8       5 Som (1994) (Bubusara Beishenalieva; Opera Theatre)      3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AB70552xx)
KG-13      5 Som 1997 (Bubusara Beishenalieva; Opera Theatre)        2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BE22343xx)
KG-14      10 Som 1997 (Prof. Kasym Tynystanov; Dzhety-Oguz tract)   3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BG56618xx)
KG-15      1 Som 1999 (Abdilas Maldibayev; Musical instruments)      1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BH72311xx)
KG-19      20 Som 2002 (Togolok Moldo; Manas Mausoleum)              4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BE45066xx)
KG-24a     20 Som 2009 (Togolok Moldo; Tash-Rabat caravansarai)      3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CA59608xx)
KG-25a     50 Som 2009 (Kurmanzhan Datka; Uzgen mausoleum, minaret)  5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CB39225xx)
KG-26a     100 Som 2009 (Toktogul; Toktogul Hydroelectric Station)   7.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CA95549xx)

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