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Mauritania Banknote Gallery | Mauritania Banknotes For Sale

Mauritania 200 Ouguiya 2017

Item Code: MR-24

Front: Ouadane mosque. Back: Camels, goats and a Canary Island Date Palm (Phoenix canariensis). Security features: Consecutively running black horizontal and vertical serial numbers on the obverse of the banknote. Some parts of banknote fluoresce under ultraviolet light. Artist: Unknown. Main colour: Sand brown. Signatures: Sig.14 (R2L): Abdel Aziz Ould Dahi (Governor BCM, January 2015 to January 2020); Mohamed Ahmed Sidna (Chief Cashier). Issuer: Central Bank of Mauritania. Date of Issue: 28 November 2017. Material: Polymer plastic substrate. Printer: Canadian Bank Note Company, Ottawa (CBNC).

Mauritanian Currency Gallery

This picture is for reference only. It may not be exactly the same image as the one for sale in the Price List or in our Store, and its serial
numbers, signatures, dates etc. may vary, or this may be our
Museum's Gallery item (some gallery items may not be available for sale).

Dimensions: 140 x 66 mm

Texts: Banque Centrale de Mauritanie. Deux Cents Ouguiya. Two Hundred Ouguiya. Les auteurs ou complices de falsification ou de contrefacon de billets de banque seront punis conformement aux lois et actes en vigueur. BCM.

Mauritania Banknote Gallery | Mauritania Banknotes For Sale

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