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Help & Support

Find quick answers to your questions below:
  Buyer's Guide | My Account | Billing & Payments | Order Status | Shipping | Returns | Terms & Conditions
  Security | Privacy Policy | Additional Support | Questions & Answers — Frequently Asked Questions
- Buyer's Guide
What currency are your products priced in?
How do I navigate the site? | FAQ | Search (desktop pages only) | Other Info
Are these real (original) money or reproductions (replicas) that you're selling?
Are these banknotes Real Tender that you're selling?
How many different products can my cart or basket carry?
I keep getting an error message or your site is inaccessible sometimes.
My shopping cart / basket has become empty after I've added items into it.
What is the condition (grade) of all these banknotes?
- My Account
How do I create an account?
How do I edit my account information?
I forgot my password.
Problems logging in or creating an account?
- Billing and Payments
How can I pay you? What credit/debit cards and payments do you accept?
Whom should I make my check (cheque) or money order payable to?
Did you charge my card or someone else did?
I need a copy of my receipt (invoice).
What are my payment options?
When will the credit appear on my account?
When will my credit card be charged?
Will my credit card get charged after I cancel my order?
Why does your charge appear on my card as "pending"?
Why is my credit card payment declined?
Why is my credit card payment authorised, but marked as "Fraud"?
Why is my debit card (check card; ATM card) being charged twice? (it is not)
Why is there a second, smaller charge on my card? (foreign customers only).
What happens if I place a payment reversal dispute (chargeback)?
- Order Status
Has my order shipped?
How do I cancel my order?
How do I track shipment of my order?
My order has not arrived yet
I did not receive an email confirmation of my order that I placed
Whom should I make my check (cheque) or money order payable to?
The packaging of my order looks like it has been tampered with (damaged, opened, resealed, etc.)
- Shipping
Where will my order ship from?
When will my order ship?
I did not receive an email confirmation of my order that I placed
How well is my merchandise protected during shipping?
What are my shipping charges?
Can you ship my order by regular uninsured unregistered mail (First Class or Air Mail)?
Do you ship via Express Mail, FedEx, UPS, EMS or DHL?
Do you ship to my country?
Can you ship with no signature required?
How do I track my mail shipment?
How soon should I expect my ordered items to arrive?
Will you ship my order to another name and/or address?
How do I check the progress (pseudo-track) of my Registered Mail (USPS) shipment?
I paid more to you for the shipping (postage) than it appears on the envelope/package that I received.
I did not receive the shipment of my order and it's been 30 (or 60) days since it was shipped
- Returns
How do I return my product(s)?
What is your return policy?
Can I submit a payment reversal (chargeback) and keep the goods without returning them?
My country's customs (douane) charges me import duty. Can I refuse (return) the shipment to you?
- Terms and Conditions
What are your terms and conditions?
- Security
Is my private and credit card data secure at your web store? How secure is it?
What else do I have to know so my order is surely, timely and securely processed?
There's an extremely annoying pop-up ad (advertiser) on your website that could be malicious
I am getting a questionmark in GMAIL while receiving communication from you and from others
- Privacy Policy
What is your privacy policy?
- Additional Support
How do I contact you if I need further help?
- Questions & Answers - Frequently Asked Questions
Many other questions are answered here
  REMEMBER: Satisfaction guaranteed. Our goal is complete customer's satisfaction (in reasonable, fair and just terms for both parties). To those few who like to stir up trouble: please be civil, kind, honest and patient and please don't embarrass yourself by attacking and shouting on us unnecessarily, for we do all our work faithfully, honestly and thoroughly. Your patience and understanding, that postal services are not perfect and are not run nor owned by us, is appreciated.


What currency are your products priced in?

All our products are priced in EUROS (€) since we are located (and we ship from) the European Union (Europe) while the approximate conversion rate/price in our online store is set in the brackets in U.S. dollars right next to the Euro price to serve you as a guide on how much approximately you will be charged in USD on your card by your (American) card provider (more or less). The exchange rate may fluctuate and thus the final U.S. dollar charge on your card (by your bank or card provider)) depends on the market conversion rate from Euro to US dollar.

If you wish to pay us in US dollars converted the grand total amount of your order into USD from our Euro prices, please contact us before placing your order. Alternatively you can pay us in US dollars by sending us a bank wire transfer to our bank account in the United States (our banking details will be sent to you upon request).

Also, if you select Paypal and Zelle as a payment method during checkout, you will be able to pay us in US dollars (£, CAD, AUD, CHF etc). Even if you checkout in Euros (€) your American card or U.S. dollar based Paypal account should usually be charged by your card provider in US dollars.

You can also pay us in US$ cash or a U.S. personal check (direct mail-in bank deposit) if you wish, at our set exchange rate (provided to you upon request), although we prefer to receive our payment in Euros (€).

Yet another method to pay us in U.S. dollars (or in any other world currency) is to place your order on our mirror store (having almost the same stock): https://store.banknotes.com which has prices set in Euro (€) but we will convert it into U.S. dollars (or another currency of your choice) before charging your card in USD (or other currency), and you can pay with your credit or debit card there. Please make sure you add a note during checkout on the "Customer Notes" text field, for example: "Please charge my card in U.S. dollars converted from Euros".

There is also a way to pay us in a currency of your country, of your choice (U.S. dollars for instance) in our main store as well: During checkout select the following named "Credit/Debit Card by Email (Mail, Fax or Phone) (Stripe)" payment method located just above our Barter / Swap method located at the bottom of the list of payment methods, thus the need scroll down the page. That is a manual payment method where we can process your card manually, thus we can choose the currency in which to process the transaction. Although with this method you will have to use your printer and scanner and email us the completed order form.

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How do I navigate the site?

First of all, to purchase banknotes and other goods you can either use the text pricelist with "Add-to-Cart" links in it (leading to our desktop friendly store) and with ability to view larger images and text or you can go directly to the shopping cart interface (for desktop users) and purchase from there, or use our mobile-friendly store, whichever you prefer. Contents of both, the text pricelist and the shopping cart store is almost exactly the same (only for banknotes) and both are interconnected. Regarding other collectibles, such as coins, stamps, labels, lottery tickets, bonds etc. Those are not listed in the text pricelist and should be viewed and purchased only from the desktop shopping cart or our mobile-friendly store interface.

Our product descriptions exactly describe the product you will receive: the serial number(s), signature varieties, date varieties, denomination etc. and are well indicated and described in fine detail. While photos represent the overall common design of a banknote (or of another product), unless the photo matches the details in the description, such as serial number, date of print and signature variety, please do not treat photos as WYSIWYG. Some photos are of the actual products you will receive, other photos only represent the overall design, but not the fine detail such as signatures, date and serial numbers, therefore please always use textual descriptions as your reliable guide to what you will receive. Photos should not be treated as WYSIWYG for signatures, dates and exact serial numbers.

You can either use our search feature(s) (either at the home page (and many other pages) or in the old desktop-friendly part of our website) to enter in the type of product you are looking for, or you can navigate by using our categories shown on the left hand side of the website. Some categories will have subcategories that will be displayed at the top middle section of the website once you click on the category name.

If you need to look up bank notes by Country Name you can click on a category with a certain letter "World Banknotes A to Z" and then sort the notes by Country Names. You will also notice that you can sort the products by product code (which usually matches the "Pick" number), price etc.

Please do not attempt to contact us or to order any banknotes or other items from the old Currency Gallery or from the new World Banknote Museum. Many bank notes and other items on the old Gallery and on the new World Banknote Museum pages are not available (sold, not for sale, some images were donated, etc.). While some or many items in the Gallery and the new World Banknote Museum may be available to purchase from our old store (retired) or the current store (functional), please do not contact us about availability of Gallery and the new World Banknote Museum items. Go to the Store instead and order from there. Item availability in our Store is usually very close to 100%. So just go ahead and place your orders.

You can recommend a product that you like to your friend as well as add it to your wishlist.

You can see bestsellers and featured bank notes, buy related books, holders for your paper money collection, browse our huge paper money gallery containing images of thousands of banknotes from all over the world!

If you are not satisfied with the speed of browsing and/or functionality of Banknotes.com International Store - please don't hesitate to tell us about your experiences and concerns. We like to improve it for your best experience.

MOBILE DEVICE USERS: While we are updating our pages to become more and more mobile-friendly, many pages are still desktop-friendly. Contact us if you have problems viewing our website and our store (shopping cart, shop) on your mobile device and provide us as much information about your mobile device as possible, such as: model name and number, screen resolution, browser, OS (operational system) etc. We will then get back to you with a solution.

We hope that you will find our store and our both sites easy to navigate and easy to use. Enjoy them, buy something for yourself, your friends and loved ones and come back soon. Thank you very much for your business and support! And what's most important, we love to see you smile :-)

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Are these real (original) money or reproductions (replicas) that you are selling?

To the best of our expertise (and we guarantee it), knowledge and effort all the banknotes (paper and plastic currency) and coins on this web site are genuine (real, original) currency and genuine (real, original) collectible banknotes (not reproductions, not replicas) unless clearly noted otherwise on each and every separate item. We do not sell counterfeit (fake, bogus, forgery) currency money. We do NOT purchase counterfeits or knowingly purchase stolen items. If you receive counterfeit currency from anyone, you must bring it to the nearest police station or destroy it.

NOTICE: We do not conduct foreign currency exchange or currency conversions of any kind. Our services are strictly limited to the sale of collectible world currency and other collectables.

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Are these banknotes real tender that you are selling?

Since we only sell COLLECTABLES and we are NOT a currency exchange or a bank, we do not provide advice on legal tender. Even though on some of our pages there is advice regarding legal tender, the information can or can become old and not necessarily updated in time. All that we sell is merchandise for collecting purposes only, and some items are for investing in numismatic items. You may want to consult central banks or other publications regarding legal tender status of specific banknotes.

NOTICE: We do not conduct foreign currency exchange or currency conversions of any kind. Our services are strictly limited to the sale of collectible world currency and other collectables.

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How many different products can my cart/basket carry?

The number of products to be placed in a customer's shopping cart (basket) theoretically is unlimited, but we suggest adding 200 or less different products into your cart per order. If you need to order more than 200 different products, then please submit several orders and we will charge you only one shipping fee if your orders are placed on the same day at the same time.

If you add more than 200 different products (quantity of each in this case is not important) into your shopping cart, it is possible (or not) that your cart may or will become inaccessible, blank, or you may be unable to send your order through to us. In such case please contact us.

Non-logged in customer's carts are cleared on closing their browsers, and logged-in users' cart data is stored in a cookie and therefore contents of the registered (and logged in) user is saved for your future use. Therefore if you add products into your shopping cart (basket) while being logged-in, and then log out and leave without placing an order, you can come back and find your cart full the next time you login to your Banknotes.com account.

Quantity per each identical product is limited to 100, but you can order more by calling (phoning) us or you can update the quantity during checkout. If you select 2 (two) or more identical items, they may or may not be available in that particular quantity. If the products are not available in that quantity, your order will in most cases still be processed for what's available. If you need more than 100 of each item then please note that in your order or contact us.

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I keep getting an error message or your site is inaccessible sometimes.

Please copy & paste that error message onto your email processor and email it to us. We will fix the problem as soon as we can and will inform you when it's done so you can continue shopping.

REQUEST: Please let us know whether you like and enjoy the service you received at our website. We care about you and we love to hear from you about how you are doing and how we can improve our service. Your feedback is very welcome.

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My shopping cart / basket has become empty after I've added items into it

This has happened most likely because you have disabled "cookies" and/or javascript in your browser. This commonly happens if you have something like Norton Internet Security package installed and have the security level set too high. Cookies and javascript must be turned on as they are used to remember what you have added to basket.

Also it will happen if you add products into your shopping cart without registering and logging in and then leaving our store or closing the browser. To make sure your shopping cart / basket does not become empty please register and log in before or after you are done adding products into it.

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What is the condition (grade) of all these banknotes?

All the bank notes that are for sale at www.banknotes.com are in UNC (uncirculated) condition unless otherwise noted and are fairly and reliably graded to the IBNS grading standards.

For more information on what VF or AU etc. means please go to the following page:

International Grading Standards for World Paper Money

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How do I create an account?

Accounts are usually created when you make a purchase. We recommend you use the same email address and the same username each time you place an order with us. Avoid creating two or more usernames, especially with the same email address, as that may sometimes prevent you from placing your order or even logging in. Therefore always try to recover your original username and password instead of dumping those and creating a new one. Contact us and we will help you to recover your old username. Finally if all else, just create a new username or account and ask us to delete any old accounts of yours, that is, if you don't need to view your old order history. To sign-up (register; create an account) with Banknotes.com go to "Register" link and proceed accordingly.

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How do I edit my account information?

You can easily edit your account information within your account management area. This is a straight forward utility, but if you need help feel free to contact us. Log in by going to the link Banknotes.com international store and then click on "My account" and you will see 'Account Details' under 'Profile Details'. You will need to log in using your email address and password you established. If you have forgotten your password (which you used at Banknotes.com), our system will remind you via email, but you will first need to enter a valid email address.

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I forgot my password

Please go to Password Recovery. However you will need to know your email address (that you used to register and to place your past order(s) with. If you forgot your email address that you used at Banknotes.com, you can contact us and provide us with your order id # so we can send you an email to the email address you entered when you purchased your product. If you haven't purchased from Banknotes.com yet, then we will try to help to recover your email address as long as you are registered with us.

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Problems logging-in or creating an account?

First of all, please make sure that you have (been assigned) a username and a password for your Banknotes.com account and that you have not originally placed your order as "anonymous-xxx" (i.e. without registering an account first) where "xxx" is some number that you were assigned.

Also, please remember or check which of our two stores you have an account registered at. If you have registered an account at our OLD store (our desktop-friendly shop, located at the "store.banknotes.com" subdomain) and are trying to log into our NEW store (our mobile-friendly shop, located at the root/homepage of Banknotes.com), then that's where the problem is. You should then login at the store where you have your account registered, or you can register a new account at the other store and place your orders there as well. Please note that you will need a separate account, a separate login and a separate password for each store.

To be able to login the next time you place an order you must register with a username and a password. Don't place an order as "anonymous-xxx" if you plan on returning and logging in again with a username and a password. Otherwise, you will have to login and place an order as anonymous again.

It may also be happening because you have Norton Internet Security or an equivalent installed and set it up incorrectly. Banknotes.com are committed to the highest levels of consumer protection. However, the technology that was used to create your shopping cart/basket (cookies, javascript, etc.), can sometimes be misclassified by your security software as a threat, usually because of the bulk of the message containing an invoice or the HTML language instead of plain text.

We do not employ any technology that can harm your computer. If you experience difficulties adding items to your shopping basket (cart) or using our checkout, please adjust your security settings as per instructions below:

In Internet Explorer, setting the privacy setting (under Tools => Internet Options... => Security) to "Very High" or "Highest" prevents you from adding items to your shopping cart. The highest setting you can shop with us and many other stores is "Medium." Nearly all e-commerce sites require cookies to be set like this to function correctly.

Modify your security / firewall / anti-virus software settings

Security / firewall / anti-virus software can sometimes affect how browsers handle cookies. Please make sure you have cookies enabled in your software, or add "www.banknotes.com" and "store.banknotes.com" (the servers that handle our e-commerce) to your "safe list" of sites.

Zone Alarm

  • In Zone Alarm, select Privacy.
  • Under Cookie Control, click Custom
  • In Custom Privacy Settings:
  • Uncheck the box that says "Block session cookies"
  • Uncheck the box that says "Block persistent cookies"
  • Uncheck the box that says "Remove private header information".
  • Uncheck the box that says "Expire Cookies"
  • Click OK.

Norton Personal Firewall

  • Double click on the Norton Personal Firewall icon in the tray.
  • Click on the Open option in the pop-up menu.
  • Click the Options icon in the Norton SystemWorks menu box.
  • Click on the Personal Firewall option in the Options menu box.
  • Click the Advanced Options button at the bottom of the Norton Personal Firewall Options menu box to retrieve the default settings menu box.
  • Make sure you are in the "Web" tab. There may be several domains already listed in this area.
  • Click on the Add Site button at the bottom of the Web defaults window.
  • You will need to enter www.banknotes.com as a new default. This should active the default rules section of that window.
  • Make sure the Cookies and Referer (under Browsing Privacy) are set to permit as a default rule for the www.banknotes.com domain.
  • Click OK, then click OK again.

McAfee Privacy Service

  • Right-click the red "M" icon by your system clock.
  • Click "Privacy Service."
  • Click "Options."
  • The McAfee Privacy Service window appears. Click the "Cookies" tab.
  • Enter each website address from which you would like to allow cookies.
  • Click "Add."
  • Once completed, close the window.

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How can I pay you? What credit/debit cards and payments do you accept?

We, via Paypal, Stripe, Paypal Credit and Western Union interfaces accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover/Novus, JCB, China UnionPay, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, Maestro, Visa Electron, credit cards, debit cards, check cards and ATM savings cards.

We also accept mail-in and deposit Personal Checks, mail-in Money Orders, mail-in Bank Drafts, cash, personal US$ checks and international cheques, mail-in Cashiers Cheques, Travellers Cheques, International Postal Money Orders (from certain countries only), Bank Wire Transfers (electronic money into a bank account), Western Union Money Transfers, Paypal balance payments, Bank deposits, Zelle mobile payments (via Bank of America), Venmo and barter for other consumer goods, collectibles and services. Please see our online store payment instructions (during order placement) for up-to-date details.

