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Ever wonder why so many smart people get into the scamming business? It's not a lack of intelligence that leads people into scams, it is a desire to get more than they have earned and to enjoy it for free.

Many of people have had the impulse to want something for nothing; to get more than we have rightly earned. We feel that life is unfair, that we are basically good people (many of us are), and that it should not be so hard to get good things.

Many of us have a sense that we were born to be rich, but most of us, by circumstances and the general difficulty of life, are held down all our lives, and never reach our greatness.

If we see a few people, who don't seem to be held down we either envy them or seek to emulate them. At some point, some of us get so frustrated, and want to become rich and famous so bad, that we'll take almost any path to it. The quick path to the so-called greatness is always a fraud. Scamming us or someone else in the numismatic field will put you on this "Hall of Shame" board for life and your stolen acquisition may be cursed. The items can be un-cursed only by returning them to their rightful owner. The cursing practice works wonders on reducing theft, scams, fraud and robberies around the world.

If you get frustrated, do not go for the quick fix, which is fraud (scam, crookery, theft, robbery etc.). If you do, you might end up on this board just like the others who are already here. Removal of the info is possible after returning the stolen goods and paying the damages caused and interest (if any).

Simple rule how to avoid getting on this list: Do not steal, scam or cheat (us). All records on this page are permanent. Even if removed, your bad record will remain on the internet unerasable for the rest of your life and beyond. The bad record will remain in search engines, credit bureaus, debt collectors databases, other websites, and especially on internet archives and is non-removable. Think before you scam us or someone else. Is it worth destroying your name, reputation and your career over something temporary like enjoying some stolen money? There is an old basic curse when something is stolen: “May all my bad luck go with you.” This includes UNFAIR and FRAUDULENT CHARGEBACKS, stolen goods as well as hard-bounced checks.


Any Ohio lawyer for federal fraud charges can tell you how serious the penalties are for bank fraud. Ohio lawyer for federal fraud charges.


Numismatic Crime Information Center - The Numismatic Crime Information Center (NCIC) was established in 1986 to coordinate and collaborate intiatives between law enforcement and the numismatic community in "Targeting Numismatic Crimes Around the World". NCIC is devoted exclusively to assist law enforcement and victims during the investigation of numismatic crimes and to provide the necessary tools and resources to effectively investigate the complex challenges encountered during these types of investigations. NCIC provides technical assistance to law enforcement and focuses on the identification, apprehension and prosecution of individual suspects and Organized Crime Groups who target and prey on the numismatic community.

( is not associated with the NCIC in any way or form. We are a subscriber to NCIC's Newsletter and notifications and we provide the above "Friendly Advert" information for them as we find it uselful and so the wide public may find it uselful, informational and crime preventative as well).


The following individuals or companies are not just dishonest swappers, traders, collectors that do not send their share to their swapping partner. Many of them are hardcore criminals, such as scammers, thieves, fraudsters, crooks, who are making a "living" by cheating, scamming and defrauding collectors and dealers. I and we reserve the right to post on this page anyone who will cheat, scam or defraud, including delivered but unpaid orders, credit card & check fraud, electronic shoplifting, other activity, such as unreasonable chargebacks, and chargeback-fraud etc. Buyer and seller, beware! The stolen acquisition may be cursed and the items can be un-cursed only by returning them to their rightful owner.

Listing of cases in an ascending chronological order:

Case # 0001 | Case # 0002 | Case # 0003 | Case # 0004 | Case # 0005 | Case # 0006 | Case # 0007 | Case # 0008 | Case # 0009 | Case # 0010
Case # 0011 | Case # 0012 | Case # 0013 | Case # 0014 | Case # 0015 | Case # 0016 | Case # 0017 | Case # 0018 | Case # 0019 | Case # 0020
Case # 0021 | Case # 0022 | Case # 0023 | Case # 0024 | Case # 0025 | Case # 0026 | Case # 0027 | Case # 0028 | Case # 0029 | Case # 0030
Case # 0031 | Case # 0032 | Case # 0033 | Case # 0034 | Case # 0035 | Case # 0036 | Case # 0037 | Case # 0038 | Case # 0039 | Case # 0040


Case # 0001. Moshe Ben-Hod also known as Mauricio Sohnen, Carlos Arenesca, Paltiel Kibrit and Claude Grandet. Cendres et Metaux Corp. Ltd. or I.O.Trading, Ta Doar 21363, Tel-Aviv 61 213, Israel. He scammed us in April 2000. Moshe Ben-Hod's current home address is: Mr. Moshe Ben-Hod / Mauricio Sohnen, Pinkas Street 54, Tel-Aviv 62261, Israel. He's from Argentina, lived in New York. Telephone: +972-3-5444932. He lives in an upmarket area of Tel Aviv. He used to own the following emails: , . Now he uses the following email address: He steals and forges cheques (bank drafts) of or drawn on a BARCLAYS bank in London, Great Britain and then pays with these cheques (click to view Front & Back of both cheques he forged) for his orders. Those cheques of Moshe Ben-Hod bounce and he will not stop to cheat you in all possible ways. Asked to return the scammed merchandise this Moshe Ben-Hod sends trash in a package with "proof of delivery" card for you to sign. Also he sends terribly misgraded (trash) notes to other collectors and again: his cheques bounce! He claims to be a President of some kind of numismatic society in Israel and makes up all kinds of stories to trap you in to his schemes. This is the address that the banknotes were shipped to: Moshe Ben-Hod, c/o Oasis Numismatics, 501 N. Taylor St., Fallon, NV 89406-5716, USA. Please note, that someone by name LARRY KAECK lives by that address in Nevada and their email address is: . The following is Kibrit, the list of banknotes stolen (by way of fraud): Click here to see the list. Also, the following are two letters of his: Letter #1 & Letter #2. He also currently uses names Paltiel Kibrit and Claude Grandet. His possible STREET address in Israel: Paltiel I.O.TRADING INC. (Moshe Ben-Hod),cheque Dizengoff 5, Tel-Aviv, Israel. His email This is another example of Ben-Hod's bounced cheque (Charles Schwab & Bank of America) and a letter accompanying it. Here's yet another bounced (Fidelity Investments) of his. Please note, this cheque was either stolen by him or he used a fake name and address in Panama. Here'sIt another cheque (Promodes Ltd., Charles Schwab, SchwabOne) and an accompanying letter which MBH sent to Germany. bounced, of course. Here's a post (or try this one) of MBH, his phantasy, it shows how far he's gone to intimidate his "victims". It's named "AFFIDAVIT". Scroll down to about the middle of that page to read his post. Or read it here. Update: his latest email is: - please contact me if you have more info about this guy. Here's his latest fraud illustrated: fraud10, fraud11, fraud12, fraud13. Latest info: he's last known to use name Serg Goldman, Promodes Ltd. His last known email address: . Here's his email. 12 December 2002 update: oops ... he did it again, but was unsuccessful ... Mr. Serge Goldmann as he is called now. Here is his unfortunate check and his letter and his story. 5 June 2003 update: Moshe Ben-Hod email address: and the following pobox address and company name: GECCO HOLDING LTD., Teyvat Doar 31418, Tel-Aviv 61313, ISRAEL. Details given: COHEN SHLOMO, KIPODAN, 30/8 MODIIN ISRAEL 71700. Cheque was from "Cendres et metaux corp." Israeli Embassy and IL and US authorities did not react to our information. Consumers - protect yourselves. Police is out giving speeding tickets. August 2003 update: Moshe strikes again: here's his another fake-to-the-bone check.Thanks to this page the seller did not lose anything. His latest known pieces of correspondence. Yet another (successful this time) check (for $1900) (issued by Bank One, Columbus, Ohio) of now "Harold Gecco" and these are images of the coins he got as a result of his fraud: coin1, coin2, coin3, coin4. Update on 18th Aug. 2004: his current email address appears to be: . Some of his auction IDs: Iotrad, Granadaclaugra, Matityahu, Golanisheli, Hakohen. His (Moshe Ben-Hod is his real name in Israel) latest ID is: s08234. Yet another (unsuccessful attempt of fraud) cheque. Yet another scam attempt: letter - cheque.

We reported him (Moshe Ben-Hod) on the "ebay" forum. "Ebay" then blocked our "ebay" username (for that exact reason (disturbing peace (by reporting a criminal "ebayer" and warning other members!) and also for reporting fake Chinese crystal sellers - "ebay" stated because we did not pay for one single purchase of $10 (for the fake crystals!)) and allowed him (MB-H) to keep on registering with new fake ids to scam more and more people. And so he (Moshe Ben-Hod) continued his fraudiulent activities. To our protests "ebay" responded with silence. This is why you are seeing new and new cases popping up where Moshe Ben-Hod is the "hero" of the new scams and fraudulent activities defrauding more and more sellers on "ebay" and on other venues and websites. In addition to that there are fake Paypal accounts that collect money from unsuspecting buyers on "ebay" and elsewhere and do not ship the goods. Upon complaint a refund is being issues by Paypal, but the fraudulent accounts are being kept active and defraud more users. We tested those fraudulent accounts for years by pre-sending $1 to them and the money is being accepted even after we reported them to Paypal ("ebay") as fraudulent. Allegedly Paypal Inc. does not have a voice in closing those fraudulent accounts since "ebay" is allegedly the one who calls the shots in all decisions. Happily we were never interested in selling on "ebay" (although using Paypal is the necessity), so blocking our id by "ebay" did not hurt us in any way. We are still able to purchase occasional gardening products on "ebay" but keep it to the minimum.

