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Argentina 100 Pesos (2014) (Sig: Vanoli; Boudou) (143923xxCA) UNC

Argentina 100 Pesos (2014) (Sig: Vanoli; Boudou) (143923xxCA) UNC
Product Code:
5.00 ($ 5.40)
100 Pesos (2014) (Series: Tenemos Patria. Front: Portrait of Maria Eva Duarte de Perón (1919–1952), 'Evita', a First Lady of Argentina, decorated with a border of flowers. Security background made up of leaves and flowers of the Kapok (Ceiba pentandra) tree, as a symbol of the Argentine Nation. Scales (see-through). Back: Fragment of a Roman altar relief of Ara Pacis Augustae (Altar of Peace of Augustus), Rome, depicting an allegorical woman with two babies toddlers, earth and mother goddess, often identified as Tellus. Flowered rose blossom. Argentinian coat of arms. Watermark: Portrait of Eva Perón and her initials "EP" in electrotype. Main colours: Violet and orange. Signatures: Alejandro Vanoli (Presidente B.C.R.A., 2014–2015); Amado Boudou (Presidente de la Honorable Cámara de Senadores, 2011–2015). Tactile feature: Three groups of quintuple of inclined intaglio pins on both left and right edges of the banknote to enable physical identification of the note for the visually impaired and the blind people. Artist: Unknown. Engraved by: Unknown. Issuer: Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina (BCRA). Date of Issue: 20 September 2012 (2014). Date of withdrawal: N/a. Total emission: No info. Material: 100% cotton paper. Printing method: Intaglio chalcography printmaking (main motifs) and offset (backgrounds). Printer: Giesecke & Devrient, Germany) (Serial Nos: 143923xxCA) UNC

Occasion: 60th Anniversary of Eva Perón's passing away.

Dimensions: 156 x 65 1/2 mm

Catalogue Number: P-358c (SCWPM: Albert Pick; Krause Publications); B413a (Banknote Book)

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint) GRADING INFO

Texts: Banco Central de la Republica Argentina. Cien Pesos. One Hundred Pesos. Maria Eva Duarte de Perón (07 05 1919 – 26 07 1952). En Unión y Libertad.

Como mujer siento
en el alma la cálida ternura
del pueblo de dónde vine
y a quien me debo

Lider popular que luhcó por los derechos de los trabajadores,
humildes y desprotegidos, realizando una intensa tarea de justicia social.
Impulsó la participación de las mujeres en la vida política,
promoviendo fervientemente el voto femenino,
derecho finalmente consagrado por Ley en el año 1947
y ejercido por primera vez en el año 1951.

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Gift certificates