We may also accept other cards not listed here if Paypal, Stripe or other payment processor accepts them for us. We may begin accepting other cards and payment methods if we receive enough customer feedback asking to accept some of these cards or payments and if we see that there is enough market in accepting those payments in addition to what we already accept.

If you wish to pay using the following cards and payment methods, and you were unable to use them at our store, please contact us to arrange it before you place your order with us: Maestro, Pay Later, Bancontact, BLIK, eps, GIROPAY, iDEAL, Mercado Pago, MyBank, Przelewy24, SEPA-Lastschrift, Sofort.

ATTENTION: To "compliment" the ever-increasing credit card fees, we now offer you a specific discount (where available) for paying us in hard cash (undamaged, clean, untorn, unpunctured, uncirculated € $ £ ¥ banknotes). We do not accept cash payments above $5000 or €5000. Payments above that amount must only be sent via bank wire transfer or a check (cheque).

If you are placing a high value order that will be shipping to an address other than your billing address, you should make sure your credit card company has validated and enlisted under your account the alternate shipping address. We reserve the right to refuse to ship to a different address than the credit card or Paypal statement mailing address.

PAYABLE TO: Please make all your checks, cheques, money orders, bank drafts, cashiers cheques payable to:AUDRIUS TOMONISTM. Please note that payments made to: "Banknotes.com" or "Banknotes" will not be accepted.

Credit or Debit Card: INSTRUCTIONS on how to pay with a credit card (or a debit card) via Stripe: With this payment method your credit card data is securely handled by Stripe Inc. and it stays within the secure Stripe system. You can pay with your credit or your debit card by simply emailing us (see our email below) your full and complete credit card details (full name on your credit card, the credit card number, CVV # and the expiration date) once you place your order at Banknotes.com Store. Provide us with your order number along with your credit card data when emailing us. Alternatively you can also print out, fill out and email (mail, fax or phone) the following ORDER FORM to us at:

INSTRUCTIONS on how to pay with a credit card via Paypal: With this payment method your credit card data is securely handled by Paypal Inc. and it stays within the secure Paypal system. You can pay with your Paypal account, Paypal Credit or enter your credit or debit card details into the PayPal Guest Checkout screen once you are transferred from Banknotes.com to Paypal website and once you are logged into your Paypal account (or create a new Paypal account). How to: Log into or create a new Paypal account and then select and click-on the "or Pay with debit or credit card" link at the bottom of the Paypal screen once you are transferred to the Paypal payment processor.

Banknotes.com is committed to protecting your payment information. We follow PCI DSS standards, use strong encryption, and perform regular reviews of its system to protect your privacy.

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Did you charge my card or someone else did?
When you order from Banknotes.com charges on your credit card will appear as AUDRIUS TOMONISTM. If you have questions please contact us.

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I need a copy of my receipt (invoice)

You can retrieve copies of receipts for all past orders you have made through Banknotes.com. First log into your account at Banknotes.com international store. You will need to log in using your username or email address and password you established. If you have forgotten your password, our system will remind you via email, but you will first need to enter the same email address you provided during checkout. Then under "Your Cart" menu click on "Orders History", find an order you are looking for, open it and click on "GO" button next to "Print Invoice" link or on the link itself. Use your browser to print the page out on your printer. Or contact us for an invoice for orders placed outside of our online store.

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What are my payment options?

Payments for all orders are accepted by:

Credit or Debit Card: INSTRUCTIONS on how to pay with a credit card (or a debit card) via Stripe: With this payment method your credit card data is securely handled by Stripe Inc. and it stays within the secure Stripe system. You can pay with your credit or your debit card online or by simply emailing us (see our email below) your full and complete credit card details (full name on your credit card, the credit card number, CVV # and the expiration date) once you place your order at Banknotes.com Store. Provide us with your order number along with your credit card data when emailing us. Alternatively you can also print out, fill out and email (mail, fax or phone) the following ORDER FORM to us at:

Cash (€ preferred, US$ or other hard currency*) by mail. Including Uncirculated banknotes of any country. Please limit your cash payments to $5000€. Above that amount - bank wire transfer, bank deposit, barter or check only. Appropriate automatic instant discount is applied to your order during order placement when you select to pay us in cash.

Check / Cheque (bank draft cheques too) by mail. US dollars and € only. Automatic instant discount is applied to your order during order placement when you select to pay us with a US$ check. Checks must clear first before order is shipped out.

Credit or Debit card via Paypal and/or Stripe interfaces in our online store (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover/Novus, JCB, UnionPay etc). Credit cards are also accepted over the phone, fax, mail, or via email. Maximum protection for You as we strive to meet the highest security standards in all fields and aspects of ecommerce.

We accept: Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover/Novus, China UnionPay, JCB, Diner's Club, EnRoute etc. via secure SSL in our web store or via secure Stripe Inc. or Paypal Inc. interfaces. With this payment method your credit card data is securely handled by Paypal Inc. and/or Stripe Inc. and it stays within the secure Paypal or Stripe systems. You can pay with your Paypal account, Paypal Credit or enter your credit or debit card details into the PayPal Guest Checkout screen once you are transferred from Banknotes.com to Paypal website and once you are logged into your Paypal account (or create a new Paypal account). How to: Log into or create a new Paypal account and then Select and click-on the "or Pay with debit or credit card" link at the bottom of the Paypal screen once you are transferred to the Paypal payment processor.

If you wish to pay using the following cards and payment methods, and you were unable to use them at our store, please contact us to arrange it before you place your order with us: Maestro, Pay Later, Bancontact, BLIK, eps, GIROPAY, iDEAL, Mercado Pago, MyBank, Przelewy24, SEPA-Lastschrift, Sofort.

Paypal (click for important info) (Paypal account balance or bank account via Paypal) and Venmo. Any currency electronically, paid to us in €uros or US dollars. Contact us first before paying us with Paypal outside of the automatic payments set up.

Paypal Credit - you must apply with Paypal Inc. and become approved by them before you can pay us with Paypal Credit. You can proceed with your order at the following Banknotes.com Shop and select Paypal Credit as your favourite payment method and then follow the instructions there carefully to proceed with payment or to apply for Paypal Credit. You can pay us with regular Paypal account while waiting to become approved by Paypal Credit. Apply: USA | UK.

Money Order (US Postal, International M.O. etc.**) by mail. €uros and US dollars only. Contact us first.

Western Union (details are available during checkout procedure). Amazingly, you can pay Western Union for your cash money transfer with a credit card!

Bank Wire Transfer (money transfer to a bank account). After you place your order with us we will provide you with our bank account data that is closest to your country or region right after inspecting your order.

Zelle P2P mobile payments (via Bank of America) to our email address.

Barter for consumer goods, collectibles and services. Contact us with detailed information, description and photos of what you have got to barter, swap or partial trade-in with us in exchange to our collectibles that are listed in our online shop and we may be on the way to make a potential barter deal. If we strike a deal, then after you place your order with us, we will provide you with our delivery address that is closest to your country or region right after inspecting your order. Your bartered goods have to be delivered to us before we ship your order to you.

ATTENTION: To "compliment" the ever-increasing credit card fees, we now offer you an automatic discount (that is automatically applied to your order) for paying us in hard cash (undamaged, clean, untorn, unpunctured, uncirculated € $ £ ¥ banknotes). Automatic payment method discounts are already applied to your order during placement, so you don't have to worry applying coupons or requesting discounts if you pay us in cash or with a check. Test our shopping cart (store) to verify how it works.

If you are placing a high value order that will be shipping to an address other than your billing address, you should make sure your credit card company has validated and enlisted under your account the alternate shipping address. We reserve the right to refuse to ship to a different address than the credit card or Paypal statement mailing address.

PAYABLE TO: Please make all your checks, cheques, money orders, bank drafts, cashiers cheques payable to: Audrius TomonisTM. Please note that payments made to: "Banknotes.com" or "Banknotes" will not be accepted. (it is our domain and a website name).

Banknotes.com is committed to protecting your payment information. We follow PCI DSS standards, use strong encryption, and perform regular reviews of its system to protect your privacy.

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When will the credit appear on my account?

Credits (refunds) are handled with utter urgency, as quickly as is possible. You will usually see information on your Banknotes.com account showing the credit by us within 24 hours (sometimes up to 3-5 working days) of the issuing date. If you have more specific questions please don't hesitate to contact us.

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When will my credit card be charged?

Credit cards are charged when your order is ready to ship.  In some cases your credit card will be charged within 24 hours before your order actually ships if we are away or have technical difficulties shipping your order sooner.

NOTICE: If your credit card is declined your order will not get processed nor shipped and you will receive an email from us. Please always check validity of your credit or debit card before placing an order to avoid delays with processing of your order and possible cancellations. We do not ship any orders unless we receive full payment or credit card authorization before we ship an order.

Banknotes.com is committed to protecting your payment information. We follow PCI DSS standards, use strong encryption, and perform regular reviews of its system to protect your privacy.

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Will my credit card get charged after I cancel my order?

Of course NOT. If you timely cancel your order (within an hour of placing it) we do not process your order. Therefore your credit (debit) card never gets charged after you cancel your order with us within an hour of placing it. We will never charge anyone's card if we are not authorised to do that. Thus if your order is cancelled, it means we do no business and therefore we have no business charging your card. Your card gets authorized before your order is processed and if you cancel your order, the authorization on your card may take some time to expire. So for some time you may see a temporary "charge" (funds on hold due to authorization on your card - verification of availability of funds on the card) on your card for the amount you were placing (and then canceling) an order for. After some time that "charge" will be reversed and your card actually never gets charged, it only get authorized for that particular amount. And if your order is cancelled, then we never go ahead with the final "capture of funds". Rest assured that once you trust us your credit/debit card, we will never charge you for your unprocessed cancelled order.

If an order has already been processed by us, it will be locked and we can no longer cancel it. This means the order has either already shipped or is ready to ship. In this case send an email with your order number in the subject header to us to request order cancellation. If your order has already been processed, packaged or shipped please refer to our return policies for further details. The customer will be responsible for shipping the product back to us at their own expense and they will incur a 15% Processed Order Cancellation Fee, in addition to withholding of the shipping (delivery) charges which are not refundable.

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Why does your charge appear on my card as "pending"?

This pending transaction refers to a purchase you've made without a PIN using your Check Card or sometimes your Credit Card. It has not yet posted to your account. A temporary "hold" (known as an "authorization hold") is placed on these funds at the time of purchase. This hold will be removed from your account either (1) when the actual transaction amount is debited from your account in posted transactions, or (2) approximately three business days after the authorization, whichever occurs sooner. While this hold will reduce the balance available to authorize subsequent Check Card transactions, it will not affect the payment of other withdrawals such as checks, electronic funds transfers or previously authorized Check Card transactions.

In some cases, the amount of the pending transaction may not match the actual amount of the transaction. This is common. Some merchants, including restaurants and hotels, will place an initial hold (known as an "authorization hold") on the account for a higher or lower dollar amount.

Once these types of transactions are processed, which may take several days, the actual amount of the transaction will be posted to your account.

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Why is my credit card payment declined?

Generally, payments are declined if our billing system is unable to verify the billing information you've submitted. Here's a troubleshooting checklist of possible causes:

Incorrect Credit Card Number or Debit Card Number:
Make sure that the credit card or debit card number you provide or we have on file for you is correct and up-to-date.

Credit Card Number or Debit Card Number has spaces or other characters between digits:
Make sure that your credit card number does not contain any spaces, dashes, letters or any other characters other than digits (numerals).

Incorrect expiration date:
Review the expiration date on your credit card or debit card. If your card expired, use an up-to-date credit card or debit card.

Incorrect billing address and phone number:
Make sure that the telephone number and billing address listed in your account match those associated with your payment method. Otherwise, our system will not be able to process your charges. Either update your personal information, or contact your payment institution to sync up.

Credit card limit reached:
Check your credit limit. You may have reached your daily or total credit card limit on the day we attempted to charge your card. Your credit card should have enough available credit to cover your order's amount. If your card does not have enough credit, enter a new credit card with a higher credit limit. You may also ask your bank to increase your credit limit.

Maximum amount allowed for a single charge exceeded:
Check the maximum amount your card can be charged at a single time. If the declined charge in your account is higher than this amount, try asking your credit card company to increase the limit. You can also enter a new credit card with a higher limit.

Maximum number of charges card can receive in a period exceeded:
Check how many times your card can be charged in given time period. If you've exceeded this amount, you can try submitting a new card. You can also talk to your bank about increasing this limit or simply wait until your card can be charged again.

Card doesn't accept charges from an online source:
Make sure your card allows online transactions. If not, talk to your credit card company or enter a new credit card to process the charge.

Card doesn't allow for international transactions:
Make sure that your card can accept international charges if you live outside USA. If not, try entering a new card to process the charge.

Your debit card has no funds available:
Add funds to your debit card (check card).

Usage of your credit or debit card was temporarily blocked (suspended) by your card provider:
That can happen sometimes if a preceding transaction was considered as suspicious by your card provider. Example: your card was used to send a large amount of money to a developing country before you tried to place an order with us; This is a "no fault of your" case - call your card provider to unblock your card and place your order with us again.

In rare cases our virtual credit card terminal can be under maintenance or it may fail:
Please try again soon or try later.

Your billing address may be incorrect:
You may have entered an old billing address (address where you receive your card's bills) or you may have mistyped your billing address. Check, correct and try again.

A lost or even a stolen card or stolen card's data may be used (nothing personal):
We can not help in this case, but if you are honestly unaware that you may be using someone else's card, please call the card's provider company to verify. We will not under any circumstances accept anyone else's lost or stolen credit card's payment.

IMPORTANT: in some rare cases even if you get a "DECLINED" message it may be a system error. We will sometimes attempt to charge your card manually and see if it gets declined again. If it does not get declined when we manually process your card payment, your order will most likely will be processed.

In case if you still don't know what went wrong, please try to use a back up credit card or pay us using an alternative way of payment.

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Why is my credit card payment authorised, but marked as "Fraud"?

Sometimes our virtual card processing terminal does that. It marks the order as "FRAUD" but gives the "APPROVED" message next to the card. In such case please don't panic. There's no need to cancel your order yet. We will attempt to manually charge your card and if all goes well, your order will be processed and shipped. Otherwise we will email you to let you know what can be done to process your order.

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Why is my debit card, check card or ATM card being charged twice?

Well, first of all, we never charge anyone's card more than once, yet your financial institution (your card provider) or a payment processing entity may in rather rare cases put a hold/reserve on your card account twice the amount of your order. It means the payment processing entity will place a hold on both your Bank Account and your Debit Card for the amount of your order. That may happen in some cases when you use a Debit Card (Check Card) that is linked to your Bank Account as your back up funding source. That usually happens with money transfers rather than when placing merchandise orders online. The hold on your Debit Card decreases your available line of credit by the amount of your order. If your card says Check, Debit, or ATM on the front, this may in rather rare cases put a temporary duplicate hold/reserve on your card until your order ships and until funds on your card are captured, which means when your card is charged a final single amount by us. After that the second hold/reserve should be released and the first hold becomes a permanent and a single charge on your card. If the release does not happen within 4-to-7 days, please contact your card provider and us.

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Why is there a second, smaller charge on my card?

Please note that if you are ordering from another country (outside of USA) using your credit card or debit (savings, electron, etc.) card, you may be charged an extra, a second charge (a so-called "Cross-Border Fee"), which will be much smaller than your order amount and your card statement will probably show it as being charged by us as well. Yet we do not charge this fee, your credit card provider, your bank or some other company does the charge, which we disagree with. So, that fee is charged by and on behalf of Visa and Mastercard authority or corporation regardless that we do not like these fees to be charged to our customers and to ourselves as well. We believe these fees, especially when charged using merchant's (our) name are unfair; yet we have no choice, but to accept those fees on foreign transactions. Otherwise we would not be able to accept your cards at all. So, I do not initiate nor charge the "Cross Border Fee".

Effective April 2, 2005, International Visa Card Issuers may be applying an optional issuer surcharge/fee to transactions where the merchant is located outside the country where the customer's credit card was issued.

This likely means that you are being affected by this surcharge. The surcharge is being applied directly by your credit card issuer and should not be mistaken for a billing error on our part or by our merchant service provider. Many cardholders are not yet aware of this Visa or Mastercard policy change, and therefore we explain to you, that the additional amount is a Fee applied directly by your Visa or Mastercard Financial Institution.

Effective October 1, 2005, MasterCard is imposing a fee on: (a) Cross-border transactions on U.S. issued MasterCards and (b) cross-border transactions on MasterCard-branded credit cards that are issued outside the U.S. region, but are acquired within the U.S. region. So this issue may or may not applied to those who reside outside of the United States of America.

UPDATE: This is what shows up on my bank account after they charge me a cross-border debit card fee:

What is this fee?

An International Transaction Fee is assessed when you use your debit card for purchases in foreign currency
or in US dollars with a foreign merchant, including U.S. internet transactions with a foreign merchant. This fee is also assessed when you use your debit card or ATM card to obtain foreign currency from an ATM. The International Transaction Fee is a percentage of the U.S. dollar amount of each purchase or ATM withdrawal.