Eventually, apparently fed up, an Israeli lawyer indirectly contacted us (through another person) asking for full info (which is posted here, all that we've got) on MOSHE BEN-HOD, so we directed the lawyer to this page. The Israeli lawyer expressed his wish to stop MB-H. We hope that over the years that followed he (lawyer name unknown) was able to stop MB-H. Yet MB-H owes us (and many others) over US$5000 plus interest.

UPDATE: July-August 2006: Moshe Ben-Hod strikes again, as usual, on one of online auctions (that are protecting online criminals, since those kind of folks
bring the online auction good profits by scamming other members). He used and auction ID ben_zion. This time Moshe Ben-Hod has defrauded a person from Croatia. If you need more info on this case I will provide it to you upon request. This time Ben-Hod has acted as Baruch Levi and Ben Zion (fake). He used fake check in name of David Mendes and President at mutual Funds Dept., Shawmut Bank, N.A, Boston USA. He used also fake name with address; Baruch Levi, Tadoro 21363, Tel Aviv 61213, Israel. The person whom he defrauded is: Stojan Blazanovic, Varicakova 12 / 8 HR-10010 Zagreb CROATIA, Member of IBNS: 6853. This time Ben-Hod was using a German branch of the auction site to defraud the person from Croatia. Here is Ben-Hod's fake cheque.

UPDATE: August 2006: Yet another "deal" of his on one of the online auctions. We fail to mention the name of the auction since it will not protect it's users from profitable
scammers like Moshe Ben-Hod is to that auction or venue as they call themselves. Again the "deal" was done with a German dealer. The check used was from David Mendes SA, Apartado 8301, Panama 7 Panama. The address to which the two coins were mailed is Ben Zion, Etzel Benhaude´, Tadowar 21363,Tel-Aviv 61213, ISRAEL. Beware. Beware. Beware.

UPDATE: December 2006: Ben-Hod has swindled a collector from Canada. This time this less than reliable gentleman Mr. Ben-Hod got Portugal
P.108 10.000 Reis 30 Sept. 1910 in VG+ (BC+) condition. As the rightful owner of this banknote describes: "This Note was purchased by a miserable soul who cancelled his payment cheque from a US account that doesn't even exist. He goes by a different number of names, he used the name "Mo Grenada", from Israel."

UPDATE: March 2007: His (fake) name and address now is: Klaus Grandt, Ta Doar 21363, Estel Benod, Tel-Aviv 61213, Israel. "Estel Benod" or Estel Ben-Hod
(?) must be his wife. Claude Grandet = Klaus Grandt... He unsuccessfully tried to defraud a British banknote dealer for $750. The dealer reported to me that she was saved from the scam by this swindler page of ours. Moshe Ben-Hod's current email is:

UPDATE: 23rd of April 2010: Received the following email from "You might like to know that your friend 'Col. Claude Granada' is still out
there and active from his base in Israel. The email he gave is and the address he provided is Ayzl Benod, Ta Doar 21363, Tel-Aviv 61213, Israel He bid at our auction on 19th March 2010, 'won' three coins totalling £2,281.93 and sent us a US$ cheque drawn on a Panama bank. Fortunately we smelt a rat and an internet search brought up your site (with other references elswehere) so this is one scam he won't be getting away with."

UPDATE: 1st September 2018: Moshe Ben-Hod as a secured party (historical public record) of property in the U.S. and also proof of his Israeli street address:

Secured Party

BEN-HOD, MOSHE (click the link on the left to see a screenshot)
ISREAL, NY 62261, US (original spelling)

Which also explains his usage of surname SOHNEN in his criminal activities.

Addresses that Moshe Ben-Hod may have allegedly used in some way in his criminal activities:

1615 Avenue I, Brooklyn, NY 11230, USA
1601 Avenue I, #420, Brooklyn, NY 11230, USA

It is possible that this case is connected to case # 00004 (Zobel).

Case # 0002. Stanislaw Rutkowski. Lives in Debrzno, Poland. His current address: Stanislaw Rutkowski, P.O.BOX. 50, 77-310 DEBRZNO, POLAND. Telephone: ++48-602-765-648. Email address: . He usually orders a big amount of stamps writing that he is honest and that he is going to pay the asked price and his buying plans might seem attractive to a seller. After he is being contacted to find out whether he received items (after a few weeks or months of silence) he states that he either didn't receive the items either he received empty envelopes. His story might differ every time. (1999) Has not paid for ordered phonecards that he received by Registered mail. All inquiries ignored. This man is a notorious scammer who has cheated out thousands of dollars worth of material both from collectors and dealers, philatelic items and phonecards. He is known to use another address (P.O.Box in neighbouring town): Stanislav Rutkowski, P.O.Box 6, 77420 -Lipka-K/Zlotjwa, Poland. He might also use the following version of his name: Stanislav Rutkovski. The following is one of his letters where he "explains" (lies) how he receives totally "empty" shipments with no stamps inside...The text is in Polish though. As you can see, he might be operating from Germany as well: Postlagers, D-73525 Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Deutschland (Germany).

Case # 00003. Michel Rossignol. His address is: 19, Rue Mautrec, 33000 Bordeaux, France. He works on appointment only. He also might be honest for some time, especially when buying in advance and as soon as his debt amount grows he stops paying and begins ignoring that person. His company's name is PHIL'ACTIVE. Mr. Rossignol especially targets stamp dealers in Eastern and Central Europe, but not only. Some stamp collectors and dealers even have a proof on paper that Mr. Rossignol has asked them not to send invoices or orders on to his business address to avoid paying taxes to the French government. Here's what Monsieur Michel Rossignol (PHIL'ACTIVE) had to say: Click here to view one of his letters available. UPDATE: his web site now is Email: & & & . Michel Rossignol appears in other Black Lists as well, for example:

En français:
19, rue Mautrec, 33000 Bordeaux, France. Ne travaille que sur rendez-vous. Peut se montrer honnête pendant un certain temps, mais aussitôt que sa dette augmente, il arrête de payer et commence à vous ignorer. Le nom de sa compagnie est PHIL'ACTIVE. M. Rossignol cible surtout les marchands de timbres en Europe Orientale et Centrale, mais pas uniquement. Certains philatélistes et marchands ont la preuve sur papier que M. Rossignol leur a demandé de ne pas envoyer de factures ou de commandes à son adresse commerciale afin d’éviter de payer les taxes au gouvernement Français. Voici ce que Monsieur Michel Rossignol (PHIL'ACTIVE) indiquait: Cliquez ici pour lire une de ses lettres. ACTUALITÉ: A ce jour, son site internet est : Adresses de courrier électronique: & & & .

Michel Rossignol: Son addresse est: 19, rue Mautrec, 33000 Bordeaux, France. Il travaille seulement avec rendez-vous. Il se peut qu'il soit honnête pendant assez longtemps, surtout quand il achète en avance et aussitôt que sa dette croît il arrête de payer et commence à vous ignorer. Le nom de son compagnie est PHIL'ACTIVE. M. Rossignol cible surtout les marchands de timbres dans l'Europe Orientale et Centrale, mais pas éxclusivement. Quelques philatélistes et marchands ont la preuve sur papier que M Rossignol leur ont demandé de ne pas envoyer des factures ou commandes à son addresse des affaires pour eviter payer les taxes au gouvernement Français. ACTUALITÉ : Son site internet est maintenant ce que Monsieur Michel Rossignol (PHIL'ACTIVE) a dû indiquer: Cliquetez ici pour visualiser un de ses lettres disponibles. Email: & & & .

UPDATE: 21 November 2014

Accordingly to the following link and translated text Mr. Michel ROSSIGNOL has changed his business and residential addresses:

Original text of the legal notice *:
8074 MR SARL SARL with capital of 7 622,45 € Registered office: 19, rue Mautrec 33000 BORDEAUX 393 691 100 RCS Bordeaux According to a decision dated 31 August 2014 and from this day, the sole shareholder has decided to transfer the registered office of 19, rue Mautrec, 33000 Bordeaux, to 139, avenue du Docteur Maurice-Donat residence CIEL AND MER 06700 Saint-Laurent-du-Var, and to modify accordingly the statutes. The Company, registered in the Bordeaux Trade and Companies Register under number 393 691 100, will be re-registered with the Antibes Register of Commerce and Companies. Management: Mr Michel ROSSIGNOL, residing 1205, Route des Gattières, 06640 St-Jeannet. For opinion La Gérance.

