Home :: World Banknotes - A :: Angola :: Angola 500000 Kwanzas Reajustados 1995 (SG23568xx) UNC

Angola 500000 Kwanzas Reajustados 1995 (SG23568xx) UNC

Angola 500000 Kwanzas Reajustados 1995 (SG23568xx) UNC
Product Code:
9.00 ($ 10.08)
500000 Kwanzas 1.5.1995 (Front: Conjoined busts of Jose Eduardo dos Santos and Antonio Agostinho Neto. Back: Arms; Matala Dam (compl. 1954) at the confluence of the Que and the Kunene rivers, on the edge of the Upper Kunene river; Angolan Pwo mask by Chokwe. Watermark: Sculpture of a primate. Signatures: Antonio Gomes Furtado (Governador); Unknown (Vice-Governador)) (Serial Nos: SG23568xx) UNC

Dimensions: 162 x 70 mm


Catalogue Number: P-140

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new) GRADING INFO

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Burma 25 Kyats (1972) (BL61390xx) AU-UNC
India 500 Rupees 2008 "R" (1MM/009408) UNC
Philippines 20 Piso 2004 (YU1985xx) UNC
Zaire 20 Nouveaux Zaires 1993 (H 22273xx A) UNC
Zimbabwe 20 Dollars 2009 (AA03592xx) UNC
Tanzania 10 Shilingi (1977) (FJ008747) (circulated) Fine
Netherlands 10 Gulden 22.1.1943 (5AR 085914) (lt. circulated) XF
Gift certificates