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What happens if I submit a payment reversal dispute (chargeback) before or after I receive the merchandise?

Submitting frivolous, unsubstantiated, unfair, false, fake and fraudulent payment disputes (chargebacks) to your card provider, your bank or Paypal etc. in order to keep the goods, or without waiting for the merchandise to arrive at your address in order to proceed with a proper return, are considered fraud and theft and will seriously hurt your credit score and your worldwide buyer score. As a result of such behaviour, you will be blocked from being able to shop at many stores around the world and on the internet and your resulting debt will be sent to collections. Additionally to ruining your own credit score, penalties for chargeback fraud can range from fines to imprisonment, depending on local laws and the scale of the fraud. Always contact us first to resolve any misunderstandings and do it in a lawful way. We always issue refunds or, if you prefer, credit (or a replacement merchandise is mailed) if your ordered merchandise is reported by postal authorities as lost or stolen and thus was never received.

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Has my order shipped?

Upon dispatch of your order(s) we always send you an email message with dispatch and tracking information in it as well as we post the dispatch and tracking information on your Banknotes.com and Paypal accounts (if you pay with Paypal). To check your order's mailing status please login to your account. If you did not receive our shipping confirmation via email most likely it ended up in your "spam" folder.

UPS (FedEx, DHL) requires a street address and a telephone number of the recipient and in some cases your own UPS or FedEx Account Number. Not providing your street address and your phone number (which are mandatory for a FedEx, UPS, DHL delivery) along with your order may cause order processing and shipping delays (until the abovementioned data is provided to us). Also, if when placing your order you have selected the following FedEx or UPS delivery method: "Your Own FedEx/UPS Account Only - PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR OWN UPS/FEDEX ACCOUNT NUMBER TO US!" and did not provide your UPS or FedEx Account Number, we will in such case dispatch your order via Registered Mail.

Before contacting us please login to your account to check shipment status of your order. If your package was scheduled to arrive on a specific day but did not arrive, please contact us or the mail carrier (or a speed courrier).

Our store's shipping confirmation email message may end up in your mail program's or free mail service's (Yahoo, Google, Hotmail etc.) "Spam" folder. Therefore please before contacting us please check your "spam" (bulk mail, Unsolicited Commercial Email) folder as well. Please adjust your "spam" settings accordingly.

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How do I cancel my order?

First log into your account at Banknotes.com international store. Do that within an hour of placing your order with us. You will need to log in using your username or email address and password you established. If you have forgotten your password, our system will remind you via email, but you will first need to enter the same email address you provided during checkout. Under "Your Cart" menu click on "Orders History", review your order(s) and within an hour of placing your order email us your order number and a cancellation request (or phone/call, fax) along with a reason for cancellation and we will cancel your order if a timely cancellation (within a first hour) of your order is received.

NOTE: If an order has already been processed by us, it will be locked and we can no longer cancel it and issue a full refund. This means the order has either already shipped or is ready to ship. In this case send an email with your order number in the subject header to us to request order cancellation. If your order has already been processed, packaged or shipped please refer to our return policies for further details. The customer will be responsible for shipping the product back to us at their own expense and they will incur a 15% Processed Order Cancellation Fee, in addition to withholding of the shipping (delivery) charges which are not refundable.

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How do I track shipment of my order?

You can track your order shipment (if tracking number is provided) by going to, for example: Global Track & Trace or www.royalmail.com or www.usps.com or www.auspost.com.au or www.ctt.pt or www.epg.ae or another country's postal service website (depending which service you are using and where you live) or by logging into your account at Banknotes.com store. Please note that Registered Mail is not (fully) trackable (especially to the USA) even on a mail carrier's website and may be only trackable or rather traceable by submitting a written application or paying a visit to a post office and then waiting up to 3 months for the postal authority statement regarding delivery of the mail piece. Naturally: Air Mail, First Class, Surface mail do not have any tracking, tracing or insurance and is mailed only at Customer's (Recipient's) own risk. If desired purchase shipping insurance here.

Please note that BASIC MAIL (also known as: AIR MAIL, REGULAR MAIL, SIMPLE MAIL, FIRST CLASS MAIL, ORDINARY POST, STAMPED MAIL, NORMAL MAIL, ECONOMY MAIL) is sent at buyer's own full risk since it does not bear any insurance nor a tracking number. If in doubt, and needing some protection (up to €40) and/or a somehow inferior tracking number, please select Registered Mail (no or partial tracking only (to North America) with an indemnity limit of $45). If desired purchase shipping insurance here.

U.S. customers only (USPS information):

Registered Mail can not be tracked through the mailstream
Source: https://faq.usps.com/s/article/What-is-Registered-Mail

Warning! All sorts of mail methods (Registered, Priority, Insured Parcel) in the United States are affected by skyrocketing mail theft rates, with corruption at all levels, with unsecure mail boxes, stolen and sold keys, mail truck robberies, theft by USPS staff and by hundreds of postmasters, even disregarding insurance, disregarding law and USPS's own reputation, therefore we recommend to avoid selecting delivery services provided by the now infamous US Postal Service (USPS) and select UPS (United Parcel Service) instead, or select the FULLY INSURED MAIL only.

Banknotes.com's shipping confirmation email message may end up in your mail program's or free mail service's (Yahoo, Google, Hotmail etc.) "Spam" folder. Therefore please before contacting us please check your "spam" (Unsolicited Commercial Email, Bulk Mail) folder as well. Please adjust your "spam" settings accordingly.

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My order has not arrived yet

Please allow at least a couple weeks for your order to arrive to bigger cities and longer to more remote locations around the world. Expect your order to take up to 1 or even up to 2 months (usually less) in some rare cases for orders to arrive via Registered Mail or via regular mail. If it's been more than 2 months since your order was shipped out to you, then please email us with your order number, your name, your email or mailing address and we will track and trace the shipment to see what happened to it. The details given on delivery time periods are not binding.

If your Registered Mail order shipment is declared lost/stolen (after a 90 day long postal REGISTERED MAIL investigation) and if it was fully insured (upon request during order placement process or if extra insurance was purchased by the customer) then we will re-ship your order again as soon as the postal authority responds and declares the shipment as lost.

We will not be held responsible for delivery of any mail to any redirect or trans-shipment address that we are not aware of and are not informed about in advance (during the order placement).

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that if you selected Registered Mail shipping method you will have to pick the shipment up at your local post office unless it decides to deliver to your door and find you at the right time at your residence, work or business. Otherwise as in most cases please expect a mail delivery notice left in your mail box. Look out for it. Please pick it up promptly since many post offices only hold registered mail for up to a week and then return it to the sender if it is not picked up within 6-7 days! You will usually have to pay a reshipment fee (in most cases).

If you wish to find out how long it takes for mail to reach a recipient (for your order to reach you) please contact your local post office or visit an appropriate mail carrier/courier web site. Please allow more time for mail delivery delays, customs delays, holidays and so on and your patience is truly apppreciated.

Please note that REGISTERED AIR MAIL may sometimes take up to TWO (2) or more months to arrive (longer during emergency situations and political drills). It usually takes much less time, on average about 2-3 weeks, but accordingly to Post Office and International Postal Convention laws a Registered mail sender can only make a request to search for a delayed registered mail AFTER (not earlier) it's been 1 month. Better if it's two to three months.

We now have numerous reports from the U.S. recipients so far, that the Registered Mail mailed to them from Europe was found in their regular mail boxes, without obtaining recipient's signature. This practice has now been extended to most Registered Mail worldwide (during COVID-19 emergency).

(30 days) after the mail was sent. Sometimes 2-3 months. Please be patient in case of delay and try not to load us with extra unnecessary inquiries if it's been less than 30 days since your Registered letter (package) was shipped out to you. The details given on delivery time periods are not binding. We are not responsible for actions of your country's postal service and their employees or partners, if you did not pay for a fully insured shipping method. We are also not responsible if your mail is misdelivered, not delivered or returned to the sender due to the incomplete and/or incorrect address provided to us by you in your order at Banknotes.com. Your address must be 100% correct and consistent throughout all places you provided it us with. Reshipment to a corrected address at your fault may cost you another shipping and handling (S&H) charge.

While we are unable to control the country's of destination postal service or politics, we (I) fully cooperate in tracking and helping you to find the delayed or missing mail piece, we (I) do not have the magical powers to find out the whereabouts of your mail if the postal authorities (postal service) do not provide tracking or insurance for your order's shipment and if the destination's postal service does not cooperate. Customer must decide and select the safest and the fastest mailing (shipping) method for their order or ask us for advice and Customer must purchase (extra) insurance if Customer sees necessary and to have their order fully insured. Uninsured and under-insured orders are sent at Customer's own risk. Please note that default mailing services such as Air Mail, First Class, Sea Mail, Ground Mail, Surface Mail, Normal Mail, Basic Mail do not provide tracking neither any insurance and are only sent at Customer's own risk. Your business, your patience and your understanding is truly apppreciated.

Maximum indemnity for international registered mail is ~$45.

NOTICE: All shipments of all kinds of valuables, be that a general or a registered mail shipment (above the $45 indemnity coverage), are being sent at the buyer's risk unless the buyer purchases shipping insurance for the item(s) they are ordering or selects a shipping method with insurance (where available and if purchased).

By placing an order with Banknotes.com and prepaying for it with a credit card (or Paypal) you the Customer are fully responsible to select the correct and the safest shipping method for your order transaction and if you see it necessary to pay for the (extra) insurance for your ordered goods. In case of a loss of the ordered merchandise shipment where the shipping method indicates "Shipping at your own risk" or where insurance was not requested and paid for by the Customer, the Customer is going to be held responsible for the lost merchandise and the action to order and thus to withdraw the merchandise from our store and ship it to the Customer at Customer's full responsibility.

In other words; when you place your order with us, you are requesting us to help you mail specific items to you and on your behalf using the shipping method that you find best suitable and safe and are paying for it, you become the owner and a fully responsible party of the merchandise as soon as we mail it to you from a post office and provide you with a mailing date (First Class, Air Mail) or registration (Registered Mail) number. From that point if problems occur with the shipment we as a Sender will, upon your request, make postal (or speed courier) inquiries (and submit Postal Investigation Requests, by filling out specific Investigation Forms and submitting them to the local Postal Authority) for your property if it was mailed by Registered Mail. Shipments sent via Air Mail or Priority Air Mail can not be tracked nor recovered and are sent absolutely at the Customer's own risk (except when Customer purchases extra private insurance from our store).

REQUEST: Please let us know when your order arrives and whether you like and enjoy the items you received. We care about your orders ands our hobby in general and would be great to hear from you about how you are doing and how we can further improve our service and have consumers become more involved in helping improving Postal and Courier Services around the world. Your feedback is welcome.

Please also read the following: https://www.banknotes.com/help-and-support.html#help39

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I did not receive an email confirmation of my order that I placed

Our store's shipping confirmation email message may end up in your mail program's or free mail service's (Yahoo, Google, Hotmail etc.) "Spam" (Bulk Mail) folder. Therefore please, before contacting us, please check your "spam" (Bulk Mail, Unsolicited Commercial Email) folder as well. Please adjust your "spam" settings accordingly by adding us to the "white list".

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Whom should I make my check (cheque) or money order payable to?

Please make all your checks, cheques, money orders, bank drafts, cashiers cheques payable to:

Please note that check payments made to "Banknotes.com" or "Banknotes" will not be accepted at this time since it is our website name, trademark and internet domain of the sole proprietorship only.

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The packaging of my order looks like it's been tampered with

If the packaging of your order that you just been handed to be signed for in the post office or at your doorstep looks like it has been tampered with and the contents were possibly damaged, opened, resealed, etc. you should carefully open the package in front of a postal employee, or even better if in front of a Postmaster with at least one other witness (one of them a postal employee or a Postmaster) and inspect everything for damage etc. If the envelope or the packaging has been apparently opened by Customs and resealed providing a sticker, a seal, a time of opening, a signature of the Customs or of the postal employee and a reason of opening, please scan or photograph everything on the outside and email us the photos. You must inspect the contents in front of a postal clerk or a Postmaster without leaving the premises of the Post Office. Submit report to your post office and make sure they sign for it, accept it and also provide you with a copy of the report. And you must also submit a Police Report as well and retain an original copy of it. That is, if you wish to claim damages. In some cases if the packaging looks like it's been badly damaged, without leaving the post office have the post office safely pack it and return it to us at the post office's expense only. If this happens at your door step, record everything and hand it back to the postal delivery person for a return at the postal system's expense only. Do not pay the post office for the return postage and do not do this in the privacy of your home or by leaving the post office and make sure at least one postal employee and one witness is watching or even better - filming what you are doing.

If you receive your order and after opening it everything seems in good shape and in place, but the package seems to have been opened and resealed by the Customs, by the Postal system or by Unknown, please document and photograph (scan) everything and email us the photos for future reference and we appreciate that.

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Where will my order ship from?

Your order will ship (be mailed, dispatched) from Portugal, a member country of the European Union, located in the Western Europe, between the United States of America and Spain.

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When will my order ship?

Your order is usually shipped (mailed out, dispatched) on Monday, at the beginning of the working week. Orders of an amount of  €100 or more are shipped (mailed out, dispatched) on the next business day after your order is received and is (pre)paid for or as soon as possible. Also please refer to the item wholesale and sets availability information published on the product detail page for preordered and out of stock items only.

Our store's shipping confirmation email message may end up in your mail program's or free mail service's (Yahoo, Google, Hotmail etc.) "Spam" (Unsolicited Commercial Email, Bulk Mail) folder. Therefore please before contacting us please check your "spam" folder as well. Please adjust your "spam" settings accordingly.

Speed couriers require a street address and a telephone number of the recipient. Not providing either one along with your order may cause order processing and shipping delays (until the abovementioned data is provided to us).

If you have selected your order to be mailed by Basic ordinary mail, please wait until to receive it before you can have your next order mailed by Basic ordinary mail (also known as Simple or Normal, uninsured, unregistered mail).

Before contacting us please log in to your account to check shipment status of your order. If your package was scheduled to arrive on a specific day but did not arrive, please contact us or the mail carrier (speed courrier).

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that if you selected Registered Mail shipping method you will have to pick the shipment up at your local post office unless it decides to deliver to your door and find you at the right time at your residence, work or business. Otherwise as in most cases please expect a mail delivery notice left in your mail box. Look out for it. Please pick it up promptly since many post offices only hold registered mail for up to a week and then return it to the sender if it is not picked up within 6-7 days! You will usually have to pay a reshipment fee (in most cases).

Maximum indemnity for international registered mail is ~€$£40.

REQUEST: Please let us know when your order arrives and whether you like and enjoy the items you received. Your feedback is very welcome.

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I did not receive an email confirmation of my order that I placed

Our store's shipping confirmation email message may end up in your mail program's or free mail service's (Yahoo, Google, Hotmail etc.) "Spam" (Bulk Mail) folder. Therefore please before contacting us please check your "spam" (Bulk Mail, Unsolicited Commercial Email) folder as well. Please adjust your "spam" settings accordingly by adding us to the "white list".

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How well is my merchandise protected during shipping?

We handle all the banknotes very carefully either with cotton gloves or with very clean and dry hands. All your ordered banknotes are carefully selected, inspected for quality and then are carefully placed into clear plastic acid-free special currency envelopes - holders, or Glassine (Pergamin) envelopes, usually up to about 25-30 banknotes per envelope or sleeve (currency holder). Then each currency holder or envelope with banknotes (or with other paper or plastic products) in it is carefully wrapped into a clean sheet of paper, which is sealed and folded at the ends where the currency holder has openings. This is done to make sure that not a single banknote slips out and gets damaged (folded, bent, creased) during shipping and that the currency sleeve is preserved intact from contact with a sticky tape. Then each paper envelope (containing currency holder with banknotes in it) is placed on a sturdy piece of a cardboard or a stiffener and is taped to it. All of this is placed into an envelope along with your order invoice, sealed, glued, stamped and is shipped to you.

Note: If you wish to give us your instructions on how you would like to have your order packed, please add a specific note to your order about that.

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What are my shipping charges?

During ordering and online checkout process customer is responsible to select correct shipping method and insurance that they consider the best and fully protected to receive their ordered items safely. Banknotes.com and its staff will not be held responsible for lost shipments sent by shipping methods that do not have insurance. Selecting the right shipping method is customer's responsibility. Uninsured merchandise is sent at customer's own risk.

Shipping varies by product price, weight, delivery location and delivery method. We recommend that you add the items you wish to purchase into your shopping cart. Within the shopping cart page you will be asked to enter in your postal or zip code (ZIP = US Customers Only). If you live outside of the USA, then do not enter anything into the zip code field. Shipping costs should then be displayed. You may have to press the 'recalculate' button.

Please note that insurance, import duties, customs clearance charges and taxes are not included in the price of goods and in the shipping charges. These costs are the buyer´s responsibility. Prior to bying, please check with your country´s authorities to determine what extra you may have to pay in Customs clearance charges (if any), import duties (if any) and in taxes (if applicable). Regarding insurance, all orders mailed by Registered mail have a €40 or $40 indemnity coverage. Any extra insurance above that amount would have to be purchased either at our store or to be requested separately to receive a quote from us for your order to be mailed by a fully insured mail (if available to your country).