UPDATE: 1 January 2018

(PHIL ACTIVE - TAXILA) Société: 393691100


Case # 0004. Known as: Carl Zobel, Markus Zobel, H. or F. Schimpf, Ph. Dr. Michael Chang, Henry Wang, Ingrid Hoffman, Henry Delk, Karl Schmidt, Heinrich Pohl, Frau Schreiner, Frau Grosch, Heinrich Streichmeier, Steven Richardson, Carl Lee (Lee & Ritter Numismatic) (male), (some or all of those names are/might be his fake names), Carl Zobel, Hauptstrasse 94, Z. Hd. Sonne, Offenburg 77652, Germany (Hotel address). His "business" address: Carl Zobel, Firma LR Zobel Numismatik, Mercure am Messe Platz, Schuterwaldstrasse 1A, Offenburg 77656, GERMANY (another Hotel address). His fake/real (?) phone and fax numbers: +49 (0)1212-5-231-85-129 (German free mail service Also: +49 89 2443 69609 (works as fax, location MUNICH, Germany. Facsimile letter was delivered to this fax number. Free mail service located in Munich). He signs his letters as: Carl L. Zobel, LRitter Zobel Numismatik, Offenburg, Germany. His email address is: which is provided to him by (Global Mail Exchange). He also has used/faked the following e-mail addresses:,, A young guy (he calls himself as MARKUS) who acts like if he was
his father (CARL) (could be two individuals as well), makes phone calls, he is well knowledgeable in numismatics and he's most likely a collector or a dealer there in Germany. He makes up all kinds of stories to convince a collector to make a trade deal, then sends an empty package and disappears. This is the lot of banknotes this troubled individual has stolen:
Click here to view it.

Update: both packages (sent by Fedex, tracking numbers: 8309 7627 5177 and 8309 7627 5188) were delivered to: Hauptstrasse 94, Offenburg 77652, Germany (which appears to be a "Hotel SONNE"!!!) and were signed H. Schimpf (not by Carl or Markus Zobel !!!). The individual ("Schimpf-Zobel") who stayed at a "Hotel SONNE" in Offenburg has signed into the hotel (his signature copy was provided to me by Fedex and I will post an image of the signature on here soon) using the following addresses and phone number:

1. Bergheimer Strasse 70, 69115 Heidelberg;
2. Philipp-Reis-Strasse 36, 69115 Heidelberg;

Telephone: 49 6221 18 08 99. (+49 (6221) 18 08 99) (autoresponder and phone number tracking device);
Heidelberg location. "Carl Zobel's" business address at Schuterwaldstrasse 1A, Offenburg (correctly: Schutterwälderstrasse) appears to be a HOTEL as well!!! As "Mercure" hotel's front desk manager told me that "Mr. Zobel" came to "Mercure" Hotel on 22nd of November 2001 to register for a one night's stay from 24th of November to 25th of November and he gave hotel management the following phone number in the U.S.: (702)465 8000 (fake) and then "Zobel" did not show up at "Mercure" Hotel. Surely, he gave "Sonne" Hotel's address to deliver the packages to, so he didn't need to go back to "Mercure" Hotel.

"ZOBEL-SCHIMPF" used the following fax number (with old date on it showing 20/02/1999, 05:05 A.M.) to fax his faked airway-bill and his letter to me:

+49 30 6284 1507 ("it is the bank's fax number of a good friend who works there" he writes in the fax); Most likely that is a public fax service (info will be updated soon).
Facsimile letter was received from this fax number. The LOCATION of this phone number is in BERLIN, Germany;

"Zobel=Schimpf's" computer's IP addresses are as following (most frequently used to less frequently used top to bottom): - that's an IP address of EasyInternetCafé most frequently used by him, "Carl Zobel" has most likely used one or all of the following Internet Cafes (EasyInternetCafé a.k.a. EasyEverything) to send his emails:

"Easy Everything" InternetCafe, Kurfürstendamm 224, 10719 Berlin. Not very far from Bahnhof, he definitely used this one.
"Easy Everything" InternetCafe, Damrak 33, Amsterdam. (not very far from Central Station).
"Easy Everything" InternetCafe, Bahnhofplatz 1, Munich, Germany. (next to HauptBahnhof).
Their web location: & resolves to BERLIN, Germany - "Colt Telecom" service. resolves to BERLIN, Germany. ( Eschborn, Germany). resolves to STUTTGART, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. ( Dortmund, Germany ) - reverse DNS - ( ). "Deutsche Telekom", Darmstadt, Germany.

"Zobel-Schimpf" has posted four messages acting as different people (disclosing a matching IP address of his) at the following forum (look up his posts under headings: "Ms. Soon See Nah", "Carl L. Zobel", "I agree" and "Scam"):

Mr. "Zobel-Schimpf's" threatening-post can be read at the following page (he admits he stayed in a hotel under a fake name):

The following is an image of how "Zobel-Schimpf" signs (signature) as "Carl Zobel":

Carl Zobel (click here to see the signature)

"Carl/Markus Zobel - H.Schimpf" claims to be dealing with well known dealers, to be a member of well known collector clubs and societies:

" business is registered with the Föderation Europäischer Münzhändlerverbände (Federation of European Numismatic Trade Association which has oversight over the Verband der deutschen Münzenhändler (Association of German Coin Dealers ). In Offenburg, my business is locally known among financial establishments (such as banks and the Deutsche Bundesbank Aussenstelle in Stuttgart) as a result of years of ordering from them. Most banks in my town, including the Deutsche Bundesbank Aussenstelle in Stuttgart/Frankfurt, have standing agreements with me...."

He might be from Muenchen (Munich) or Appenweier(Offenburg) or Berlin or even Amsterdam, NL and his names might differ. You could be his next victim! Beware of this scam artist! All his facsimile messages, email messages and other data and materials are available to authorised subjects upon request.

Please note that the above is just a few facts and all his facsimile messages, email messages and a lot of other data and materials are available to authorised subjects upon request.

His pobox address in Switzerland: Carl Z. Schimpf, Postfach 1414, 8032 Zürich, Schweiz. - please contact me if you have more info about this guy, who claims to know the German banknote dealer Ulf Mietens. It is possible that this case is connected to case # 00001 (Moshe Ben Hod).

Case # 0005. Known as: Eduardo Lanzellotta. Jorge Gon. Susana Marquez. Fake address: Oroño 1187, 2000 Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. Another address where mail was received by them: Mendoza 2178, Rosario 2000, Santa Fe, Argentina. Email address used for scam: Scammer's X-Originating-IP: [] and []. Submitted two chargebacks of their credit card payment though merchandise delivered. Phone # provided: 0341-4486652 and 0341-4485562.

Case # 0006. Known as: Roy Killen, Medan Cellphonic Pte. Ltd. (Also see names in bold below) Address where the item was delivered to: JL NAZIR ALWI NO.19, USU COMPLEX, Medan 20154, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Email address used for scam: . Submitted a chargeback of their credit card payment though merchandise delivered. Phone # provided: 628126480971. The merchandise was delivered to the scammer via Global Express Mail (tracking # to be announced).

Info about the owner of the domain name BAMEGA.COM:

Registrant/Administration: STILES, ADAM (BAMEGA-DOM) 1882 Roosevelt Ave., ALTADENA, CA 91001, USA.
Phone: (742)643-4353. E-mail:

Indonesian scam's website: ( redirects to this website).

Info about the owner of the domain name CELEBRITIS.ORG:

Registrant/Administration: RAMPENGAN, ROBERT (CELEBRITIS2-DOM) via g lorca n 7 BASTIGLIA, BASTIGLIA 41060, ITALY.
Phone: 4523423. E-mail: cyborg@BURONAN.NET .

Info about the owner of the domain name BURONAN.COM & BURONAN.NET:

Registrar: TUCOWS, INC.
Organization: Individual

Address: Jalan Buntu Gang Sempit Antah Berantah, AB 98546,  Indonesia.
Admin Contact: Cityhunter Bandit
Phone: (874) 578-6523

Info about the owner of the domain name BURONAN.ORG:

Registrar: TUCOWS, INC.
Organization: Individual

Address: Main St. 25, Santa Cruz, CA 98546, USA.
Admin Contact: Bebek Bugil
Phone(same!): (874) 578-6523.

Info about the owner of the domain name BURONAN.US:

Registrar: Omnis Network, LLC.
Registrant, Administrative and Technical Contact Name: Kontol Panjang
Address: Main 15 St., Santa Cruz, CA 98562, USA.
Phone: (310)316-9600
E-mail(same even if it is a fake):
Billing Contact Name: Bruce Lieblich
Address: 149 East kingsbridge Rd., Mount Vernon, NY 10550, USA.
Phone: (310)316-9600
E-mail(same even if it is a fake):

Most of the above info is probably fake, but you can see and learn about tendencies, directions and locations of the scammers. Click
HERE (BACK image) to see the image of the item stolen.

