Home :: Lottery Tickets :: Algeria :: Algeria composite lottery ticket 200 Francs 1944. Serial # 067586 & 133647 UNC

Algeria composite lottery ticket 200 Francs 1944. Serial # 067586 & 133647 UNC

Algeria composite lottery ticket 200 Francs 1944. Serial # 067586 & 133647 UNC
Product Code:
55.00 ($ 57.75)
Composite lottery ticket 200 Francs (100+100) Emission of the 15th of February 1944 made up of two separate (left and right; not joined) halves from two different tickets of the same design, issued by Loterie Algerienne. Serial numbers 067586 & 133647. (Algerian botanical ornaments. Watermark: repetitive ornamental parquette pattern) UNC

Rare lottery ticket, piece from a unique collection

4-e tranche 1944

200,000 tickets issued

Text on the reverse of the ticket (billet): Les lots sont exempts de tous impôts - lots are exempt from all taxes and payable without any deduction. Tirage avant le 29 Fevrier 1944. Other texts as well.

Composite dimensions: ~ 158 x 95 mm


Catalogue Number: n/a

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new)

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Iceland 100 Kronur 1961 (DA298766xx) UNC
United States of America 1 Dollar 2003 "D" CLVLD-OH (D66950703C) UNC
Zambia 100 Kwacha 2010 (KE/03 41122xx) UNC
Russia 100 Rubles 2019 Dagestan Commemorative (AA0001x) plastic UNC
Lebanon 50,000 Livres 2019 (D092630274) UNC
Namibia 20 Dollars (1997) (J3842322x) UNC
Gift certificates