Currently available shipping options are the following: (the details given on delivery time periods are not binding)

A. NORMAL (BASIC, ORDINARY, REGULAR, SIMPLE) **UNINSURED UNTRACKED** MAIL/POST - Shipping on the recipient's own risk and only for orders in small or limited amounts. One order at a time, until it is delivered. Signature is not required, is not requested and such functionality is not available for obvious reasons. It carries no insurance and, naturally, no tracking is available. If desired, purchase shipping insurance here. You as the Customer who places the order is fully responsible for the delivery of your order using such a mailing method beyond the post office of origin. NOTE: it is possible to arrange larger orders mailed (contact us to arrange your larger order $100+ since the shopping cart will not accept it), as this is a shipping method without the required signature (convenience of not having to go to post office or be at home, work or business in order to receive it), and thus it is sent at your own risk. Usually the best shipping method as it arrives quite fast and costs a small fraction and often is free of charge for larger orders. Will most likely be dropped into your mailbox, post office box, or at your door and in some cases may be handed to you by your friendly postman or postwoman. Operates on everyone's honesty and karma. We reserve the right to refuse O.U.B.A.M. shipping to anyone under certain circumstances and to those who have complained about not receiving mail sent by O.U.B.A.M.

B. FULLY INSURED REGISTERED AIR MAIL (with full tracking) - To Some Countries (also see list below) and Iran is one of them! While the UK, USA, India, Australia are not covered unfortunately, yet Australia, India and USA are covered by Insured Parcel (please see the D chapter below). Maximum insurance coverage amount may vary per each country. Add about 20% for DTS to EUR conversion (a bit more for USD etc.). If desired, also purchase extra private shipping insurance here. Mandatory signature is required as proof of delivery. We are in the process of adding full insurance to all the qualifying countries, so if during the online ordering process you don't see your country covered with full insurance, please check this link or ask us. For the time being the countries that are in bold font have F.I.R.A.M. activated in our store.

Andorra (Maximum insurance €2900) (functional online, for orders €50+)
Argentina (Maximum insurance €1440) (functional online, for orders €50+)
Austria (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Belgium (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Belarus (Maximum insurance €1000) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Burundi (Maximum insurance €3000)
Cabo Verde (Maximum insurance €350)
China (Maximum insurance €1000) (functional online, for orders €50+)
Croatia (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Curaçao (Maximum insurance €120)
Cyprus (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Czech Republic (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Denmark (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Egypt (Maximum insurance €1200)
Eritrea (Maximum insurance €1000)
Estonia (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Finland (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
France (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Ghana (Maximum insurance €2400)
Granada (Maximum insurance €4800)
Greece (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Hong Kong (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €2400)
Hungary (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Iceland (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Iran (Maximum insurance €480) (functional online, for orders €50+)
Ireland (Maximum insurance €1250) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Italy (Maximum insurance €3150) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Japan (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €2400)
Kazakhstan (Maximum insurance €4800)
Korea (South) (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €2400)
Kyrgyzstan (Maximum insurance €180)
Latvia (Maximum insurance €1200) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Liechtenstein (Maximum insurance €1200) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Luxembourg (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Macau (Maximum insurance €3450)
Macedonia (North) (Maximum insurance €1950) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Malaysia (Maximum insurance €650) (functional online, for orders €50+)
Morocco (Maximum insurance €4600)
Mauritius (Maximum insurance €1200)
Moldova (Maximum insurance €2400) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Mongolia (Maximum insurance €380)
Namibia (Maximum insurance €2400)
Netherlands (Maximum insurance €500 only) (functional online with max. insurance €500)
Norway (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Pakistan (Maximum insurance €700)
Poland (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Portugal (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online, for orders €50+)
Romania (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Russia (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Senegal (Maximum insurance €700)
Serbia (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Singapore (Maximum insurance €2400) (functional online with max. insurance €2400)
Slovakia (Maximum insurance €1050) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Slovenia (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Solomon Islands (Maximum insurance €4800)
South Sudan (Maximum insurance €4800)
Spain (Maximum insurance €2900) (functional online, for orders €50+)
Sweden (Maximum insurance €1200) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Switzerland (Maximum insurance was €1200) (NO MORE functional online with formerly max. insurance €1000) REMOVED recently by the CTT Portugal
Thailand (Maximum insurance €1200) (functional online, for orders €50+)
Tunisia (Maximum insurance €3000)
Turkey (Maximum insurance €780)
Ukraine (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Uzbekistan (Maximum insurance €4800)
Vatican (Maximum insurance €1950) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)

C. REGISTERED AIR MAIL - To All Countries, sent at buyer's/recipient's own risk (beyond the $40 indemnity limit). Insurance (indemnity) is limited to ~US$40! Maximum indemnity for international registered mail is ~US$40. If desired, and if you wish to fully insure your registered mail shipment, purchase extra shipping insurance here. Only a dispatch record is provided by the Postal Services (to North America and Australia and to some other countries). Tracking supposed to be available on your country's postal service website (except USA and Canada where no tracking information whatsoever is provided for foreign inbound or outbound Registered Mail since 2009/2015 respectively). Mandatory signature is usually required as proof of delivery, yet we now have numerous reports from the U.S. recipients so far that the Registered Mail mailed to them from Europe was found in their regular mail boxes, without obtaining recipient's signature. Select Normal Mail (although uninsured and also sent on recipient's risk – Karma principles apply) instead and save yourself a visit to the post office and having to sign for it (or worse) because Registered Mail inbound to some countries such as USA, Australia, has become a shadow of its former self and is a sketchy, unreliable and unsafe way of receiving mail. Full insurance is now essential, therefore look up and select a mailing method that includes full insurance or purchase extra insurance now. Or place several smaller orders to break your entire order into two or more registered mail shipments.

"NIXIE" problem for all Registered Mail sent inbound to the United States is a real problem when a registered mail piece is unfairly returned from what is most likely a mail distribution hub in the U.S. bearing a yellow sticker label called "NIXIE" with the claim "RETURN TO SENDER" , "NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED", "UNABLE TO FORWARD". Yet usually the recipient's address has been verified by us, correctly spelled and confirmed by the recipient to be correct. Most likely the sorting machines (in the United States only) that (past the year 2009) treat foreign inbound registered mail in the main first class mail stream (and not as a secure registered mail) erroneously return the registered mail, sometimes en masse, back to the sender and claim it as "delivered". Sadly, USPS is not doing anything to correct this problem. Therefore you have been informed and reshipment fees apply to most returned orders the reason being either an incorrectly provided-by-customer address or a "NIXIE". Banknotes.com will not be held responsible for any lost or NIXIEd registered mail sent to the United States and all registered mail sent to other countries is only covered by a $40 or €40 indemnity, which in the EU has now been reduced to €36 despite inflation. United States citizens are urged to address this issue with your congressmen or avoid using USPS.

Source: https://faq.usps.com/s/article/What-is-Registered-Mail

Information about Registered Mail International (U.S. Postal Service)

From United States Postal Service website: https://pe.usps.com/cpim/ftp/manuals/imm/immc7.pdf

Tracking suppression by the U.S. Postal Service: https://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2015/pb22424/html/info_002.htm

752.13 Treatment of Registered Items
All mail registered by the country of origin must be handled in the domestic First-Class Mail mailstream from the exchange office to the office of delivery. A signed delivery receipt must be obtained at the time of delivery.

D. INSURED POSTAL PARCEL - So far customers from Australia, Brazil, Egypt, India, Kuwait, Morocco, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, South Africa (RSA), Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the United States of America** during online ordering process (checkout) can select "Insured Postal Parcel" as a fully insured shipping method with full tracking. If you are from one of the following countries, we can ship your order fully insured via "Insured Postal Parcel", so please inquire via email. Insurance is limited by us to €1000 since parcels valued above €1000 require clearance from Customs broker. If your order is for €2000 we will ship it in two (2) separate parcels, each of which will be insured for €1000. If your order is for €5000 we will ship it in five (5) separate parcels, each of which will be insured for €1000. That's why the shipping charge for Insured Postal Parcel increases exponentially with every extra €1000. If your order amount exceeds the maximum insurance amount set for your country, simply place another, extra order and we will ship it in a yet another, separate insured postal parcel.

Australia (Maximum insurance €3000) (functional online)
Brazil (Maximum insurance €600) (functional online)
Bulgaria (Maximum insurance €900)
Egypt (Maximum insurance €1500) (Registered Insured Mail to Egypt also, max. ins. €1200)
India (Maximum insurance €1400)
Kuwait (Maximum insurance €1500) (functional online)
Morocco (Maximum insurance €4500) (functional online) (Registered Insured Mail to Morocco also, max. ins. €4500)
Namibia (Maximum insurance €240 only) (Registered Insured Mail to Namibia also, max. ins. €2400)
Nigeria (Maximum insurance €3000) (functional online)
New Zealand (Maximum insurance €950) (functional online)
Pakistan (Maximum insurance €480) (functional online)
Qatar (Maximum insurance €2250) (functional online)
Russia (Maximum insurance €4800) (Registered Insured Mail to Russia also, max. ins. €4800)
Singapore (Maximum insurance €2400) (Registered Insured Mail to Singapore also, max. ins. €2400)
South Africa (Maximum insurance €1150)
Thailand (Maximum insurance €1200) (Registered Insured Mail to Thailand also, max. ins. €1200)
Tunisia (Maximum insurance €2700) (Registered Insured Mail to Tunisia also, max. ins. €3000) (functional online)
Turkey (Maximum insurance €780) (Registered Insured Mail to Türkiye also, max. ins. €780) (functional online)
Ukraine (Maximum insurance €4800) (Registered Insured Mail to Ukraine also, max. ins. €4800)
United Arab Emirates (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online)
United States of America (Maximum insurance €4000) (functional online)
Zimbabwe (Maximum insurance €1100)

Insured Parcel is also available to some other countries, such as New Caledonia, Fiji, Ghana etc., so please inquire.

**Remark: To avoid having your insured parcel potentially stuck in U.S. Customs custody for weeks, or even become stolen ("lost") at the infamous "ISC New York", select UPS (United Parcel Service) instead as delivery method, if your address is in the United States of America.

E. FEDEX EXPRESS - shipping to most countries, orders €500+ only (€200+ within the European Union). Currently on request only and is not available to be selected during online ordering process. Tracking information on www.fedex.com may not always appear on Fedex website in a timely fashion, usually taking 10+ days after being picked up to be dispatched internationally and tracked online, which is beyond our control. From here in the Azores all FedEx shipments will have about a 10+ days delay (sometimes less) to dispatch them from Lisbon since this is how long the local Azorian FedEx partner (cargo company) takes to deliver the shipments to a FedEx location in Lisbon. Usually FedEx Portugal takes their time to enter tracking information into the online tracking system. This is just the way FedEx works these days and in many years we tried to change that with no avail while FedEx mostly ignores customer inquiries. Therefore your patience is greatly appreciated. International Insurance with FedEx is now strictly limited to $100. If desired, purchase full shipping insurance here. Somehow fast delivery (usually or sometimes about 3 to 5 business days after the shipment is picked up and delivered to a large Fedex hub from where the tracking usually begins, but that can take up to 2 weeks or longer if Customs clearance and national holidays are involved, as well as some lately developed lax attitude, and shady invoicing practices (extra invoices of questionable origin and legality may be sent to both sender and receiver weeks past the delivery date). We have flexible shipping rates depending on your order amount. The bigger the order subtotal, the lower usually the shipping charge. Free shipping for larger orders. Mandatory signature may be required as proof of delivery. IMPORTANT: If you wish to have it shipped for less or by a different shipping method, please contact us asking to split your order into 2 or more (Registered Mail or Air Mail) mail pieces (usually with shipping fees adjustment) or place several separate smaller orders and select appropriate shipping methods for each order.

Customs information — Any other costs or charges such as customs or import duties, customs clearance and handling may also apply during the shipment of your order via FedEx and will be charged to you by the involved party at a later stage, if applicable.

FedEx requires a street address and a telephone number of the recipient and in some cases your own FedEx Account Number. Not providing your street address and your phone number (which are mandatory for a FedEx delivery) along with your order may cause order processing and shipping delays (until the abovementioned data is provided to us). Also, if when placing your order you have selected the following FedEx delivery method: "Your Own FedEx Account Only - PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR OWN FEDEX ACCOUNT NUMBER TO US!" and did not provide your FedEx Account Number, we will in such case dispatch your order via Registered Mail.

F. PRIORITY AIR MAIL INTERNATIONAL - Currently this delivery method is disabled by us due to frequent loss (theft) of Priority International Mail shipments. Tracking is available. Insurance (nor indemnity claim) is NOT available. If desired purchase shipping insurance here. No recipient signature is collected. You as the Customer who places the order is fully responsible for the delivery of your order using such a mailing method beyond the the post office of origin. NO service to the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Chile, El Salvador and some other important countries unfortunately. Select this shipping method instead of AIR MAIL or instead of REGISTERED MAIL so you can get a tracking number, but be aware that it may attract attention of the long fingers, because of the flashy PRIORITY sticker it carries. Despite presence of a tracking number, shipping with Priority International Azul Mail (Tracked Air Mail) is on the recipient's own risk since it carries no insurance. If desired, you can purchase our private shipping insurance in our store separately. Attention: Large US cities (NYC, Miami etc.) (and of other countries as well) may have corrupt postal services and mail theft may be more frequent (based on actual experiences, facts, statistics and available evidence). (* EXPRÉS - CORREIO AZUL INTERNACIONAL - PRIORITY AIR MAIL SERVICE WITH A TRACKING NUMBER, UNINSURED). Operates on honesty and on karma (of the sender, the recipient and the postal staff).

G. EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE (EMS) - We no longer ship via EMS to the most of the world (except Canada, United Kingdom and the United States, for its insurance coverage) – expensive, slow (not much faster than Registered mail), intrusive and problematic shipping method (unreasonable returns to sender, and collectible content detaining and seizing by EMS and their delivery partner DHL is a growing problem). Mandatory signature may be required as proof of delivery. This is what EMS claims to be as per UPU website:
The following is EMS own website (info and tracking): https://www.ems.post/en .

H. UPS - shipping to most countries, orders €100+ mostly. International Insurance with UPS is limited to $100. If desired, purchase full shipping insurance here or ask us to try to insure your shipment with UPS for a larger amount. Mandatory signature may be required as proof of delivery. UPS seems to be doing a much better job than FedEx, thus we have selected UPS to be our main speed courier.

UPS (United Parcel Service) requires a street address and a telephone number of the recipient and in some cases your own UPS Account Number. Not providing your street address and your phone number (which are mandatory for a UPS delivery) along with your order may cause order processing and shipping delays (until the abovementioned data is provided to us). Also, if when placing your order you have selected the following UPS delivery method: "Your Own UPS Account Only - PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR OWN UPS ACCOUNT NUMBER TO US!" and did not provide your UPS Account Number, we will in such case dispatch your order via Registered Mail.

IMPORTANT: If you wish to have it shipped for less or by a different shipping method, please contact us asking to split your order into 2 or more (Registered Mail or Air Mail) mail pieces (usually with shipping fees adjustment) or place several separate smaller orders and select appropriate shipping methods for each order.

J. DHL - Shipping with DHL is unavailable at this time due to local pick up unavailability.

K. Pick Up in Person - Must be arranged. This delivery method is only possible with a cash payment in Euros. Contact us with instructions.

L. Delivery in person (residential or business delivery with a mandatory signature and a prepayment by a bank wire transfer) has been enabled now for large orders as a new experiment.

REMARK: Sorry, we do not provide OVERNIGHT or SECOND DAY (UPS or FedEx) delivery since we are not located near a majour hub or city. FEDEX may take a day or a couple days longer depending on the remoteness and popularity of the destination. In some cases Fedex may take as long as 7-10+ working days to deliver (Customs clearance, holidays etc.) and as fast as 2 days (after your package reaches a majour FEDEX hub or distribution facility).

IMPORTANT NOTICE: if you wish your order to be shipped by some other shipping method then please select any shipping method and indicate in your order comments that you wish to select "..........." shipping method and email that to us separately as well. We will respond to you with a shipping cost for that shipping method and if you agree then we will send you an invoice adjustment for the right amount.

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Can you ship my order by uninsured non-registered mail?

Yes, we can ship via Air Mail immediately upon receipt of one of the following payment instruments:

a) Cash (EUR (preferred), USD, GBP, JPY, CHF, AUD only), (details will be provided upon request);
b) Bank wire transfer (details will be provided upon request);
c) Western Union cash money transfer (details will be provided upon request);
d) Paypal by Friends & Family payment option only.
e) Zelle by Bank of America
f) Wise money transfer
g) Barter for goods and collectables, including swop for world banknotes

Also, we can ship via Air Mail immediately upon receipt of one of these payment instruments, but (!) we will (or may) wait until it clears:

a) Any kind of bank draft cheque, bank cheque, cheque or other country's postal order (details will be provided upon request);

b) Electronic cheque via Paypal (after it clears).

We will ship your order via regular air mail (about $3 to $5 extra) and you in such case will release us from any kind of responsibility in case of loss of your shipment (at your own risk). Otherwise, please select one of our relatively safe shipping methods in our online store.