Case # 0007. John (Jonathan) Dally. Box 40007-1131 Nairn, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2L0Y0, Canada. Phone: (204) 563-5252 (disconnected). Email: .
He submitted an order (Order ID # 209 at on 4th of September 2003 for a 1954 $20 Canadian banknote (Front | Back) and submitted a chargeback on 15th of October 2003. He got away with US$13 worth of material. John, was it worth it? Caused me $70 expenses with this chargeback. The item was delivered by Registered Air Mail # RR 505 510 945 US. "Order" amount $52.00. Chargeback amount $54.99 (exchange rate differences). A clear credit card fraud case. Details: his IP Address which is: Red River Community College, RRCC-1, Address: 2055 Notre Dame Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0J9, Canada.

Case # 0008. Wadim Nensberg. He is also known as Vadim Erastovich Yastrebov. Email: Moscow, Russia. Phone: 7 (095) 307 4344. Address: ul. Stalevarov 4 - 4 - 569, Moscow 111531, Russia. His websites: & & & . Other (older) email addresses of his: & & & & & . Age: 54-55 (2004 data). Profession: Computer specialist.

This case was reported by a person who's identity is not disclosed here. Here is the profile in that person's own words:

"Profile: Likes to deal with westerns (not only me). He invites them to Moscow, and makes friends, then asks for help with his banknote business.

I gave this guy two years ago banknotes on consignment to sell in Moscow. As you can suspect he took the notes, and then just cut of contact with me. He approached me, befriended me, and made me think he could be the most honest person in the East.  Well he is not! When I send him emails, he does not answer them. However if I send emails as someone else it does get an answer. If I call him, we always lose the line. And once when I saw him in Moscow, he ran faster than a Russian built TU-154.

All people should be warned to stay away from him, as he is not suitable to trust or do business.

In all my years of business, he is the only person who has successfully duped me. I was even able to escape being duped by the "German Ministry of Foreign Affairs" scam. In fact, there could even be a chance that this Wadim was involved in that [Carl Zobel] scam (see the Case # 2 above). They have the knowledge of the industry, and he (wadim), dropped contact with me shortly after we did not fall for the German scam.  When I spoke to the guys on the phone, when we were being targeted by the scam, it sounded to me like a modified Russian accent to English. Also, by using Germany as the cover country, makes sense since, it is close to reach from Russia."

Case # 0009. This individual has compensated us in full for the trouble he caused and has requested to remain anonymous.

Case # 0010. Multiple attempts to purchase banknotes with various different stolen credit card (numbers) have been made by:

Florin Andreica (also known as: Pavel Andreica; Pauel Andreca; Pawel Andreca, Michel Delmonte, Claude Delmonte, Michel Delacroix, Martinez Marco, Grosso Marcelo, Ion Maria) 19, rue Theodore de Banville, F-75017 Paris, France
Michel Delmonte
46 rue Ordoner
(46 rue Ordener), 75018 Paris, France
(Note: "he" "owns" a Paypal account under this name (Michel Delmonte) and this address, so this could be his real name or a hijacked Paypal account!). (Note: Goufrani Mouloud grocery store is located at this address at 46 Ordener, 75018 Paris)
Martinez Marco
60 rue Ordoner
(60 rue Ordener), 75018 Paris, France
Baldi Cristiano, 10 Rue Cloys, 75018 Paris, France
Grosso Marcelo and/or Ion Maria
9 rue Roy, 75008 Paris, France
(December 2012)

His emails used in the scam/fraud attempts: & & SMENUIT@YAHOO.COM Update: CURVAR@VOILA.FR (June 2007). SMENUIT@VOILA.FR (August 2007). (January 2010). Mike Delmonte (August 2010) , , , , Martinez Marco (Dec. 2010). (December 2012).

Telephone numbers used: 0633486115 // 0613976112 // 0033-666191330 // 699617442 // 634891333
(last two ones from year 2010). 0033-644885576 & 0033-634937115 (December 2012).

Date of the attempt of fraud: 9 May 2006; 16 June 2006; 22 June 2006; 27 December 2006; 24 January 2007, 25 Dec. 2010, 2 Dec. 2012. Amount always around US$ 500-600. Originating IP addresses: // // /
/ // // are located in Paris, France. Last known scam attempt date(he placed orders with many dealers): 2nd of December 2012.

This troubled individual uses stolen and invalid credit cards and paypal accounts ( ) to place orders online in attempt to purchase big amounts of Romanian or other currency (and other goods) to be delivered in an urgent manner:

Andreica Florin (Andrica, Andreca Florin), 22 Rue Championnet, 75018 Paris, France. He is originally from Romania. Telephone: 33643248987. Email: . Computer IP address: Also: Also: etc.
Reported by a stamp dealer on the 3rd of September 2010:

Order for 2 sets of sheets Scott Catalog #909-21 Overrun Countries $389.00 placed on 1 Sept 2010 by:

Florin Andreica, 22 rue championnet, Paris, 75018, France

Telephone: 0148784453
Master Card ending in #0192

Code 10 result from my credit card processor is that the credit card is stolen and that there have been many fraudulent transactions.
On the 18th September 2010 a banknote dealer reported to us, spelling is not corrected by us: "On September 15 2010, Florin Andreica placed an order for $700 to buy banknotes from (banknote dealer name withheld for privacy concerns). However, due to his past activists using stolen credit cards , we were already aware of him and did not process the order. The transaction originated from IP|, and he listed his address 22 rue Championnet in Paris, France In July 2010, Florin Andreica purchased banknotes worth about $1200 from (dealer name withheld) using a stolen credit card that belonged to a person in Germany. Three weeks after the transaction , the credit card company reversed the charges. Florin used the address 22 rue Championnet in Paris, France. Repeated attempts to contact him were unsuccessful."
He uses a variety of addresses as ship-to address, then redirects the delivery to his home address at 22 Rue Championnet, 75018 Paris, France. This individual has multiple ebay accounts under and his auction IDs are just to name a couple: maisonnn (with a photo) and another one opened on 22-DEC-2010 "PACHETULLL" .

UPDATE: 8th October 2012: Florin Andreica is trying his luck again. This time he is "ordering"... a quantity of identical US$20 banknotes; but of course. This time he uses as his email contact, where "jocuri" in Romanian means "games". His new address is the following:

Florin Andreica, 15 rue Lecuyer, 93400 St-Ouen (Paris), FRANCE

(His new) telephone: +33-634937115
His computer IP address now is:

Case # 0011. Cornel Cosmin Stana from Romania. Places orders, pays with Paypal (or with stolen credit card details) and upon shipment confirmation of his order immediately reverses (chargeback) his payment back to his account. His (temporary) address in SPAIN: c/ Maria Teresa Gonzales 26, 4-H, Castellon 12005, Spain. Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used in his fraudulent orders: ; / Email addresses used in his fraudulent transactions: ; . Amount of scam: around $100 US. He scams businesses and people from his address in Spain and then flies back to Romania. Username used in registering his profile for his fraudulent "orders": heruvim31 . Telephone number provided to us in Spain: +0034622207477 .

Case # 0012. Sent $100 worth of material (in 1993) to the following person and never heard from him again: Frank Timmermann, kod Parunov, Vukovarska 57 HR-58000 Split, (Hrvatska) Croatia.

Case # 0013. On January 7, 2008 a numismatic dealer reported to us the following incident:

We just had someone place an order and pay with a Citibank Cashier's check. The check turns out to be bogus and we are stuck with a $768.63 order which was shipped. When I tracked it the order was signed by someone at FRONT DESK and the customer is not reachable by the phone number we have. The  information on this customer is:


Case # 0014. After shipping out the order received a chargeback (full payment reversal) via Paypal from Andrew Buglass for 28.45 GBP without even notifying me if there were any problems. The shipment was successfully delvered to the recipient. Transaction ID: 0XK75475L2969863B. Transaction date: Oct. 18, 2004. Chargeback date: Nov. 25, 2004. The abovementioned person, who placed the order never responded to any inquiries of mine. Since there was no communication between us and the chargeback was placed and goods were never returned, this case (Paypal Case # PP-056-648-188) goes public in order to notify other sellers and merchants about the problematic buyer and to possibly recover the lost funds.

Case # 0015. Mr. James Faulkner, P. O. Box 8004, Mesa, AZ 85214, USA. His (former?) street addresses are: 2345 E. Main St., # 96, Mesa, AZ 85213, USA and James R. Faulkner, 214 E. Milada Drive, Phoenix, Arizona 85042-7672, USA (mail sent to both of his street addresses is being returned unclaimed). He seems to have moved to Roxboro, NC 27573 in North Carolina where my certified letter was delivered to (mail forwarding). His check for US$103 (issued by SUNBANK in Arizona) has bounced (closed account). He has not responded to my inquiries sent to him via Certified Mail. (Posted on: August 26, 2008).

This guy got away unharmed... for now.

