Home :: World Banknotes - B :: Belgium :: Belgium 100 Francs 21.12.1954 (6422.S.899/160542899) (circulated) F-VF

Belgium 100 Francs 21.12.1954 (6422.S.899/160542899) (circulated) F-VF

Belgium 100 Francs 21.12.1954 (6422.S.899/160542899) (circulated) F-VF
Product Code:
17.50 ($ 18.90)
100 Francs 21.12.1954 (Front: King Leopold I. Back: Hubert Joseph Walthère Frère-Orban. City street. Watermark: Effigy of King Leopold I in profile. Predominant colours: Black on brown and multicolour underprint. Designed by: Louis Buisseret. Engravers: Guillaume Minguet (front); Maurice Poortman (reverse). Signatures: Jean Jacques Vincent (Le Trésorier - De Schatbewaarder); Maurice Frère (Le Gouverneur - De Gouverneur). Printer: National Bank of Belgium (BNB)) (Serial # 6422.S.899/160542899) (circulated) F-VF

Dimensions: 147 x 75 mm

PHOTO REMARK: The banknote picture is for overall design reference only (unless its serial number exactly matches its description). Photos displaying the entire banknote should not be treated as WYSIWYG for signature and date varieties, for exact serial numbers etc. Smaller supplemental photos of signatures (where available) are WYSIWYG indeed. Our textual descriptions are your reliable guide to what you will receive. What you read is what you get (WYRIWYG).

Catalogue Number: P-129b

Grade/condition: Fine to Very Fine (F-VF) (circulated, used)

Texts: Banque Nationale de Belgique. Nationale Bank van Belgie. Honderd Frank betaalbaar op zicht. Cent Francs payables a vue. Le contrefacteur est puni des travaux forcés. (Art.173 du Code Penal). De namaker wordt met dwangarbeid gestraft. (Art.173 van het Strafwetboek). One Hundred Francs.

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