Air Mail, First Class, Surface Mail, Sea Mail, "Normal Mail", "Regular Mail", "Simple Mail" do not have any tracking, tracing or insurance and is mailed only at Customer's (Recipient's) own risk (as per above).

This is HOW IT WORKS & HOW TO PROCEED with the above using our online store (shopping cart):

1. Add all the wanted items into your shopping cart and select any cheapest shipping method available in the cart;

2. Select payment method either as "cash" or "money order" or as a "check/cheque" and click on the "Continue" button at the bottom of that page;

3. On the next page check correctness of your order and in the "Customer notes" field at the bottom of that page write something like that: "I will pay with cash and would like my order to be shipped via regular mail without insurance (Air Mail without registration). Please update this order to be shipped via Air Mail uninsured and click on the "Submit order" button.

4. We will then update the shipping cost of your order and email you a new invoice and you will be able to proceed with a cash payment for it.

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Do you ship via Express Mail, FedEx, UPS, EMS or DHL?

Yes, we do ship mainly via UPS and also (on request) via FedEx (Federal Express) if you prefer to use these services over the much cheaper and less reliable Registered Mail. EMS and DHL have practices of opening and confiscating mail contents with our hobby collectables in it and DHL is unavailable in our area and they are uninterested in providing pick up service here. FedEx service has become very slow, with frequent delays in dispatch for 8 to 15 days, a chaotic attitude towards customers' shipments and shady invoicing practices (extra invoices of questionable origin and legality are sent to both sender and receiver weeks past the delivery date). Therefore your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated.

UPDATE: Currently we have enabled UPS shipping as an ongoing experiment. EMS is enabled only for North America, the United Kingdom and some countries outside of Europe mostly where other speed couriers do not service or are problematic.

Customs information — Any other costs or charges such as customs or import duties, customs clearance and handling may also apply during the shipment of your order via FedEx and will be charged to you by the involved party at a later stage, if applicable.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: if you wish your order to be shipped by some other shipping method then please select any shipping method and indicate in your order comments that you wish to select "..........." shipping method and email that to us separately as well. We will respond to you with a shipping cost for that shipping method and if you agree then we will send you an invoice for the right amount.

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Do you ship to my country?

Please note that we ship to All Countries across the world, which include: Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, among many others, except those countries that do not have any delivery set up from Western Europe at the time of shipping. Orders from some countries* may have to be paid with a prepaid cheque (cashier's check), cash, bank wire transfer or a money transfer by a Western Union or another substitute of cash only.

*/ Countries with a very high credit card / cheque fraud, mail theft or countries which are at war, or are known as unsafe to send mail to.

Please note that insurance, import duties, customs clearance charges and taxes are not included in the price of goods and in the shipping charges. These costs are the buyer´s responsibility. Prior to bying, please check with your country´s authorities to determine what extra you may have to pay in Customs clearance charges (if any), import duties (if any) and in taxes (if applicable). Regarding insurance, all orders mailed by Registered mail have a €40 or $40 indemnity coverage. Any extra insurance above that amount would have to be purchased either at our store or to be requested separately to receive a quote from us for your order to be mailed by a fully insured mail (if available to your country).

During ordering and online checkout process customer is responsible to select correct shipping method and insurance that they consider the best and fully protected to receive their ordered items safely. Banknotes.com and its staff will not be held responsible for lost shipments sent by shipping methods that do not have insurance. Selecting the right shipping method is customer's responsibility. Uninsured merchandise is sent at customer's own risk.

Currently available shipping options are the following: (the details given on delivery time periods are not binding)

A. NORMAL (BASIC, ORDINARY, REGULAR, SIMPLE) **UNINSURED UNTRACKED** MAIL/POST - Shipping on the recipient's own risk and only for orders in small or limited amounts. One order at a time, until it is delivered. Signature is not required, is not requested and such functionality is not available for obvious reasons. It carries no insurance and, naturally, no tracking is available. If desired, purchase shipping insurance here. You as the Customer who places the order is fully responsible for the delivery of your order using such a mailing method beyond the post office of origin. NOTE: it is possible to arrange larger orders mailed (contact us to arrange your larger order $100+ since the shopping cart will not accept it), as this is a shipping method without the required signature (convenience of not having to go to post office or be at home, work or business in order to receive it), and thus it is sent at your own risk. Usually the best shipping method as it arrives quite fast and costs a small fraction and often is free of charge for larger orders. Will most likely be dropped into your mailbox, post office box, or at your door and in some cases may be handed to you by your friendly postman or postwoman. Operates on everyone's honesty and karma. We reserve the right to refuse O.U.B.A.M. shipping to anyone under certain circumstances and to those who have complained about not receiving mail sent by O.U.B.A.M.

B. FULLY INSURED REGISTERED AIR MAIL (with full tracking) - To Some Countries (also see list below) and Iran is one of them! While the UK, USA, India, Australia are not covered unfortunately, yet Australia, India and USA are covered by Insured Parcel (please see the D chapter below). Maximum insurance coverage amount may vary per each country. Add about 20% for DTS to EUR conversion (a bit more for USD etc.). If desired, also purchase extra private shipping insurance here or here. Mandatory signature is required as proof of delivery. We are in the process of adding full insurance to all the qualifying countries, so if during the online ordering process you don't see your country covered with full insurance, please check this link or ask us. For the time being the countries that are in bold font have F.I.R.A.M. activated in our store.

Argentina (Maximum insurance €1440) (functional online, for orders €50+)
Austria (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Belgium (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Belarus (Maximum insurance €1000) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Burundi (Maximum insurance €3000)
Cabo Verde (Maximum insurance €350)
China (Maximum insurance €1000) (functional online, for orders €50+)
Croatia (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Curaçao (Maximum insurance €120)
Cyprus (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Czech Republic (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Denmark (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Egypt (Maximum insurance €1200)
Eritrea (Maximum insurance €1000)
Estonia (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Finland (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
France (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Ghana (Maximum insurance €2400)
Granada (Maximum insurance €4800)
Greece (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Hong Kong (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €2400)
Hungary (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Iceland (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Iran (Maximum insurance €480) (functional online, for orders €50+)
Ireland (Maximum insurance €1250) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Italy (Maximum insurance €3150) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Japan (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €2400)
Kazakhstan (Maximum insurance €4800)
Korea (South) (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €2400)
Kyrgyzstan (Maximum insurance €180)
Latvia (Maximum insurance €1200) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Liechtenstein (Maximum insurance €1200) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Luxembourg (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Macau (Maximum insurance €3450)
Macedonia (North) (Maximum insurance €1950) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Malaysia (Maximum insurance €650) (functional online, for orders €50+)
Morocco (Maximum insurance €4600)
Mauritius (Maximum insurance €1200)
Moldova (Maximum insurance €2400) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Mongolia (Maximum insurance €380)
Namibia (Maximum insurance €2400)
Netherlands (Maximum insurance €500 only) (functional online with max. insurance €500)
Norway (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Pakistan (Maximum insurance €700)
Poland (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Portugal (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online, for orders €50+)
Romania (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Russia (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Senegal (Maximum insurance €700)
Serbia (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Singapore (Maximum insurance €2400) (functional online with max. insurance €2400)
Slovakia (Maximum insurance €1050) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Slovenia (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Solomon Islands (Maximum insurance €4800)
South Sudan (Maximum insurance €4800)
Spain (Maximum insurance €2900) (functional online, for orders €50+)
Sweden (Maximum insurance €1200) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Switzerland (Maximum insurance was €1200) (NO MORE functional online with formerly max. insurance €1000) REMOVED recently by the CTT Portugal
Thailand (Maximum insurance €1200) (functional online, for orders €50+)
Tunisia (Maximum insurance €3000)
Turkey (Maximum insurance €780)
Ukraine (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)
Uzbekistan (Maximum insurance €4800)
Vatican (Maximum insurance €1950) (functional online with max. insurance €1000)

C. REGISTERED AIR MAIL - To All Countries, sent at buyer's/recipient's own risk (beyond the $40 indemnity limit). Insurance (indemnity) is limited to ~US$40! Maximum indemnity for international registered mail is ~US$40. If desired, and if you wish to fully insure your registered mail shipment, purchase extra shipping insurance here. Only a dispatch record is provided by the Postal Services (to North America and Australia and to some other countries). Tracking supposed to be available on your country's postal service website (except USA and Canada where no tracking information whatsoever is provided for foreign inbound or outbound Registered Mail since 2009/2015 respectively). Mandatory signature is usually required as proof of delivery, yet we now have numerous reports from the U.S. recipients so far that the Registered Mail mailed to them from Europe was found in their regular mail boxes, without obtaining recipient's signature. Select Normal Mail (although uninsured and also sent on recipient's risk – Karma principles apply) instead and save yourself a visit to the post office and having to sign for it (or worse) because Registered Mail inbound to some countries such as USA, Australia, has become a shadow of its former self and is a sketchy, unreliable and unsafe way of receiving mail. Full insurance is now essential, therefore look up and select a mailing method that includes full insurance or purchase extra insurance now. Or place several smaller orders to break your entire order into two or more registered mail shipments.

"NIXIE" problem for all Registered Mail sent inbound to the United States is a real problem when a registered mail piece is unfairly returned from what is most likely a mail distribution hub in the U.S. bearing a yellow sticker label called "NIXIE" with the claim "RETURN TO SENDER" , "NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED", "UNABLE TO FORWARD". Yet usually the recipient's address has been verified by us, correctly spelled and confirmed by the recipient to be correct. Most likely the sorting machines (in the United States only) that (past the year 2009) treat foreign inbound registered mail in the main first class mail stream (and not as a secure registered mail) erroneously return the registered mail, sometimes en masse, back to the sender and claim it as "delivered". Sadly, USPS is not doing anything to correct this problem. Therefore you have been informed and reshipment fees apply to most returned orders the reason being either an incorrectly provided-by-customer address or a "NIXIE". Banknotes.com will not be held responsible for any lost or NIXIEd registered mail sent to the United States and all registered mail sent to other countries is only covered by a $40 or €40 indemnity, which in the EU has now been reduced to €36 despite inflation. United States citizens are urged to address this issue with your congressmen.

Source: https://faq.usps.com/s/article/What-is-Registered-Mail

Information about Registered Mail International (U.S. Postal Service)

From United States Postal Service website: https://pe.usps.com/cpim/ftp/manuals/imm/immc7.pdf

Tracking suppression by the U.S. Postal Service: https://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2015/pb22424/html/info_002.htm

752.13 Treatment of Registered Items
All mail registered by the country of origin must be handled in the domestic First-Class Mail mailstream from the exchange office to the office of delivery. A signed delivery receipt must be obtained at the time of delivery.

D. INSURED POSTAL PARCEL - So far customers from Australia, Brazil, Egypt, India, Kuwait, Morocco, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, South Africa (RSA), Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the United States of America** during online ordering process (checkout) can select "Insured Postal Parcel" as a fully insured shipping method with full tracking. If you are from one of the following countries, we can ship your order fully insured via "Insured Postal Parcel", so please inquire via email. Insurance is limited by us to €1000 since parcels valued above €1000 require clearance from Customs broker. If your order is for €2000 we will ship it in two (2) separate parcels, each of which will be insured for €1000. If your order is for €5000 we will ship it in five (5) separate parcels, each of which will be insured for €1000. That's why the shipping charge for Insured Postal Parcel increases exponentially with every extra €1000. If your order amount exceeds the maximum insurance amount set for your country, simply place another, extra order and we will ship it in a yet another, separate insured postal parcel.

Australia (Maximum insurance €3000) (functional online)
Brazil (Maximum insurance €600) (functional online)
Bulgaria (Maximum insurance €900)
Egypt (Maximum insurance €1500) (Registered Insured Mail to Egypt also, max. ins. €1200)
India (Maximum insurance €1400)
Kuwait (Maximum insurance €1500) (functional online)
Morocco (Maximum insurance €4500) (functional online) (Registered Insured Mail to Morocco also, max. ins. €4500)
Namibia (Maximum insurance €240 only) (Registered Insured Mail to Namibia also, max. ins. €2400)
Nigeria (Maximum insurance €3000) (functional online)
New Zealand (Maximum insurance €950) (functional online)
Pakistan (Maximum insurance €480) (functional online)
Qatar (Maximum insurance €2250) (functional online)
Russia (Maximum insurance €4800) (Registered Insured Mail to Russia also, max. ins. €4800)
Singapore (Maximum insurance €2400) (Registered Insured Mail to Singapore also, max. ins. €2400)
South Africa (Maximum insurance €1150)
Thailand (Maximum insurance €1200) (Registered Insured Mail to Thailand also, max. ins. €1200)
Tunisia (Maximum insurance €2700) (Registered Insured Mail to Tunisia also, max. ins. €3000) (functional online)
Turkey (Maximum insurance €780) (Registered Insured Mail to Türkiye also, max. ins. €780) (functional online)
Ukraine (Maximum insurance €4800) (Registered Insured Mail to Ukraine also, max. ins. €4800)
United Arab Emirates (Maximum insurance €4800) (functional online)
United States of America (Maximum insurance €4000) (functional online)
Zimbabwe (Maximum insurance €1100)

Insured Parcel is also available to some other countries, such as New Caledonia, Fiji, Ghana etc., so please inquire.

**Remark: To avoid having your insured parcel potentially stuck in U.S. Customs for weeks, or even become stolen ("lost") at the infamous "ISC New York", select UPS (United Parcel Service) instead as delivery method, if your address is in the United States of America.

E. FEDEX EXPRESS - shipping to most countries, orders €500+ only (€200+ within the European Union). Currently on request only and is not available to be selected during online ordering process. Tracking information on www.fedex.com may not always appear on Fedex website in a timely fashion, usually taking 10+ days after being picked up to be dispatched internationally and tracked online, which is beyond our control. From here in the Azores all FedEx shipments will have about a 10+ days delay (sometimes less) to dispatch them from Lisbon since this is how long the local Azorian FedEx partner (cargo company) takes to deliver the shipments to a FedEx location in Lisbon. Usually FedEx Portugal takes their time to enter tracking information into the online tracking system. This is just the way FedEx works these days and in many years we tried to change that with no avail while FedEx mostly ignores customer inquiries. Therefore your patience is greatly appreciated. International Insurance with FedEx is now strictly limited to $100. If desired, purchase full shipping insurance here. Somehow fast delivery (usually or sometimes about 3 to 5 business days after the shipment is picked up and delivered to a large Fedex hub from where the tracking usually begins, but that can take up to 2 weeks or longer if Customs clearance and national holidays are involved, as well as some lately developed lax attitude, and shady invoicing practices (extra invoices of questionable origin and legality may be sent to both sender and receiver weeks past the delivery date). We have flexible shipping rates depending on your order amount. The bigger the order subtotal, the lower usually the shipping charge. Free shipping for larger orders. Mandatory signature may be required as proof of delivery. IMPORTANT: If you wish to have it shipped for less or by a different shipping method, please contact us asking to split your order into 2 or more (Registered Mail or Air Mail) mail pieces (usually with shipping fees adjustment) or place several separate smaller orders and select appropriate shipping methods for each order.

Customs information — Any other costs or charges such as customs or import duties, customs clearance and handling may also apply during the shipment of your order via FedEx and will be charged to you by the involved party at a later stage, if applicable.

FedEx requires a street address and a telephone number of the recipient and in some cases your own FedEx Account Number. Not providing your street address and your phone number (which are mandatory for a FedEx delivery) along with your order may cause order processing and shipping delays (until the abovementioned data is provided to us). Also, if when placing your order you have selected the following FedEx delivery method: "Your Own FedEx Account Only - PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR OWN FEDEX ACCOUNT NUMBER TO US!" and did not provide your FedEx Account Number, we will in such case dispatch your order via Registered Mail.

F. PRIORITY AIR MAIL INTERNATIONAL - Currently this delivery method is disabled by us due to frequent loss (theft) of Priority International Mail shipments. Tracking is available. Insurance (nor indemnity claim) is NOT available. If desired purchase shipping insurance here. No recipient signature is collected. You as the Customer who places the order is fully responsible for the delivery of your order using such a mailing method beyond the the post office of origin. NO service to the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Chile, El Salvador and some other important countries unfortunately. Select this shipping method instead of AIR MAIL or instead of REGISTERED MAIL so you can get a tracking number, but be aware that it may attract attention of the long fingers, because of the flashy PRIORITY sticker it carries. Despite presence of a tracking number, shipping with Priority International Azul Mail (Tracked Air Mail) is on the recipient's own risk since it carries no insurance. If desired, you can purchase our private shipping insurance in our store separately. Attention: Large US cities (NYC, Miami etc.) (and of other countries as well) may have corrupt postal services and mail theft may be more frequent (based on actual experiences, facts, statistics and available evidence). (* EXPRÉS - CORREIO AZUL INTERNACIONAL - PRIORITY AIR MAIL SERVICE WITH A TRACKING NUMBER, UNINSURED). Operates on honesty and on karma (of the sender, the recipient and the postal staff).

G. EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE (EMS) - We no longer ship via EMS to the most of the world (except Canada, United Kingdom and the United States, for its insurance coverage) – expensive, slow (not much faster than Registered mail), intrusive and problematic shipping method (unreasonable returns to sender, and collectible content detaining and seizing by EMS and their delivery partner DHL is a growing problem). Mandatory signature may be required as proof of delivery. This is what EMS claims to be as per UPU website:
The following is EMS own website (info and tracking): https://www.ems.post/en .

H. UPS - shipping to most countries, orders €100+ mostly. International Insurance with UPS is limited to $100. If desired, purchase full shipping insurance here or ask us to try to insure your shipment with UPS for a larger amount. Mandatory signature may be required as proof of delivery. UPS seems to be doing a much better job than FedEx, thus we have selected UPS to be our main speed courier.

UPS (United Parcel Service) requires a street address and a telephone number of the recipient and in some cases your own UPS Account Number. Not providing your street address and your phone number (which are mandatory for a UPS delivery) along with your order may cause order processing and shipping delays (until the abovementioned data is provided to us). Also, if when placing your order you have selected the following UPS delivery method: "Your Own UPS Account Only - PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR OWN UPS ACCOUNT NUMBER TO US!" and did not provide your UPS Account Number, we will in such case dispatch your order via Registered Mail.

IMPORTANT: If you wish to have it shipped for less or by a different shipping method, please contact us asking to split your order into 2 or more (Registered Mail or Air Mail) mail pieces (usually with shipping fees adjustment) or place several separate smaller orders and select appropriate shipping methods for each order.

J. DHL - Shipping with DHL is unavailable at this time due to local pick up unavailability.

K. Pick Up in Person - Must be arranged. This delivery method is only possible with a cash payment in Euros. Contact us with instructions.

L. Delivery in person (residential or business delivery with a mandatory signature and a prepayment by a bank wire transfer) has been enabled now for large orders as a new experiment.

REMARK: Sorry, we do not provide OVERNIGHT or SECOND DAY (FedEx) delivery since we are not located near a majour hub or city. FEDEX may take a day or a couple days longer depending on the remoteness and popularity of the destination. In some cases Fedex may take as long as 7-10+ working days to deliver (Customs clearance, holidays etc.) and as fast as 2 days (after your package reaches a majour FEDEX hub or distribution facility).

IMPORTANT NOTICE: if you wish your order to be shipped by some other shipping method then please select any shipping method and indicate in your order comments that you wish to select "..........." shipping method and email that to us separately as well. We will respond to you with a shipping cost for that shipping method and if you agree then we will send you an invoice adjustment for the right amount.

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Can you ship with no signature required?

Yes, we can, as long as you pay us with cash (Euro banknotes by mail, or by Western Union transfer or by a bank wire transfer (add $30 extra for a bank wire transfer fee, charged to us by banks, if you will be sending a bank wire transfer payment from a country outside of the European Union or the United States. As soon as we receive your cash or transfer payment, we will mail your order, at your own risk (without insurance), or if you sign a disclaimer while paying by other means, by regular mail, with no signature required (no record of delivery and no indemnity or insurance of any kind). Based on Trust & Karma!

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How do I track my mail shipment?

You can track your order shipment (if tracking number is provided) by going to, for example: Global Track & Trace or www.royalmail.com or www.usps.com or www.auspost.com.au or www.ctt.pt or www.epg.ae or another country's postal service website (depending which service you are using and where you live) or by logging into your account at Banknotes.com international store. Please note that Registered Mail is not (fully) trackable (to USA and some other countries) even on a mail carrier's website and may be only trackable by submitting a written application or paying a visit to a post office (up to 3 month wait for the results). Naturally: Air Mail, First Class Mail, Surface Mail, Sea Mail, Normal Mail, Basic mail, Economy Mail do not have tracking or insurance. If desired purchase shipping insurance here or here.

The shipping charge does not include frequent email updates by us on the status of your shipment and some mail such as Registered Mail does not have live tracking at all. You are provided with a tracing or a tracking number and a tracking link for the country of dispatch and you are supposed to track the progress of your shipment online yourself as often as you wish. Be patient and don't request us to provide you with daily or frequent updates of the tracking whereabouts.

Please note that BASIC MAIL (also known as: AIR MAIL, REGULAR MAIL, SIMPLE MAIL, FIRST CLASS MAIL, ORDINARY POST, STAMPED MAIL, NORMAL MAIL, ECONOMY MAIL) is sent at buyer's own full risk since it does not bear any insurance nor a tracking number. If in doubt, and needing some protection (up to €40) and/or a somehow inferior tracking number, please select Registered Mail (no or partial tracking only (to North America) with an indemnity limit of $45). If desired purchase shipping insurance here or here since frequent loss/theft of Registered Mail is on the steep increase in the United States.

U.S. customers only (USPS information):

Registered Mail can not be tracked through the mailstream
Source: https://faq.usps.com/s/article/What-is-Registered-Mail

From United States Postal Service website: https://pe.usps.com/cpim/ftp/manuals/imm/immc7.pdf

752.13 Treatment of Registered Items
All mail registered by the country of origin must be handled in the domestic First-Class Mail mailstream from the exchange office to the office of delivery. A signed delivery receipt must be obtained at the time of delivery.

Can International Registered Mail be tracked?

How does USPS process international packages?
Mail entering the United States from abroad first arrives at a United States Postal Service (USPS) Sorting Facility. The Postal Service then sends packages to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for examination and to assess duties and taxes, if any is owed. Source here.

Banknotes.com's shipping confirmation email message may end up in your mail program's or free mail service's (Yahoo, Google, Hotmail etc.) "Spam" folder. Therefore please before contacting us please check your "spam" (Unsolicited Commercial Email, Bulk Mail) folder as well. Please adjust your "spam" settings accordingly.

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How soon should I expect my ordered items to arrive?

The speed of delivery first of all depends on the method of shipping you have selected yourself. Speed couriers such as UPS or FedEx usually deliver within time frame of 3 to 7 days starting from a large hub. Government postal systems usually are slower although quite often simple normal mail (a.k.a. Air Mail) can arrive pretty fast, which is within 10 to 15 days, sooner or later. Please pay attention to the delivery estimates during your order checkout process.

The details given on delivery time periods are not binding.

A generic answer to this question would be: 7 to 60 days. It also depends in which country you reside, whether you live in a small town in a province or in a big city close to international airports and how close your city is to a mail sorting center and many other factors, such as customs and mail sorting center (ISC etc.) delays. Customs of any country can hold packages and letters for days and even weeks before clearing them to continue to be delivered. Air Mail letter usually takes about 7 to 20 days to arrive to another country, but sometimes up to 30 or even 60 days. These numbers are just approximate and may vary depending on many factors and are completely OUT OF OUR CONTROL. That means - WE CAN NOT CONTROL THE SPEED OF DELIVERY of your order - only YOU CAN control it by selecting an appropriate way of shipping during order placement process.

COVID-19 Notice: There may still be significant mail and courier delivery delays to a number of countries due to the leftover COVID-19 situation worldwide, therefore in some cases expect slower delivery of your order and please be very patient. Thank you for your understanding.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that if you selected Registered Mail shipping method you will have to pick the shipment up at your local post office unless it decides to deliver to your door and find you at the right time at your residence, work or business. Otherwise as in most cases please expect a mail delivery notice left in your mail box. Look out for it. Please pick it up promptly since many post offices only hold registered mail for up to a week and then return it to the sender if it is not picked up within 6-7 days! You will usually have to pay a reshipment fee (in most cases).

In most cases your packages are shipped within 1 to 5 business days. During extra busy holiday times the time it takes for us to prepare and ship your order may be longer, but at least once a week. We do our best to ship your orders as quickly as possible. Also please refer to the item availability information published on the product detail page.

Before contacting us please log in to your account to check shipment status of your order. If your package was scheduled to arrive on a specific day but did not arrive, please contact us or the mail carrier (speed courrier).

The following are all the shipping methods that are available at Banknotes.com and an approximate time in business days (minimum and maximum) that it takes for your order to arrive to your location. Registered Air Mail for example usually takes a couple or more weeks to arrive at foreign destinations (although sometimes can take as little as 5 to 7 days!) and it rarely takes as long as 30 to 60 days to arrive. If it does not arrive after 60 days, - it is probably lost and we will in such case submit a search and a claim to postal authorities. Yet we had some Registered packages and even EMS (EMS is no longer provided due to the unreasonable behaviour of the carrier) arrive to a remote destination after 3 and even 4 months!

Our store's shipping confirmation email message may end up in your mail program's or free mail service's (Yahoo, Google, Hotmail etc.) "Spam" folder. Therefore please before contacting us please check your "spam" folder as well. Please adjust your "spam" settings accordingly.

We are not responsible for actions of your country's postal service and their employees or partners. We are also not responsible if your mail is misdelivered, not delivered or returned to the sender due to the incomplete address provided to us by you in your order at Banknotes.com. Your address must be 100% correct and consistent throughout all places you provided it us with. Reshipment to a corrected address at your fault will cost you another shipping and handling (S&H) charge. Your business, your patience and your understanding is truly apppreciated.

Please note that usually there is only one person who handles all orders, payments, packing, shipping, email responses, phone calls etc. therefore your patience and your understanding is appreciated. I am only human and I do sometimes run behind schedule due to a huge workload, sickness, unexpected technical difficulties, natural disasters, vacation or a business trip. All your orders will be taken care of and shipped as soon as possible and I do appreciate your patience in case of a delay and I will respond to all your order related inquiries in a timely manner.

REQUEST: Please let us know when your order arrives and whether you like and enjoy the items you received. We care about your orders and would be great to hear from you about how you are doing and how we can improve our service. Your feedback is very welcome.

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Will you ship my order to another name and address?

We will only ship to a bank-verified address (billing address). If you wish to have your order shipped to an address that is different from your billing address on file with your credit card provider, you must add the shipping address to your credit card and/or Paypal account. To do so, please do the following:

1. Please contact your credit card provider (issuer) and ask them if they allow you to add an alternate shipping address on your account (their phone number should be located on the back of your card or on your monthly statement).

2. If possible, add the shipping name and/or address on your order to the credit card file as an "authorized alternate shipping address to your account". The information will remain on file for future orders. If the issuer does not allow shipping to an alternate address, we will not be able to process the order.

These regulations are established by the credit card companies for any "card not present" mail, phone and internet orders to prevent fraud. It is not our policy; it is the policy of Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. We must comply with their requirements and we take a very active role to prevent online fraud. Suspicious orders are reported to the issuing bank and the local authorities and your IP address is logged in our system for reference and investigation.

We treat your credit card with the highest level of security. We understand that we lose some legitimate orders/customers in the process and we pay this price to help protect your credit.

Alternatively, to have your order shipped to another person and/or address you may do the following (A or B):

A. Go to http://www.banknotes.com/order.htm and print it out and fill out that form completely. Please sign it with your signature. Make sure you don't miss anything. In the form enter all your credit card and billing and shipping data and everything else. Then write an explanation where you want your order sent and what is the reason for it. Then make a good quality copy of both sides of your credit or debit card and a good quality copy of your photo ID or a passport. Then sign the order form and sign every other page and email it all to:

Please do NOT post our email address in its text format on the web!

Our telephone and fax number will be provided to you in the process of placing an order, in an invoice and on our business card or via email. You can email us to request our telephone and/or telefax number and/or provide us with your telephone or fax number if you wish to speak to us before you place an order. We will return most order-related and some of the wish-to-sell inquiries by telephone or via email. Otherwise we prefer to communicate via email.

B. Send us a Cash payment (by mail or by Western Union money transfer; details upon request) and we will ship your order to the person/address indicated in your order via any shipping method of your choice.

IMPORTANT! Always make sure your address you provide us in your order placement where you enter it by hand (not just attached to your credit card account) is absolutely correct and is correctly spelled and is complete. If it includes an apartment number or a suite number or a postal box number etc. it must be clearly and correctly spelled and provided to us with your placed order as typed or handwritten with your hand. We are not responsible for actions of your country's postal service and their employees or partners. We are also not responsible if your mail is misdelivered, not delivered or returned to the sender due to the incomplete address provided to us by you in your order at Banknotes.com. Your address must be 100% correct and consistent throughout all places you provided it us with. Reshipment to a corrected address at your fault will cost you another shipping and handling (S&H) charge. Your business, your patience and your understanding is truly apppreciated.

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How do I check the progress of my Registered Mail shipment?

COVID-19 Notice: There may still be significant mail and courier delivery delays to a number of countries due to the leftover COVID-19 situation worldwide (which may be renewed by governments around the world at any time), therefore in some cases expect slower delivery of your order and please be very patient. Thank you for your understanding.

You can track your order shipment (if tracking number is provided) by going to, for example: Global Track & Trace or http://www.ems.post/tracking or www.royalmail.com or www.usps.com or www.auspost.com.au or www.ctt.pt or www.epg.ae or another country's postal service website (depending which service you are using and where you live) or by logging into your account at Banknotes.com international store. Please note that Registered Mail is not (fully) trackable (to the USA and to some other countries) even on a mail carrier's website and may be only trackable by submitting a written application or paying a visit to a post office which takes weeks or months to process. Naturally: Air Mail, First Class, Surface mail do not have any tracking.

The details given on delivery time periods are not binding.

Please note that in a lot of cases a REGISTERED MAIL (Recommandé, Einschreiben, Raccomandata, Registrado, Musajjil, Registrert, Registrerad, Polecony, 3AKA3HOE) REGISTRATION NUMBER is a non-live look up number; it is not always a tracking number. You may not see the full route of your mail-piece online and it only may or may not appear as delivered only after it is handed to you.

The shipping charge does not include frequent email updates by us on the status of your shipment and some mail such as Registered Mail does not have live tracking at all. You are provided with a tracing or a tracking number and a tracking link for the country of dispatch and you are supposed to track the progress of your shipment online yourself as often as you wish. Be patient and don't request us to provide you with daily or frequent updates of the tracking whereabouts.

United States, Canada postal services (USPS and Canada Post) (since 2009 and 2015), as well as some other countries postal services no longer provide any tracking information for inbound and outbound Registered international mail, although Registered mail inbound into USA and Canada still requires signature delivery. A lot of times that signature is not collected and the so-called Registered Mail is deposited into your regular mail box or a post office box. The abolition and absence of tracking does not mean that we can not find out whether the Registered mail piece was delivered or not, by submitting a special document form to the postal authorities, which after an investigation of the whereabouts of the shipment reports to us on what has happened to the shipment; whether it was delivered or whether it was lost, misdelivered or still at the Customs processing. Also frequent loss/theft of Registered Mail is on the increase in the United States as well.

You must provide us with your complete, correct and well spelled address during placement of your order, typed or handwritten by your hand. Please verify it several times to make sure itis correct. If returned to the sender we will charge you another shipment charge if your address provided to us is incomplete or incorrect.

Registered Mail Tracking or Tracing supposed to be available on your country's postal service website (except USA, Canada, Australia and some other countries, where no tracking information whatsoever is provided since years 2009/2015 respectively, for the US/CAN). Mandatory signature is usually required as proof of delivery, yet we now have numerous reports from the U.S. recipients so far that the Registered Mail mailed to them from Europe was found in their regular mail boxes, without obtaining recipient's signature. This is the reason why we are trying to limit usage of Registered Mail to the countries which do not collect signature and/or do not provide full tracking for Registered Mail.

Please read the following article as well as search for many more articles and forum posts like this online: https://www.reddit.com/r/USPS/comments/410wmy/tracking_suppression_of_international_registered/

Therefore, if you see NO TRACKING ONLINE for your order's shipment, please don't panic and don't ring alarm bells. Please be patient instead, it will arrive as it always does in 99,999% cases, and it will probably still need your signature.

Also, and this small paragraph applies only to those very few in between less-honest individuals, who may want to trick us into believing that they did not receive their shipment, while it has already been received by them. Once you receive your order via Registered Mail and still do not see the online tracking info show it as "Delivered", don't panic or jump-for-joy and don't attempt to report it as "not received" in order to attempt to claim your money back or to receive a refund, since we always submit requests for investigation on whereabouts of every registered mail piece that is reported as "undelivered" and please note that it is federal and municipal crime to misreport any mail delivery. Also, special tracking devices may be set within the envelope or package (that react to any digital devices, TVs etc.), in order to ensure proper and safe delivery.

U.S. customers only (USPS information):

Registered Mail can not be tracked through the mailstream
Source: https://faq.usps.com/s/article/What-is-Registered-Mail

From United States Postal Service website: https://pe.usps.com/cpim/ftp/manuals/imm/immc7.pdf

752.13 Treatment of Registered Items
All mail registered by the country of origin must be handled in the domestic First-Class Mail mailstream from the exchange office to the office of delivery. A signed delivery receipt must be obtained at the time of delivery.

Can International Registered Mail be tracked?

Banknotes.com's shipping confirmation email message may end up in your mail program's or free mail service's (Yahoo, Google, Hotmail etc.) "Spam" folder. Therefore please before contacting us please check your "spam" (Unsolicited Commercial Email, Bulk Mail) folder as well. Please adjust your "spam" settings accordingly.

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I paid more to you for the shipping (postage) than it appears on the envelope or on the package that I received.

The price of shipping (postage) on the envelope is not the only cost incurred to ship an order. We must also include the following charges into the shipping charge (Shipping & Handling - S&H):

Cost of the envelope(s), packaging, box, cardboard, envelope stiffener, tape, paper, printing costs, packing materials, plastic sleeve(s) (holders), other supplies, delivery costs to and from the post office, etc.