Case # 0016. Abdelhadi Bekhta, 35 Street Mohamed Ougrine, el Magharia, Hussein Dey, Alger 16000, Algeria has been persistently placing "orders" (from the following IP addresses: and and and using stolen credit card data stolen from Weirsdale-Florida, Glenside-Pennsylvania, Converse-Texas, Elkins-WestVirginia and Emporia-Kansas residents. Email address used in the fraud: His persistence paid off and he has earned himself this free space. The incidents (fraudulent order attempts) have occurred in August, September and October 2008.

Criminals are not welcome here.

Case # 0017a. Dinh Trung Hung, E6 X25, Phuong Mo Lao, Ha Dong, Hanoi 20000, Vietnam. Phone: 0978030388. Email: . IP address: (location in Hanoi, Vietnam). Used various stolen U.S. credit cards to place "orders" for Vietnamese Dong banknotes to be shipped as "gifts" to the above name and address in Vietnam. Username used by the fraudster: vodska001. Date: October 2008. Case # 0017b. Hung Dinh Manh, E6 X25, Van Mo, Ha Dong, Hanoi 20000, Vietnam (country falsely provided as "Hong Kong"). Phone provided in Boston area is not in service. Email: . IP address: which belongs to Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. in New Jersey. Used various stolen U.S. credit cards (stolen from Massachusetts and Colorado residents) to place "orders" for Vietnamese Dong banknotes to be shipped as "gifts" to the above name and address in Vietnam. Username id of the fraudster: anonymous-277. Date: December 2008. Case # 0017c. Do Thi Xuan, 09 to13 Thuanchau Sonla, Hanoi 20000 Vietnam. Phone: 0978030388. IP: Email: Dec. 2008. Case # 0017d. Dinh Manh Hung, E6 X25 Pho AnHoa HaDong, Hanoi 20000 Vietnam. Phone: 0978030388. IP: which belongs to United States Richmond Comcast Cable Communications Inc., Resolve Host: Email: 27 Dec. 2008.

Case # 0018. The following US currency collectible banknote was delivered on April 15, 2009 to the following person and address:

HUMBERTO PACHECO, 5607 La Mirada Ave. # 303, Los Angeles, CA 90038.

November 2009:
Juan Humberto Pacheco Guzman now lives at: 4520 Santa Rosalia Drive # 11, Los Angeles, CA 90008.

It was obtained by him in a fraudulent way with a friend's or a stolen credit card. Telephone number listed in the order 323-309-3866 belongs to GUZMAN PACHECO (voicemail answers as "Humberto"), yet when I called them they denied that anyone with surname
PACHECO is known to them. JUAN
HUMBERTO PACHECO (in the photo, the website is now taken off the air) seems to be from Lima, Peru and resides in USA. Apparently the recipient (Humberto Pacheco, who signed the UPS shipment as well) either used a card
of his friend, relative or a stolen card data was used by him to purchase the banknote. The owner of the credit card (who we thought was Juan Humberto Pacheco's friend Salomon Alvarez from Santa Ana, CA 92707, sending him a gift) has submitted a payment
reversal (chargeback). Juan Humberto Pacheco Guzman's email address: .

Stolen banknote:
$10 Dollars issued by Citizens National Bank of Lebanon Kentucky in 1909 in VF-XF condition. Serial # A258456H / S 3988. Other number: 10834. Please inform me if you come across this banknote or know who owns it.

Actual Photo of the Bill

"Order" was placed (user registered and checked the order's status) from the following computer IP addresses:

Proof of delivery and H. PACHECO signature image (click to see). Loss $630.

UPS representative "Jasmin" said that HUMBERTO PACHECO came to a UPS location to pick the shipment up and has provided his
government issued ID and signed for it as per above image.

Update: On April 25, 2009 at 11:59 PM to 12:00 AM (midnight) someone from
323-309-3866 (Phone ID displayed "PACHECO GUZMAN") called my phone number and did not speak. After I called by voice the surname displayed on the phone ID the person hung up the line.

This crime has been reported to FBI at and to US Postal Inspectors: . Also a police report will be filed with Hollywood, CA police department at Hollywood Community Police Station, 1358 N. Wilcox, Hollywood, CA 90028. Telephone: 213-972-2971 and with USCIS Homeland Security Immigration Services. We will also report this to H. Pacheco's credit history via a credit collection agency.

Case # 0019. This individual has compensated us in full for the trouble he caused and has requested to remain anonymous.

Case # 0020. This individual uses stolen credit cards to place orders online (June 2011): Mr. Daniel Munteanu, Mihai Eminescu nr 33, RO-731199 Barlad, Romania. Telephone: +0040-747699908. Email: . IP address:

Case # 0021. Received the following letter from a collector of french banknotes Mr. David Mills:

French Banknote Theft

Between August 7 and August 20, 2009, I was the victim of a theft, and would like everyone to be aware and on the lookout for some stolen banknotes.

The two French notes pictured here (
SCWPM P.2/Fayette F.02.33 alph C.8688, #267, and SCWPM P.131c/Fayette 48.08 Alph P.130 #37204) were purchased by me from the Compagnie Générale de Bourse (CGB, Paris France) in their Papier Monnaie 14 auction of June 25, 2009 as auction lots 47 and 247.

For a variety of reasons, they were not shipped until August 7th. Upon delivery to me on August 20, 2009, I found the package empty. I will be pursuing this through the postal services, of course.

These notes are quite rare, both are in UNC condition. If you come across these notes through a dealer, auction, eBay, or other source, I would certainly appreciate contact through this site.

Thank you,
Dave Mills

Editor's Remark: Complete serial numbers of the stolen banknotes are: 217177267 (5 Francs 1913) and 323937204 (5000 Francs 2.1.1953).

Case # 0022. This troubled individual uses stolen credit cards to place orders online. His persistence paid off and he has earned himself this free space for life. The incidents (fraudulent order attempts and one successful) have occurred between August 2006 and September 2011:

Surya Raj (also uses the following names and usernames: Suryaraj CK; elloraexpress; ckss; CNPAGES; ELLORA; cksuryaraj). Has stolen the following item: India P-18, 5 Rupees 1937, series # F/38, serial # 999958

Shipping addresses, emails and telephone numbers used by the criminal:

Surya Raj, S-2 Oxford Court, St. Tomas Road, Srinivas Nagar, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu 627011, India.

Suryaraj CK, 8/2 Bhagyanathan Street Near STC Collage Perumalpuram, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu 627011, India.

Suryaraj CK, Jain Trading Co, Port Road, Bunder, Mangalore 575001, India.

Surya Raj, Aishwarya Lodge, Near Parthas Theatre, Trivandrum 695001, India.

Telephone number used in all cases throughout many years (2006-2011): 91-9894483956.

Emails: ; ; ; ;

IP addresses used by this criminal: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

The telephone of the criminal or of their accomplice is traced to this address
here in Puttur. The provider name is Chenna Keshava.

Case # 0023. This individual opportunist uses stolen credit card numbers* to place orders online. His persistence paid off and he has earned himself this free space for life. The incidents (fraudulent order attempts; none successful) have occurred on the 8th of October 2011.

Mr. Ehab Daher (also uses the following names and usernames: Ihaab Taher; Ehab Hassam; Ehab Hasam; Mrs. Ehab Hasam; Sara Perez).

Shipping address, email and telephone number used by the opportunist:

Alshmisani St., Amman 13000, Jordan.

Telephone number used: 0788267766.


IP address used by this opportunist:

*None of the numerous credit cards numbers used in this fraudulent transaction attempt belong to any of the above names.

Case # 0024. stole my name and address and were using it at Whois. real owners are criminals. They have stolen my name and address and were using it as their domain registration data at the internet domain Whois public record system. Basically they were doing business on my name and address, but below are their real names and bank accounts as proof of the identity theft and the scam.
I placed an "order" (an investigative test) on (they do not provide any of their phone, street address, mailing address or even a telephone number on that scam website, so I asked them for their address where to send a check or a money order. Here's what they replied revealing info of the potential owner of this SCAM, that uses my name and my address as the Whois record for their fraudulent business. Here's the email I received from these scammers originating from: and from the following IP address: ( WHOIS: )
Dear (my name),
Thank you for your recent online purchase with Swiss&!
The only payment method accepted for international orders is bank wire transfer. International check clearing can take from 4 - 6 weeks. Even though it's easy to issue a check, it may not be easy for the recipient to cash the check. That's why we don't accept the checks from international orders.
I hope for your understanding!
The following is the wire transfer information for payment of your invoice.
Lloyds TSB Bank
1 Legg St, Essex CM1 1JS, United Kingdom
Company address: 6 Valiant Way, London E6 5XN, United Kingdom
Account number: 22861068
Sort code: 30-99-64
IBAN: GB52LOYD30996422861068
Account name:
Robert Pyc
Total amount in USD currency: 2,425.00
Once the payment has been arranged, please send us a confirmation e-mail.
You may fax or e-mail a bank transaction receipt so we may better identify receipt of the funds, our fax number is
Looking forward to your reply!

