Home :: World Banknotes - A :: Algeria :: Algeria 20 Dinars 1983 (08031/127xx/0487333xx) UNC-

Algeria 20 Dinars 1983 (08031/127xx/0487333xx) UNC-

Algeria 20 Dinars 1983 (08031/127xx/0487333xx) UNC-
Product Code:
15.00 ($ 16.80)
20 Dinars 2.1.1983 (Front: Vase; handicrafts; Back: Horseback musician; The Great Mosque of Qal’a of Bani Hammad (Qalaa Beni Hammad) in Béjaïa Province in a state of ruin; Signatures (left to right): Rachid Bouraoui (under the serial number); Bader-Eddine Nouioua (at the top of the round arch in the center). Watermark: Amir Abdelkader (Abd al-Qadir)) (Ser # 08031/127xx/0487333xx) UNC-

Dimensions: 131 x 61 mm


Catalogue Number: P-133

Grade/condition: Nearly Uncirculated (UNC-) (new, unused) GRADING INFO

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Gift certificates