This is why it is called "Shipping & Handling" or S&H. Yet you will notice that we ship some larger orders for much less and even at no extra cost to you. It's called "Free Shipping". Test our store's shopping basket for a variety of subtotal amounts to verify.

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I did not receive my order and it's been 30/60 days since it was shipped

COVID-19 Notice: There may still be significant mail and courier delivery delays to a number of countries due to the leftover COVID-19 situation worldwide, therefore in some cases expect slower delivery of your order and please be very patient. Thank you for your understanding.

Sorry to hear that. If you have selected NORMAIL MAIL (an envelope and a stamp) as your shipping method, there is nothing we can do to help, since it is being sent on a buyer's own risk, without any tracking or insurance and with significant savings on shipping costs for the customer (mail recipent). Otherwise please read on. It is IMPERATIVE that you do not email us without reading this entire response first. Trust us, we did our work properly. When mail is delayed or goes missing, everyone suffers, the sender and the recipient. It takes time to investigate the whereabouts of the letter or the package and it takes extreme patience to not get upset over it. Please believe us that your order/mail has been properly prepared, properly processed, properly addressed and properly shipped out to you, making sure your address and even your telephone number is clearly and carefully spelled and sometimes, if in doubt, even checked on the internet for correctness. We do our job putting your order together and mailing it out to you, so why get upset with us after we did our job corectly? Please be patient, and contact us only if you do not receive your order after at least 30 or 60 days after it has appeared on the tracking information as "Internationally Dispatched". That means NOT since the date you placed your order, since it takes a few more days to process it, to pack it properly, to mail it out and to reach an International Service Center (ISC), where it is properly and promptly directed to your destination, but since the date it was despatched internationally or at least since the date it was accepted by our local post office.

Please note that we are not responsible for "timely" delivery of your order via REGISTERED MAIL (or any other shipping method even if that is UPS or FEDEX) since there is no time limit or guarantee of any sort or kind by any postal authority as Registered Mail can arrive in as little as 3-5 days and can take as long as 3-4 months to arrive (on rare occasions) with average being 2 to 3 weeks. In other words: The details given on delivery time periods of postal service(s) and speed couriers are not binding. Therefore you will not be reimbursed for "late" or "delayed" delivery via REGISTERED MAIL or even via UPS/FEDEX just because it arrived late and placing unfair chargebacks (payment reversals) is not recommended as we do address and report such practices via proper channels, such as credit reports etc. If you are concerned to receive your order fast, within 7 to 12 days (or faster), you should select FEDEX or UPS delivery only.

Registered Mail "Tracking" (or rather Tracing with only a despatch record) supposed to be available on your country's postal service website (except USA, Canada and some other countries, where no tracking information whatsoever is provided since years 2009/2015 respectively, for US/CAN). Mandatory signature is usually required as proof of delivery, yet we now have numerous reports from the U.S. recipients so far that the Registered Mail mailed to them from Europe was found in their regular mail boxes, without obtaining recipient's signature. This is the reason why we are trying to eliminate or to severely limit usage of Registered Mail to the countries which do not collect signature for Registered Mail.

Tracking: Global Track & Trace

Please understand that we do not own nor run Postal Services of any country, and we do not run UPS or Federal Express etc. Also we do not usually deliver your order in person (as much as we'd like to, except when you pay us to do that) since we use International Postal Services (Ordinary Mail, Registered Mail or Priority Mail), UPS or Federal Express (FedEx) only. We depend on these services to deliver your order to your home, work, business or to your post office box. We submit your mail piece to these services on your request (accordingly to your placed order) and we do our job properly. If the mail services fail to do their job properly, we both suffer, you and us, and thus let's be patient and wait, cause we are doing everything possible to search for your delayed or missing mail piece. And therefore getting upset with us for a delayed or missing mail piece will only have someone get a heart attack and not move anything faster. Thus if your order shipment is delayed, please only contact us if it's been AT LEAST:

– UPS shipments ONLY: 12 days;
– FedEx shipments ONLY: 15 days;
– Fully Insured Parcel shipments: 25 days;
– Registered Mail shipments: 30 days to big cities in the developed countries only;
– Registered Mail shipments: 60-90 days to smaller cities, towns and villages in the developed and developing world.

Here's why mail can be slow or slower than you expect it to be:

Reason # 1: Holidays: During Christmas and New Year and other holidays mail can be slow or it can even "disappear", since a lot of outsiders are or may be hired by your country's government postal services in order to help them out with their hopeless holiday mail volume. Some of those outsiders (school children, students, foreigners etc.) may be tempted to steal your mail piece since they feel they are not permanent employees of the Postal Service and may not have been sworn-in to be fully honest (big problem). Thus things like that rarely but do happen. Please remain patient and remember that we do not insure orders with full amount, beyond the $40-$45 postal indemnity unless we are requested to do so (except FEDEX which is fine). Sometimes a full insurance is just unavailable to your destination.

Reason # 2: (USA + CANADA mostly) ISC NEW YORK or ISC MIAMI, or another International Mail Service or Sorting Center delays. ISC NEW YORK etc. can hold your REGISTERED MAIL piece for days, weeks or even months without breaking a sweat. Gladly that does not happen very often. USPS service has been getting worse since year 2005-2009 always complaining that they never make a profit, but postal charges are going through the roof, exceeding European and world postal charges and fees by several times fold. Please be patient and let the ISC (International Service Center that sorts your mail for days and weeks, sometimes for months... but they do deliver it most of the time. Call "your local" ISC if you become impatient and need to vent. Also, please Google-search for "NOTORIOUS ISC NEW YORK" (ISC MIAMI, ISC LA) on the internet. Pease do not vent on us in any way. 99% of mail delays to beautiful North America are now caused by ISC NEW YORK etc. Also please check the following 2009 USPS law (there was a similar law released in 2015 in Canada as well):

http://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2009/pb22259/html/updt_004.htm (Hint: FedEx)

Reason # 3: Customs (Douane) delays. Customs processing takes time, sometimes days or even weeks. Please be patient or call your local Customs Department if you become impatient and need to vent. Please do not vent on us in any way. After doing our hard work we will not like it, although we will address it immediately if you insist and you will not make things easier for anyone neither speed up the delivery in any way. Also it could be that when CUSTOMS of the country of destination is holding on to a mail piece with your ordered items inside of it and they may have sent you a MAIL PICK UP NOTICE by mail, which you may have not received. Thus it may make sense to also call and ask the Customs as well as your post office and ask them whether they have been placing mail pickup notifications into your mail box or whether they have any RETURN TO SENDER mail in the processing that is being returned to a foreign country (us) undelivered. In some cases the sometimes-lazy and ignorant postal service simply won't bother much to deliver your mail or your mail pick up notice and will return it to the sender without waiting long enough for you to come and sign for it. Apply as much pressure, filing complaints about such "services" as possible, to prevent such problems in the future. There always must be a friendly postal clerk, who will handle your mail with care for you if you ask nicely.

Reason # 4: It may have been sent back to the sender (us). RETURN TO SENDER and/or UNDELIVERABLE stamp is usually placed on the undelivered envelope and there it goes, back to us. In some cases, quite often, if the delivery person (postal clerk, postman etc.) does not find the recipient at home for once or twice or within usually 6 to 7 days (business days or not), they may return the shipment back to the Sender (to us). Ask around at your end to speed up the process. We will let you know as soon as we receive the returned mail. Re-shipping your order will be arranged.

Reason # 5: Incomplete or incorrect address was provided to us by the Customer. Always make sure your address you provide us in your order placement where you enter it by hand (not just attached to your credit card account) is absolutely correct and is correctly spelled and is complete. If it includes an apartment number or a suite number or a postal box number etc. it must be clearly and correctly spelled and provided to us with your placed order as typed or handwritten with your hand. We are not responsible for actions of your country's government and postal service and their employees or partners. We are also not responsible if your mail is misdelivered, not delivered or returned to the sender due to the incomplete address provided to us by you in your order at Banknotes.com. Your address must be 100% correct and consistent throughout all places you provided it us with. Reshipment to a corrected address at your fault will cost you another shipping and handling (S&H) charge. Also, if you provide us with an unsafe address in an unsafe location, such as a war zone or a prohibited area etc. we may not be able to even initiate a search for your lost Registered mail piece. You as a purchaser are fully responsible to provide us with a correct address at a safe destination that does not have any issues with military or political conflicts, prohibitions or known and recurring mail theft problems.

Reason # 6: In a very unlikely case, the mail piece has been lost or stolen if it is undelivered after 3-4 (sometimes up to 9) months. Yes, quite often Registered mail takes that long to arrive even within short distances. It is now time to submit the "missing mail search request form" and to re-ship your order as soon as we receive a response from the postal authority about whereabouts of your shipment. If they still find it, they will still deliver it to you. That actually does happen when they finally find the shipment and finally deliver it, especially under pressure. I've had a friend in the USPS, who told me they keep the unclaimed mail for some time, then open it and sell on auction if no one claims it within reasonable time. Usually it should get sent to the sender. That actually happens quite often and in some cases the undelivered REGISTERED MAIL or EMS package or envelope is being held until they receive inquiry and complaint about it (!) and only a filed and documented complaint makes it move and gets suddenly delivered! (Remark: we no longer use EMS).

Please be assured that after you contact us with your concern, we will submit an official search form to our local postal authorities and will inform you via email as soon as we hear from them. The postal authority research may take up to 3 months or 90 days (usually that's the maximum, but exceptions apply) for processing. Although the processing time can be as short as several days or a couple weeks only. While waiting for the resolution, in the meantime here's what you can do, on your end, to possibly speed up the process. Please read on, below.

Ask your neighbours, family members, relatives living in the same house, condo or flat, ask friends, roommates living with you etc., whether they may have received your mail for you and forgot to pass it on to you or perhaps they left on a very important and urgent vacation or a business trip and forgot to pass your mail to you, thus delaying the delivery by days and weeks. It does happen on a rare occasion, from our extensive experience, we can assure you, all kinds of things happen, and not always because of a bad intent.

Ask around your town (neighbours, friends, relatives, co-workers, strangers, postal clerks, local thieves, etc.) whether they had problems with receiving foreign mail in that particular postal code, ZIP code, town or city (via regular-ordinary, registered or Priority mail = those three methods) and if possible, please let us know the result (what they said). That may help the investigation and to prevent mail loss in the future. Because your local post office or local mail sorting center may have become corrupt and there may be even one or more employees who may simply be stealing (some say: keeping) people' s mail.

Please note that contacting us after just 5 or 10 or 15 days is "fruitless", and will slow down order processing for everyone else, as we will be answering all the emails that we would rather not, since your shipment will still be on its way to you, or it may be delayed at your country's Customs, or in some cases it may be on its way to us, after it's been attempted to deliver and your local postal services were unable to deliver it because:

a) They were unable to find anyone at your home or to deliver the mail and to receive recipient's signature;
b) The Mail Delivery Notice (usually a red, orange, brown, blue, green or a yellow piece of paper or cardboard notifying the recipient to come to a post office at a certain time to pick up their Registered or Express mail piece and sign for it) did not reach your mail box or was misplaced by postal employees or someone after its delivery to a mail box;
c) Your address was incorrect as provided in your order to us. Always verify it several times for correctness. We do not misspell addresses as we are very careful.

In such case your order will be or may be on its way to us and all we both can do is wait and once received it will be re-shipped to you. No refund requests are granted because of mis-delivery by postal services and for any other cause that is not a fault of ours.

We submit investigation documents to postal authorities for every severely delayed or lost mail piece. And we will provide you with the investigation results upon your request.

Always submit your postal service failure COMPLAINTS, most just ones for every failure of your local postal service to your post office, Postmaster, your Postal Inspectors, Postal Authority, including Ministry of Comunications of your country, your county government, your state government, your representatives and make sure to complain about serious non-delivery, unfair "unclaimed" return cases, cases of mail loss and theft, mail delivery delay, etc. Complain about postal employees to make sure the lazy and the incompetent ones are fired, lose their jobs, and are replaced with those who value their job and are caring and professional enough to safely and reasonably deliver your mail. We know how PAINFUL mail non-delivery can be and therefore reasonably complain for all the problems. Submit your complaints on paper and online in person, by mail, by fax, and make sure you get a written and stamped confirmation, signature, etc. and do follow up on all complaints until a satisfactory resolution is reached.

WARNING: It is a UNIVERSAL, FEDERAL AND LOCAL CRIME to misreport delivered mail as not received. This is in case if the mail gets delivered and the recipient does not report it or misreport it as "not received". This does not apply to 99,999% of people. If you did not receive the mail piece, there is nothing to worry and let the investigation be processed first.

Please do not email us without reading all of the above first. Please do read it twice, so you can better understand everything. Thank you for your business, patience and understanding. Everything that is fair ends up fairly.

Tracking: Global Track & Trace

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How do I return my product(s)?

Returned items must be mailed to us immediately or up to 7 days (due to varying climatic conditions around the world) after receiving them in an ORIGINAL holder and packaging. You must make sure that the returned items are well and safely packed and will not get damaged on the way back. All open sides of a plastic holder that holds banknotes in it must be sealed well (with paper, without damaging the holder with glue) in order to avoid a slip-out and damage of the banknote(s). All returned items must be returned in their original packaging and securely sealed in the same way as they were received by you. All returned items if received in a damaged condition will not be refunded for and may be sent back to the sender or may be refunded less the damage costs. We will refund your money of a returned merchandise (less shipping & handling cost) (restocking and electronic commerce fees may apply (15% Processed Order Cancellation Fee) - if you have paid with a credit card) upon receipt of items in the same condition as they were shipped. You can choose a refund in a form of currency refund or as a credit towards your next order. Repeat customers can return their ordered items within 30 days. Repeated customer is considered to have placed at least 3 successful orders in the past 5 years before becoming a repeated customer.

IMPORT DUTY WARNING! You can not return your order to us by refusing to pay your country's import duty (import tax etc.). The recipient is responsible to pay their country's import duty charges.

Our basic merchandise return rule is: 7 days money back guarantee, but please read on. Best is to send us an email explaining the reason you wish to return your product(s) along with your original order # in subject header. We will assist you with your request and depending on the return conditions explained in our company's policies, we will make a decision on what needs to be done. In most cases returns that are not warranted by our mistake or product defects (misgrading) may be a subject to a restocking fee. Shipping charges are not refunded in such case if it's not our fault and your reason for return is within Acts of Nature or no reason at all (change of mind). In all cases except for shipment errors on our part, the customer must pay for shipping back the returned merchandise to us. We recommend a shipping method that offers tracking and insurance. In case of our mistake in grading or if you are our repeated customer you will be refunded full amount plus shipping (only air mail or first class shipping, no speed courier will be refunded or funded unless a special arrangement is made). We usually have relaxed rules about merchandise returns, but we reserve the right to apply the above rules when we see it necessary. Everything that's reasonable ends up reasonably.

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What is your return policy?

RETURNS: Seven days return guarantee. Repeat customers - 30 days.

Returned items must be mailed to us immediately or up to 7 days (due to volatile nature of collectable paper money, banknotes and currency investment and due to varying climatic conditions around the world) after receiving them in an ORIGINAL holder and packaging. You must make sure that the returned items are well and safely packed and will not get damaged on the way back. All open sides of a plastic holder that holds banknotes in it must be sealed well (with paper, without damaging the holder with glue) in order to avoid a slip-out and damage of the banknote(s). All returned items must be returned in their original packaging and securely sealed in the same way as they were received by you. All returned items if received in a damaged condition will not be refunded for and may be sent back to the sender or may be refunded less the damage costs. We will refund your money of a returned merchandise (less shipping & handling cost) (restocking and electronic commerce fees may apply (15% Processed Order Cancellation Fee) - if you have paid with a credit card) upon receipt of items in the same condition as they were shipped. You can choose a refund in a form of currency refund or as a credit towards your next order. Repeat customers can return their ordered items within 30 days. Repeated customer is considered to have placed at least 3 successful orders in the past 5 years before becoming a repeated customer.

IMPORT DUTY WARNING! You can not return your order to us by refusing to pay your country's import duty (import tax etc.). The recipient is responsible to pay their country's import duty charges.

Our basic merchandise return rule is: 7 days money back guarantee, but please read on. Best is to send us an email explaining the reason you wish to return your product(s) along with your original order # in subject header. We will assist you with your request and depending on the return conditions explained in our company's policies, we will make a decision on what needs to be done. In most cases returns that are not warranted by our mistake or product defects (misgrading) may be a subject to a restocking fee. Shipping charges are not refunded in such case if it's not our fault and your reason for return is within Acts of Nature or no reason at all (change of mind). In all cases except for shipment errors on our part, the customer must pay for shipping back the returned merchandise to us. We recommend a shipping method that offers tracking and insurance. In case of our mistake in grading or if you are our repeated customer you will be refunded full amount plus shipping (only air mail or first class shipping, no speed courier will be refunded or funded unless a special arrangement is made). We usually have relaxed rules about merchandise returns, but we reserve the right to apply the above rules when we see it necessary. Everything that's reasonable ends up reasonably.

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Can I submit a payment reversal (chargeback) and keep the goods without returning them?