Best regards,
Chris Franklyn
+44 20 8816 8955
Re: Email sent to: with the following inquiry:

> What address should I send the cashier's check to?
> Re: order# 5078-9277-0838
> $2425.00


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Case # 0025. (dated 2011-2012). Someone in New Jersey (around New York City), while drowning in misery, keeps on sending me $1 payments to my Paypal account and immediately submits chargebacks (payment reversals, claiming that unauthorized transactions have occurred) with their credit card provider even that I refund the $1 back to their Paypal accounts within minutes or hours or even within the same day or two. All $1 chargeback fraud has originated from email provider and the "shipping address" is always around NYC, located in the state of New Jersey.

Case # 0026. (dated April 2013). Received two checks (see photo) allegedly from Annasiete Kuuipo Manwill, 4186 E. Ashlan Ave., Fresno, CA 93726 for an "order" that is clearly fraudulent (check fraud). The payment (two checks) and a letter (see photo) were sent by UPS Next Day Air Early AM (!!) (see photo of UPS address label) they were so sure they will be able to con me. The phone number printed on the checks and also handwritten on the UPS shipment label (559) 981-5764 (559-981-5764) belongs to someone else (or they may be lying). Bank of America confirmed to me that the checks are not counterfeit, but the account has been closed for some time. Can't be stolen checks if the person who placed the "order" was asking to ship their order by UPS Next Day Air Early AM to the address listed on the checks, unless they would re-route the shipment later or the criminals may be waiting at the doorstep of that address when UPS delivers the shipment claiming it's their home and they just came out for a smoke or something like that. UPS
confirmed that the UPS account # 631625 exists and that the address above is listed with the UPS. Perhaps a case of stolen checks that resulted in a closed bank account and the thieves used the following phone number 239-349-4983 to call me back to correct the spelling of the shipping address (which I intentionally misspeled to get them call me from wherever they were lurking at). Female called me from that number (239-349-4983) and spelled the name "Annasiete Manwill" (she pronounced it "annasyete") and when I called that number days later (April 16, 2013) a hispanic male voice answered in Spanish and he said "you got the wrong number, gracias". The email address used in the con is the following: "lillym88 MANWILL" <>. Another dealer in the US has reported to me receiving a check from Bank of America with the same name etc. At the recipient counter in Bank of America the cashier asked me whether I wanted to deposit the checks. They did not offer to verify whether checks are fraudulent or whether the account is closed. Only after I expressed my concern they then investigated and told me that the account is closed and asked whether I shipped the goods yet. The fact is, the banks will gladly accept any check from you without verifying it first whether the account is open unless you ask them to! How much money have the banks made from bounced check fees that way! And if the check is counterfeit, I was advised, one can get arrested and jailed for depositing a counterfeit check even if they are unaware of the fact that check could be counterfeit! Beware of all of the above.

Case # 0027. (dated 2011-2012)

My identity has been stolen by BIZCN BIZCN domain registrar (or their customer(s)), who is accredited by ICANN. Someone at BIZCN CNOBIN CNOBIN has registered over 50 to 70 domain names (or more) using my name (A. Tomonis) and my now old address (P.O. Box 331, North, SC 29112), but they used their own email address and my old (not working) phone/fax number and everyone knows why they do it (so I don’t get contacted too soon). If you take a look at for instance at the following domain and website:, it’s not only registered in my name, but it is a live website selling watches and I am sure it is as fraudulent as hell. My numerous attempts to call, email and fax ICANN ended up in a wall of silence and complete ignorance by ICANN. Moreover, ICANN’s forms online to report bad registrars and fraudulent domain registrations did no work properly and sent me refusals for all domains I tried to report repeatedly many times. My numerous attempts to reach BIZCN CNOBIN ended up with “Jimmy” from BIZCN CNOBIN responding (after numerous no-responses) and promising changes, yet he did very little and I noticed only a handful of domains at the Whois replaced my address with, I suspect, another stolen address/identity. BIZCN CNOBIN is a Chinese shady domain registrar accredited by ICANN.

Here’s a by far incomplete list of domain names that bear or used to bear my name and my mailing address and my old outdated fax number that was sent to “Jimmy” at BIZCN as a request to remove my name, address and telephone from those domain records many months ago:

These alleged criminals at BIZCN
CNOBIN are using the following email address for their shady agenda: which actually should work as also sometimes listed as The criminals are also using my OLD (long gone) phone number as "their" phone/fax: 8032472699. Their above "jhnvns.92" email address is actually included in the following Google subpoena.

All or most of these domains and scam websites are hosted at JINO
JINO.RU IP address I have notified JINO.RU that which they host stole my identity, yet did nothing to suspend that website which clearly is a scam.

I also tried to submit a similar post to Facebook and here’s what Facebook said:

Sorry, this post contains a blocked URL The content you’re trying to share includes a link that’s been blocked for being spammy or unsafe:

F e a c a e b o o k . com

Now wait! That’s one of the domain names which’s true owner (hidden behind my stolen identity) is a criminal customer of the criminally neglect (or criminally involved) BIZCN CNOBIN registrar (accredited by ICANN).

So, I CANN or I CANN’T? Regarding me, I definitely CAN and WILL!

UPDATE: 14 August 2015: Most of the above criminal domains by now were deleted or had the details updated to someone else's (possibly stolen identity as well), yet as of today the following domain still bears my name and (now former) address: . The allegedly criminal registrar BIZCN has been notified once more. Thus this case is back and this time it will remain posted here indefinitely, so Google, Archive etc. picks it up.

Case # 0028. (Updated: 3-JAN-2023. Updated: 4-NOV-2017. Dated: 18-FEB-2015). Anonymous (known to me) individual and company representative retaliatory fake LIBEL and fake defamatory post on the known extortionist R.O.R. website, to which I do not want to link to, so not to give them any credit. If you search on Google or most other search engines for my name and my site, you will find it and please don't jump to the quick conclusions, cause that anonymous post is as fake as it gets and is an absolutely anonymous criminal defamatory libel or unfound allegations (softly speaking). Criminally anonymous defamation in exchange for truth. Also the anonymous cowardly poster did not address the "issue" with the IBNS, life member of which I am, nor did not post on any numismatic related forums as I would and should. He would have been identified there, that's why. And he prefers to remain anonymous, to avoid legal trouble. I would no longer be a member of the International Bank Note Society, that's for sure, if I would have done what "he" wrote I "have done". Also he, the anonymous criminal probably knows that R.O.R. owner is an alleged extortion racqueteer himself and will not remove any fake libel from his website, even that the fantasy libel is unverified, as it should and must be verified by any legal and self-respecting webmaster, and anonymous absolute nonsense, and so Mr. Ed Magedson, owner of the infamous Ripoff Report makes money from .... that's why criminally anonymous defamators such as D.O. love R.O.R. and similar extortionist "websites" where any hearsay and manufactured fake retaliatory in exchange for truth contents is published without any even slightest verification of the poster, investigation and confirmation. I keep on getting absolutely anonymous offers to clean up the fake post on R.O.R. Guess who could be behind them? Please read my REBUTTALS on R.O.R. to get the idea.

And what is even worse that many search engines are allegedly earning money cooperating with the R.O.R. extortionist website (without any chance of removing its contents, as decided by a whim of its owner E.M.), by aggressive use of Google's "Humiliation Algorithm", basing their "legality" on aggressive use of the following Section 230 Communications Decency Act (USA) made by US Congress or Senate, whoever was involved in such a terrible oversight and wonder why it is not being corrected?

Anyone in the EU, US, India, China, Australia, UK, Canada, or the entire world can have their career and reputation ruined within minutes (thousands or millions already are affected) by one insane anonymous individual posting a fake anonymous "report" (fake allegation, libel, defamation) at which does not remove the contents accordingly to:

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (USA)

 203(c) needs to be changed, updated, corrected, edited. Now it allows anonymous false allegations libel to be posted by criminals (who can't be found anywhere to serve them with legal papers) "legally" against anyone, including against POTUS:

European Union

Directive 2000/31/EC establishes a safe haven regime for hosting providers:

Article 14 establishes that hosting providers are not responsible for the content they host as long as (1) the acts in question are neutral intermediary acts of a mere technical, automatic and passive capacity; (2) they are not informed of its illegal character, and (3) they act promptly to remove or disable access to the material when informed of it.

That's why E.M. owner of R.O.R. has blocked entire European countries from being able to access his allegedly extortionist website, which some online forums state that can still be viewed from the E.U. by using some kind of "TOR browser".

Yet in contradiction with the abovementioned Directive the R.O.R. website owner E.M.
refuses to remove the anonymous fake libel from his website.

That is just wrong and unfair! Yet the alleged criminal data terrorist E.M. is in hiding somewhere, while the hosting provider for his R.O.R. website, which allegedly hosts many other allegedly illegal and criminal websites, is ignoring all mail sent to them. (the subdomain "evidence-based" with all its content seems to have been recently removed)

""Ripoff Report" is a website that exists in order to propagate libel and defamation. It's effectively nothing more than a digital extortion platform. It's useless for consumers, because no claims on the site are verified or investigated in any way or form.

In November 2017 visiting R.O.R. website (to check whether the anonymous criminal has not posted more lies) I found out that R.O.R. has now blocked my IP address (for unknown reasons) thus preventing me from exercising my contitutional right to transparency and to rebuttals by periodically accessing their website. That only demonstrates the shady nature of R.O.R. website and of its owner E.M. The R.O.R. website unblocked my access upon sending them an email.

Around a couple years ago (2019, 2020 or 2021) RipoffReport has enabled their so-called
AUTHOR CONFIRMED (green font) labeling of "reports" and the libelous fake report about me was also labeled as "author confirmed" even that I am 100% certain the "author" of the report is fake and is anonymous poster. Here's an example (the "author confirmation" label of which has been changed in December 2022 to AUTHOR NOT CONFIRMED):

In December 2022 RipoffReport has disabled their so-called
AUTHOR CONFIRMED (green font) labeling of "reports" and labeled all their "reports" (some of which are genuine) as AUTHOR NOT CONFIRMED (red font) and the libelous fake report about me was also labeled as "author not confirmed". How is this possible to identify and confirm the fake, anonymous author and then a year or two later to lose the confirmation of all the "authors" of reports on ROR, not just one? Something is really shady going on at RipoffReport. Here's an example of data manipulation by the Ripoff Report (the "author confirmation" label of which has been marked some time ago as AUTHOR CONFIRMED):

Contact your Senator or Government Representative in your state or country. This could affect anyone any day now for any reason in any country around the globe. Demand the right to have anonymous unverified fake "reviews" removed from any website on the internet. Keeping in mind that this oversight in US law affects the entire world and most individuals and businesses affected can not afford a $100,000 lawyer and travel to the U.S. A lot of them can't even get a visa let alone afford to travel that far.

Do not post on Post on your own website or blog instead, so you can be in charge of the entire contents without relying on websites of such extortionists.


Case # 0029. (dated 16-MAR-2017). Jimmy Sebba (could be a fake passport or a fake name etc.) placed an online order for $2000 for a quantity of 50 Euro banknotes and submitted a fraudulent Paypal payment using the following data: Address: JIMMY SEBBA, HERMANN EHLERS STR 6, 40595 DUSSELDORF GARATH, GERMANY. Telephone: +4915216007873. Email: Account username: paymentstudio. The order was placed from thew folowing IP: Paypal account (with "Verified" status!) that the "payment" (that never cleared) was sent from is registered to: Jimmy Sebba, email: As soon as this transaction was placed I have contacted Paypal and asked them to cancel this "payment" stating it is a known scammer and to consider closing their Paypal account. It was cancelled after 10 or 11 days. The way of payment was very strange and Paypal would not disclose what it was, it just says, after the "payment" cancellation: "Payment Type: Non-Instant". It was "pending" and it was some kind of "web accept" payment. On the surface it looked as if I was paid as it stated that "Payment Received" and it had a plus sign in front of $2000 like so: +$2000, but after clicking on it, there was a small inscription that the payment has not cleared or has not posted yet and to not ship the goods yet. Very strange indeed. And even more strange that a VERIFIED Paypal member would send such a payment, with clear intent to defraud. The "customer" has his passport on the internet and he was emailing me every so often asking me when his "order" will be shipped. Here are texts of his emails:

After I wrote that only one (1) €50 banknote is available, he writes: "ship that one piece and ship me the other euro banknotes that you have i dont care if is 5,10 ,20 100, 200 just to cavar my payment."

Then I wrote: "Do you care if the other 100, 200 € notes are circulated? Are you a collector?" He responds: "Is ok". More of his email responses: "Is a home and will be waiting for the item thanks and am from germany" and later: "am italian but i stay in germany".

And then: "

After I marked his "order" as FRAUD and deleted his account (even that I knew from the very first minutes it was fraud after it was placed) he writes again:
"hello i want to know if you shipped my items on monday as you said reply soon". Then we respond to him:
"Yes, we did, but you have to pick them up at the following address: Börchemstraße 23, 40597 Düsseldorf, Germany"
(Note: That is an address of a local Polizei station)
He then writes: "When will they arrive which date", "when will the items arrive?", "Ok i will wait you will let me know the date as i dont have the tracking number " and so on, etc.

Paypal states the following: "
This payment was automatically returned by PayPal on Mar 15, 2017 because the funds were unclaimed for 30 days." - Yet there was NO way for me to claim the funds, neither I wanted to claim the fraudulent "funds", which I was sure were not available in any way and there was NO functionality in Paypal to "claim the funds". Paypal also states the funds were returned to the sender ONE DAY BEFORE the "order" was placed!? Today is the 26th of March 2017 and I've just received a message from Paypal support that the payment was finally removed from "pending" only today... Very shady "order" indeed. More:

Notification of Cancellation of Pending PayPal Payment by Bank Transfer
We have just cancelled a pending PayPal payment by bank transfer to you.

Cancellation Details

Payment Initiated: Mar 15, 2017
Amount: 1,946.05 EUR

UPDATE 7-APR-2017: Paypal seems to have ignored my request to block "Jimmy Sebba" from ever sending any fake payments (most likely by hacking into people' s Paypal accounts) to me again or closing Paypal account of this scammer and fraudster and so there comes another
"order" from this immigrant fraud and the way Paypal interface was changed that before one could cancel or block unwanted transactions and block unwanted senders, but now that option has been removed. So now all we are left with is to wait and to make sure not to ship the goods to such criminals and deal with their ever pending payment record in your Paypal's statement. Our givernments seemed to have encoyraged massive unchecked immigration to Eiurope and North America and even encoraged them to commit fraud, so now these criminals are confident and are not feariing the corrupt as ever "authorities". Yet I as a Merchant keep my integrity and honesty no matter what and I despise such governments and corporations who make sole proprietor's survival a living hell.

Case # 0030. In a credit card fraud and theft of goods case, dated 5-APR-2017, Mr. Robert Skrzeczkoski, 801 Main St., Junction City, Wisconsin 54443, United States. Telephone: 7144866338. Email: has placed a fraudulent chargeback, 6 days AFTER receiving his ordered goods (delivered to him on 30-MAR-2017, which took 11 days to arrive, as per official document from a postal authority, after a lengthy international postal investigation). Mr. Robert Skrzeczkoski has lied that he has never received the goods, worth over US$200. Total loss including fees, charges and penalties resulting from his fraudulent payment withdrawal are almost $250. His other email address is: .

UPDATE (16-JUN-2017): While I have won this chargeback case as per $208.75 payment (not refund) from Paypal that I received today, I believe Paypal may have just paid me from their own funds. I may be wrong, but I think since Mr. Robert Skrzeczkowski lost the chargeback or decided to pay me back for the goods I delivered to him, then he would at least be contacting me once the funds were refunded to me. That did not happen. The transaction seemed like Paypal payment to me and not a refund. And Mr. Skrzeczkoski still owes me $41, since Paypal allegedly paid only $208.75 from its own funds (I suspect that very much), because Paypal is kind of nice to its long time customers like myself, and I appreciate that very much. That does not mean that Paypal will not go after the fraudster legally and place the fraudulent transaction on Mr. Robert Skrzeczkoski's credit report or even a lien on his owned properties and cars that he owns. The chargeback penalty of US$20, the handling costs and expenses involved, the interest and the Paypal double charge for its fees of about $9, plus my shipment and reshipment costs of about $12 all add up to ~$41 that Mr. Robert Skrzeczkoski still owes me ($249.10 less $208.75 = $40.35). So this post will still remain here until Mr. Robert Skrzeczkowski pays me the $41. Interest for the unpaid settlement still applies at reasonable 2% per month or 24% per year. If Mr. Robert Skrzeczkoski did not reimburse Paypal, Inc. for the $208.75 then this amount is still due from Mr. Robert Skrzeczkowski to Paypal, Incorporated, which I, as a Paypal customer must make sure that Paypal must be reimbursed with as well. Only then, this record will be removed. After this record is removed from this page, the record may still show up on search engines on the internet, unless Robert Skrzeczkoski employs a special search engine record removal team or pays to do the removal work for him, which involves another, separate charge. Therefore anyone considering placing an unfair and fraudulent chargeback, please reconsider again.