Submitting frivolous, unsubstantiated, unfair, false, fake and fraudulent payment disputes (chargebacks) to your card provider, your bank or Paypal etc. in order to keep the goods, or without waiting for the merchandise to arrive at your address in order to proceed with a proper return, are considered fraud and theft and will seriously hurt your credit score and your worldwide buyer score. As a result of such behaviour, you will be blocked from being able to shop at many stores around the world and on the internet and your resulting debt will be sent to collections. Additionally to ruining your own credit score, penalties for chargeback fraud can range from fines to imprisonment, depending on local laws and the scale of the fraud. Always contact us first to resolve any misunderstandings and do it in a lawful way. We always issue refunds or, if you prefer, credit (or a replacement merchandise is mailed) if your ordered merchandise is reported by postal authorities as lost or stolen and thus was never received.

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My country's Customs (Douane) charges me import duty! Can I refuse (return) the shipment to you?

You can not return your order to us by refusing to pay your country's import duty (import tax etc.), but if you do, we will reship or remail it to you at your preferred mailing method at an extra shipping cost to you. Once you are being charged an import duty, you must pay it no matter what the amount is. Or try to negotiate it with your authorities. We do not pay your country's import duty or taxes for you. That would be your responsibility as your own country's citizen.

What happens in case if you refuse to accept your order shipment and to pay your own country's import taxes or duties: a) your order will be returned to us and in some cases we will be forced to pay your country's import duty. In such case you will be charged your country's import duty (taxes etc.) by us plus a re-shipment fee and your order will be shipped to you again; b) delivery of your order will be delayed by your country's Customs (Douane) until you pay the import duty (taxes); c) your order will be discarded or confiscated by your country's authorities if you refuse to pay the import duty or taxes, whichever your country charges you upon import. In either case you will not be issued a refund by us; d) If you wish to refuse to pay duty in your country for certain reasons and wish to ask your country's Customs to send it back to the sender, please contact us first to arrange that. In some cases that may be possible and if we are not made to pay the Customs Duty on your behalf then we will be able to resend your order as long as you pay for the shipping and handling charges again.

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What are your terms and conditions?

Terms and Conditions


By placing an order to our online store at Banknotes.com or sending to (or receiving from) us something of value you automatically agree to be bound by the terms and conditions described in this Agreement. All transactions involving world paper money, banknotes, collectible currency, novelty notes, coins, stamps and other collectibles and us (Banknotes.com) on one side and another person or company on the other side are bound by the following terms and conditions. (We reserve the right to update these terms without prior notice given).

Please note that all charges to your Credit or Debit or ATM or Check or Business Card will appear as TM

Maximum indemnity for internatonal registered mail is ~$45.

If selecting a speed courier such as FEDEX etc. please provide us with your PHONE NUMBER and your STREET ADDRESS. These speed couriers do not deliver to Poboxes, FPOs and APOs.

Disclaimer: All shipments of all kinds of valuables, be that a general or a registered mail shipment to abroad, are being sent at a buyer's risk unless a buyer asks to insure the item(s) or selects FEDEX as delivery method, which we consider as reliable. Indemnity insurance for REGISTERED MAIL is limited to about US$40-$45. In case of a loss of a package/letter (only in case if your shipment was insured) we will refund an amount of money which we will receive from a Postal Institution after the claim is processed and claim amount has arrived into our account. We will not be held responsible for any delays that any mail carrier/courrier institution or company makes and we will not be responsible if the mail carrier/courrier refuses to refund the amount of insurance to us. All proof of shipment and claim documents will be supplied to a buyer. We will do all our best to make sure that contents of every package/letter is safe and intact when handing it to a mail carrier/courrier institution/company employee. In case if contents of a package/letter gets damaged we will replace damaged value (will estimate ourselves) only if the shipment was ordered to be delivered as insured and only if after viewing the damaged package you notified your post office supervisor right away not leaving the post office counter or desk and supplying proof of damage as a document to us. You will also have to supply us with original packaging to show how it was damaged as well as all damaged items. In any case of damage, loss or theft of contents please notify your postmaster immediately without leaving the counter or desk at the post office building. If you receive a package/letter which looks suspicious, best is not to touch it, but let the Postmaster and a witness open it in front of you.

IMAGES: Notice about the images of the banknotes you are purchasing: while images of some especially of the old, rare and unique banknotes are actual, many images/photos are only made for illustrational purposes. The serial number and/or the signatures, the dates, and the overall condition of the note you receive may be different than the one you see on the Obverse-Reverse image, except in the listings where serial number is recorded.

We keep the right to own the digital scans (images, photos) of the banknotes, coins etc. that we sell. Example: you purchase an item "X" and therefore you become an owner of the physical item "X" but the scan (image) that we made of it we keep the right to own our copy of the scan. It means you own your own scans if and once you make them. When purchasing banknotes from us you automatically agree that we keep a digital copy of each banknote that was sold to you displayed in our public and free gallery and we have a right to own that scanned copy.

RETURNS: Seven days return guarantee. Repeat customers - 30 days.

Returned items must be mailed to us immediately or up to 7 days (due to varying climatic conditions around the world) after receiving them in an ORIGINAL holder and packaging. You must make sure that the returned items are well and safely packed and will not get damaged on the way back. All open sides of a plastic holder that holds banknotes in it must be sealed well in order to avoid a slip-out and damage of the banknote(s). All returned items must be returned in their original packaging and securely sealed in the same way as they were received by you. All returned items if received in a damaged condition will not be refunded for and may be sent back to the sender or refunded in part. We will refund your money of a returned merchandise (less shipping & handling cost) (restocking and electronic commerce fees may apply - if you have paid with a credit card, debit card or Paypal) upon receipt of items in the same condition as they were shipped. You can choose a refund in a form of currency refund or as a credit towards your next order. Repeat customers can return their ordered items within 30 days. Repeated customer is considered to have placed at least 3 successful orders in the past 3 years before becoming a repeated customer.

IMPORT DUTY NOTICE! The recipient is responsible to pay their country's import duty charges. If you return your order to us by refusing to pay your country's import duty (import tax etc.), depending on your decision, we will either reship your order to you again (with your instructions; new shipping charge will apply), or we will refund your money for a returned merchandise (less shipping & handling cost) (restocking and electronic commerce fees may apply - if you have paid with a credit card, debit card or Paypal) upon receipt of items in the same condition as they were shipped.

Our basic merchandise return rule is: 7 days money back guarantee, but please read on. Best is to send us an email explaining the reason you wish to return your product(s) along with your original order # in subject header. We will assist you with your request and depending on the return conditions explained in our company's policies, we will make a decision on what needs to be done. In most cases returns that are not warranted by our mistake or product defects (misgrading) may be a subject to a small restocking fee. In all cases except for shipment errors on our part, the customer must pay for shipping back the returned merchandise to us. We recommend a shipping method that offers tracking and insurance. In case of our mistake in grading or if you are our repeated customer you will be refunded full amount plus shipping (only air mail or first class shipping, no speed courier will be refunded or funded unless a special arrangement is made). We usually have relaxed rules about merchandise returns, but we reserve the right to apply the above rules when we see it necessary. Everything that's reasonable ends up reasonably.

COUNTERFEITS: Purchase, offer or sale of MODERN COUNTERFEITS (counterfeits of modern currencies and current negotiable legal tender bank notes) is strictly prohibited. Sale or offer of a counterfeit note as a genuine one is strictly prohibited. If you own or find/buy a modern note (around 1960—to date) which you suspect could be a counterfeit you should destroy it or bring it to the nearest police station for inspection. We will not buy or sell any counterfeits of modern currency except the old non-negotiable or obsolete notes that only have a collector value and are not possible to cash in. Even then, we prefer to not purchase such items. All counterfeits (if any) must be clearly marked as COUNTERFEIT. It is also illegal to (try) cash in such play money as "One Million Dollar Bill" and other funny novelty notes (play money, fantasy money). All bank notes, paper money and notes on this web site are sold only as collectibles for a purpose of collecting or collection-investing. Although you may choose to spend the ones that still have legal tender status in the countries of their origin.

SECURITY: All orders paid with credit or debit cards go through numerous security and anti-fraud checks such as AVS, identity verification, signature verification, shipping and billing address verification, email address and phone verification, and if necessary (many overseas orders) - manual authorization, verification of your references and other data. All that is done in order to protect your credit and debit card account from fraud as well as to protect ourselves from fraudulent orders and payments and against fraudulent chargebacks.

All the items are in UNC condition unless stated otherwise. All prices are in Euros (US dollars). All banknotes that are sold on this website (Banknotes.com) are sold only as collectibles for collecting purpose and not as currency/money for spending purposes. You may choose to purchase our banknotes for spending them if you so desire.

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Is my private and credit card data secure at your web store? How secure is it?

Yes, all your personal, private data and your credit and debit card details are very secure with us. We do everything we can to secure our Customers' data. For your security and peace-of-mind, all transactions on Banknotes.comSM Store are processed using 128bit SSL technology. Once you enter the user registration zone and once you enter (login) our store you are in a secure zone, which you can recognise by "https" in front of the URL (internet address) instead if "http". The letter "s" in "https" stands for SECURE zone. As an extra precaution, all customer credit card data is frequently removed from our secure online store. We do not collect nor store any sensitive data. As long as you are logged in to your Banknotes.com account, your data is protected. Update: Now our entire website is a secure https zone. Banknotes.com is committed to protecting your payment information. We follow PCI DSS standards, use strong encryption, and perform regular reviews of its system to protect your privacy.

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What else do I have to know so my order is processed with certainty?

For security reasons (and to prevent possible fraud, electronic shoplifting, some possible unfair chargebacks and chargeback-fraud) certain orders may not be processed and shipped timely, if at all, if all or some of the following applies to your order (orders that are paid with credit or debit card or Paypal):

a) When submitting your order (paying with a credit or debit card or Paypal) you are using a free web email address such as, but not limited to: Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail (Googlemail) etc. and only in combination with the other factors mentioned below. Exceptions apply.

b) Your credit or debit card order is for an amount over US$100 in combination with a free webmail account and an urgent delivery request, but not limited to, etc. and in combination with the other red flags mentioned here. Exceptions apply.

c) Your order is for a small amount (example: $25) and your shipping cost is very high (example: $65 via FEDEX). In such case please either submit a larger order or go with the option "B" below by paying us with a cash method or you can pay us only for the merchandise (special arrangement) and use your own UPS, FEDEX or DHL account (if no account - sign up with them) to pay the shipping charges yourself directly to those speed couriers. In such case you will have to either provide us with your UPS, FEDEX or DHL account, or, if you will wish to keep your speed courier account private, to schedule a pick up at our office address, which (address) will be provided to you upon your request and after your order has been processed.

d) You are ordering mainly hard currency (current banknotes / bills that can be easily exchanged in banks) and especially if you order larger denomination banknotes / bills and pay with a credit/debit card or Paypal in combination with the other factors mentioned above and below.

e) The shipping method that you selected is a speed courier, such as: FedEx, but in combination with several of the other factors mentioned above and below.

f) You are asking to ship your order to a different address than your credit or debit card's billing address (address that your bank statement is sent to and which is verified by your card provider) but not limited to and may be also in combination with several of the other factors mentioned above and below.

g) You are asking to ship to a different name than the one on your credit or debit card or Paypal account, but not necessarily limited to and may be also in combination with several of the other factors mentioned above and below.

h) If you use Paypal to pay for your order, in some cases we will only ship to a Confirmed Shipping Address. Therefore please make sure you are a VERIFIED Paypal member and that your shipping-to address is in a CONFIRMED status. Reasonable exceptions apply. Paypal accounts of some countries can not have a Confirmed Address, - in such case your account must be Verified and have a good long-standing history of successful payments.

i) We and/or other merchants had significant problems with your credit/debit card payment or with excessive returns and especially chargeback or chargeback attempts or even chargeback threats in the past and for no good reason.

k) You have made unfair, impatient or fraudulent payment reversals (chargebacks) to us or to other merchants in the past for no good reason and at no fault of ours or theirs.

l) FedEx requires a street address and a telephone number of the recipient. Not providing either one along with your order may cause order processing and shipping delays (until the abovementioned data is provided to us).

To avoid delays in processing your order, if any two or more factors of the above applies, we recommend that you send a cash payment (cash in the mail, Western Union money transfer or a bank wire transfer). In some cases a confirmation letter may be necessary from a victim (merchant, swap partner) that you have settled accounts with them.

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There's a very annoying pop-up ad (advertiser) that could be malicious!

While we do not allow nor provide space for pop-up ads on our website, it is possible that this could happen and therefore please report the exact location and the time of appearance of such an ad, and even better, send us a screenshot of the part of our website's page, where the offending ad has been appearing and we will remove it or block it, if we find it annoying or malicious in any way.

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I am getting a questionmark (?) on GMAIL while receiving emails

If you see a questionmark (?) and/or get any kind of "phishing" or "spoof" warning from Google while receiving your order confirmation email from Banknotes.com (and from other senders) or while you are emailing us directly, please keep in mind that most likely it is a FALSE NEGATIVE, FALSE POSITIVE or in other words a FALSE ALARM and those are usually Google's frills and antics to become aware of those possible security related situations. Yet just in case please check it anyway to rule out real spoofs, spams, viruses and phishing attempts. If you have placed an order on Banknotes.com and you are receiving an order confirmaton right away or within minutes, that's most likely our email and it is safe to open it. A lot of ISPs react to newsletters and order forms like that and that is a FALSE ALARM. In such case, if you are concerned, or if you prefer, please email us at the following email address and forward the "problem" email to us as well:

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What is your privacy policy?


We respect your privacy. All information submitted is kept in the strictest of confidence possible. We promise to never sell or share your personal information with any outside business or agency (except of obvious and provable theft, scam and fraud cases).

If you send us correspondence, including e-mails and faxes, we retain such information in the records of your account. We will also retain customer service correspondence and other correspondence from Banknotes.com to you. We retain these records in order to measure and improve our customer service, and to investigate potential fraud and violations of our User Agreement. We may, over time, delete these records, if permitted by law.

We will share your personal data with your ISP, host, private investigators, police and any governmental agency (only) if you commit or attempt to commit fraud or theft of our property, even if by an unfair chargeback and in some cases of any property in any way.


When you view our web site, the software that was made for us may store some essential session information on your computer, which is normal. This information will be in the form of a "Cookie" or "Cookies" and is necessary to run our website and our store correctly. Cookies are completely harmless to your computer. They are necessary for correct functionality. With most Internet Browsers, you can erase Cookies from your computer hard drive, block all Cookies, or receive a warning before a Cookie is stored. Please refer to your Browser instructions or help screen to learn more about these functions. Cookies are small files of data that the system we use sends to your computer to allow us to recognize you as our customer if you return to our site using the same computer and browser. It sends a "session cookie" to your computer if and when you log in to your Banknotes.com account by entering your e-mail address and password. These cookies allow our software to recognize you if you visit multiple pages in our site during the same session, so that you don't need to re-enter your password multiple times. Once you log out or close your browser, these session cookies expire and no longer have any effect.


Your access to and use of this site is subject to the above privacy terms and conditions and all applicable laws. By accessing and browsing this site, you accept, without limitation or qualification, these terms and conditions. Banknotes.com may at any time revise these privacy terms and conditions. You are bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to review the current privacy terms and conditions to which you are bound.

Our full PRIVACY POLICY is located here.

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How do I contact you if I need more help?

If you would like to phone or call Banknotes.com, please do so as long as you have a serious cause for that such as:

a) You would like to place an order over the phone (please email us first);
b) You wish to find out the status of your order (info available on your Banknotes.com or Paypal account);
c) You have a problem with your order, payment or trouble submitting or receiving your order;
d) Any other order related issues, inquiries and questions;
e) You own a collection of really rare banknotes and wish to sell it to us (please use online form for appraisal requests) and are unable to use email or mail instead;

If you have a problem placing or receiving your order, just email us and we will get back to you right away.

Please note that we do not have secretary answer the phone, therefore please be brief and to the point. The person who will answer the phone may have an accent (American or European) and may not be trained to speak fluently, but we are located in Europe and North America and we do NOT outsource our calls. Your phone call will reach us either at home (if you call late, after or before business hours, which is NOT recommended) or in the office.

Telephone & Facsimile (please email us first): Please do NOT post our email address in its text format on the web!

Our telephone and fax number will be provided to you in the process of placing an order, in an invoice and on our business card. Please email us to request our telephone and/or telefax number and/or provide us with your telephone or fax number if you wish to speak to us before you place an order. We will return most order-related and some of the wish-to-sell inquiries by telephone. Also, when placing your order online if you select "Order by Phone or Fax" you will be able to see our telephone and telefax number. In all other cases we prefer to communicate with you via email.

GMX customers: Please note that if you're using Gmx.com services your message may not reach us and we may not be able to reach you as well. Contact us for more details if desired. Please use a different email provider to reach us via email.

UNIDENTIFIED PHONECALLS (*Blocked Call* or *Unknown Caller*) may not be answered, therefore please make sure your phone call device is capable to show and project your name and/or phone number. If you wish not to disclose your phone number (see our privacy statement) then use email. Thank you for your understanding.

Please do NOT post our email address in its text format on the web!

Thank you for your business! Happy collecting!

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