Case # 0031. Owner of website Mr. Michael Westbrook from United Kingdom, email:,resident at 30 Liscard Road, Liverpool L15 0HH, United Kingdom, Phone: +44.8456341809 seems to love shortcuts while working on his website. Why create his own contents if he can plagiate from someone else? Copy and paste seems to be his favourite method preferred to creating his own. Take for instance the following page of ours:

One small example of stolen contents:

- Topic (birds, nudes, sailing ships, famous people, views, militaria etc.)
- Time period (WWII, 20th century, only notes dated 1999 etc.)
- Country (your native or favourite country)
- City (city that issued the note, that applies to local issues)
- Continent (Africa, Europe, Antarctica etc.)
- Features on a note (holograms, security insertion strips, paper kind)
- Material used (paper, plastic, mylar, cloth etc.)
- Signatures (there are so many varieties)
- Serial numbers (111111 or 000001 or 123321 or specimens 000000 etc.)
- Name of Printer (company or government who printed the note)
- Influence zone (for example: France and (former) colonies)
- Size (collect only large size notes or notes that don't exceed certain size etc.)
- Condition/grade (collect only Uncirculated or only circulated notes etc.)
- Science (collect notes that feature biologists, astronomy, engineering etc.)
- Watermark (type of watermark or a picture on it)
- Type (Counterfeit/Bogus/Forgery notes; Specimen notes; Error or Trial notes....)

The above contents has been "deposited and kept" at the following URL:

The earliest internet records for the above text of ours:

February 2002:

July 2008: Our text plagiated by earliest record:

Texts from other parts of our website have also been plagiated, for example on the following page:

There is the following "FAQ" text as well as look and feel of

I have a banknote/ coin or collection that I can not identify, because it's printed/issued in a language that I don't understand and the letters on the note(s) / coins seem to be different from latin or some kind of strange characters.How can I find out their value and possibly to sell them?
You need to describe the banknote(s) or coin(s) in DETAIL, every detail is important and you have to scan it's/their image in JPEG (.jpg) format in order to show the banknote(s) / coin(s) to us (or send a xerox copy or an original by mail to us).DO NOT email pictures to us you must load on to some web space and send us the url.

The above text was more or less 90% plagiated from the following page of ours. See the Fourth (4th) Question/Answer from the top:

Archived since 2002 (or before):

Here's another example of plagiarism by Michael Westbrook: record from November 1999: record from May 2008:

We have changed, updated, dislocated (up or down) some of our texts ever since they were plagiated, but kept the others. Yet still has some of our old texts, which you can see and compare on the website.

Mr. Michael Westbrook has copied texts from our website and even after being asked to remove our texts, to cease and desist, he felt comfortable to just ignore the request. As it seems, our contents is so valuable that contents plagiators such as Mister Michael Westbrook value it more than his own self respect and reputation. Therefore this little free advertising space is his to keep.

The amazing fact is that we are not native English speakers and the abovementioned Englishman really loves our broken English so much that he can't create his own contents and prefers ours. Mostly unredacted. Unauthorized. Without credit provided to us.

Case # 0032. (dated 15-MAR-2018). WORLDBANKNOTESCOINS.COM - owner email: Ales Aleksin:

To: Mr. Aleksey Antonenko
Geroev Stalingrada 30/32
Dnepropetrovsk 49055
Phone: +380.675601863

This plagiator copies texts from our website and posts on his own website and ignores requests to remove and to cease and desist. Legal action is pending.

Case # 0033. (dated 5-APR-2018). Waleed Pervaiz, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Placed an order with a purpose to allegedly defraud and disturb peace. Order was placed for mostly current large denomination Pakistani currency banknotes for an amount under $300. "Payment" was sent for an amount of $0.05 via Paypal and the name and the address listed in Paypal account is the following (exactly as it is listed in the Paypal account):

Buyer: (the below address is spelled exactly as provided by them and as was listed in their Paypal account):

Waleed Pervaiz
Confirmed shipping address
Waleed Pervaiz
39 White Bitch Cir
Miller Place, NY 11764
United States

Paypal message for me: "You received a payment of $0.05 USD from Waleed Pervaiz ( Seller Protection - Eligible. Transaction ID: 7E8254032T437343G"

Order was placed with the following Billing and Shipping (ship-to) data:

Phone: +92-301-8440589 (email as per above)

Name and address: Waleed Pervaiz, DHQ2, 1-A Kohistan Road, F8 Markaz, Islamabad 46000 Pakistan

IP address:

Case # 0034. (dated 18-JUL-2018). Lala Rukh, NY, USA. Computer IP address in Lahore, Pakistan. Email: . See also the above case # 00033.

Paypal confirmed shipping address (with the 2nd word of their street address now corrected after a complaint was launched with the Paypal Inc.):
Lala Rukh
39 White Birch Cir
Miller Place, NY 11764
United States

The following transaction was an order for US$615 (six hundred fifteen dollars), yet they managed to pay only $0.15 (15 cents) which we refunded right away and incurred a $0.15 fee from Paypal. To protect ourselves from such behaviour we make these cases public.

Case # 0035. (dated 18-DEC-2018). US Postal Service corruption, alleged criminal activity suspected. Some facts below.

Shipment lost within the US Postal Service system somewhere in the NYC area or ISC NY. The shipment was never delivered to an address in Yonkers, NY, while USPS has prematurely (after only 2+ months past it's acceptance to mail in Portugal) deleted its tracking record. The tracking # LL001511875PT not anymore on USPS.COM but still visible on the CTT.PT tracking records.":

LOST: Monaco 500 Francs 2016 UNC Artist's Essay (Serial # M 000435A)

"Label Created" follows after the premature removal of the actual USPS tracking record, which had numerous forwarding records wandering around within the NYC area, missing the delivery area by a short distance and wandering around it, then disappearing, all recorded in the USPS's tracking record and seen by me and by some witnesses, which later very soon were removed by someone at the USPS. Just adds to suspicions (and proof) of corruption at the USPS and accessibility to the USPS and tracking records by some dishonest individuals, quite likely a local Postmaster or the ISC NY. Suddenly all erased from tracking record upon my complaint to the USPS.
Absolute silence from the USPS ever since, and our USPS account of many years either erased or password recovery function disabled (no, it's not a spam folder case). It's aleged corruption at USPS, with facts.

After the below correspondence, USPS has become silent and deleted my USPS account or disabled the password recovery function for me, so I can not log into my acount and access all the current and past records there.

Remark: There were more notes in the shipment (Priority Azul International), but without serial Nos. recorded.

Case # 0036. (dated years 2017-2019 and before). Address (or similar): Emmanuel Onuoha, Road 5, #5, Pipeline Junction, Rumuagholu, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Email:, and many others.

Over many years he's been abusing our store, placing fraudulent "orders" with stolen credit cards, trying to pay in many other fraudulent ways and registering and reregistering as a "customer" many times after being deleted and blocked, under different names and addresses. He's been asked politely to not return and not terrorize our website, but he keeps on coming back again and again, clearly with mal intent to create chaos and to attempt to annoy, at which he is not successful. This guy is creating new accounts and trying to defraud us again and again. Nigerian police were informed about this guy. We do business with honest Nigerians or foreigners living in Nigeria, but many including this one do not understand when they are asked to leave and to never return. Cease and Desist.

Case # 0037. This individual has compensated us in full for the trouble he caused and has requested to remain anonymous.

Case # 0038. This individual is cooperating in removing our intellectual property (texts) from their website after they were served a variant of DMCA Takedown Notice for United Kingdom - Notice & Takedown, therefore this review has been removed.

Case # 0039. (dated years 2022–2023) Intellectual property theft and plagiate: Copyright infringer HobbyCurrency (dot com) 575 W Main St., P.O Box 15, Batavia, Ohio, 45103-9998, United States, has lifted the following texts from

Summary of both pages with stolen texts:

One of the two listings posted by Admin of the website on March 19, 2022 also appear to be allegedly fraudulent since the description (text lifted from does not match the item being sold.

DMCA Takedown Notices were issued to this website contact and after receiving no reply also to the abovementioned website's hosting company Lafactory (dot com) and also to their host Hetzner Online GmbH as well and we are in a process of processing information for legal proceedings against the copyright infringers at HobbyCurrency and their accomplice Francis Rozange, owner of LaFactory (registered as a C Corporation in Delaware and residing in Thailand) who maliciously (with threats of violence, false imprisonment and false defamation) refused to remove the two clearly fraudulent pages containing copyright violations.

UPDATE: Upon a closer look and after more research the abovementioned shady website appears to be inconsistent in its contents and layout and is a highly suspect for being a scam and a trap for credit card information that allegedly was created by the ownership of Lafactory and is run as an alleged scam or a reference for their hosting service.

Case # 0040. Date of offence: 24 January 2023. Name and address: Samuel E. Hurst, 10450 Bucknell Road, Houston, TX 77016, USA. Phone: 3375707259. Email: . Submitted a fraudulent dispute (deceitful chargeback) on his credit card payment, on the day of dispatch of the merchandise, stating that he did not receive the tangible merchandise. Offender IP address:

FRAUD PREVENTION: All orders paid with credit or debit cards go through numerous security and anti-fraud checks such as AVS, identity verification, signature verification, shipping and billing address verification, email address and phone verification, and if necessary (many overseas orders) - manual authorization, verification of your references and other data. All that is done in order to protect your credit and debit card account from fraud as well as to protect ourselves from fraudulent orders and payments and against fraudulent chargebacks.

We will protect our customers and we will fight fraud.

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