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Paper Money Books & Catalogues 
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Recommendation |
If you are serious about collecting world banknotes (paper and plastic world currency notes) and investing in world banknotes, paper and polymer money, then the following books are a must buy for you. |

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2019 Standard Catalog of World Paper Money (Modern issues 1961-Present) by Tracy L. Schmidt (Editor). Paperback - 1264 pages, 25th edition. (April 2019). Also formerly known as Pick catalogue. Now Krause Publications.
We recommend this catalogue to every collector of world banknotes. If you are a new collector of foreign banknotes, buy this book first. This is the one and only catalogue to list all of the modern banknotes worldwide. Great for dealers, investors, teachers and general readers.
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Standard Catalog of World Paper Money : General Issues to 1368-1960
(Volume 2, 16th Edition) by Tracy L. Schmidt (Editor). Paperback - 1328 pages. Latest issue (2016). Also known as Pick (catalogue).
This book is of a great use not only for a bank note collector, but also for educational purposes. It includes a brief history of every listed country, written numerals, dating systems, even exchange rates of countries worldwide. Paper money images serve as a great educational material about world's famous people, buildings, scenes from history and many more. Everyone may even use it to identify various paper notes. It is definitely your best source for information on old paper money (1368-1960) of the world.
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Standard Catalog of World Paper Money : Specialized Issues (12th Ed.)
by George S. Cuhaj. Paperback - 1296 pages. 12th edition Vol. 1 (December 2013).
This latest book is of a great use not only for a bank note collector, but also for educational purposes, as it includes a brief history of every listed country, written numerals, dating systems even exchange rates of various countries. Paper money images serve as a great educational material about world's famous people, buildings, scenes from history etc. Everyone may even use it for identifying various paper notes. It is really a Specialised Source!
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50 Deluxe Currency Holders by BCW
BCW DELUXE CURRENCY SEMI-RIGID HOLDER - Holds regular US Currency (6-1/8" x 2-5/8")
Quantity: 1 Sealed Package of 50 holders. Brand new.
Crystal clear. Opens on the long side. Bills not included
Made of semi-rigid Vinyl. Strong Welds. Made from high clarity Double polished clear vinyl.
Exterior Dimensions: 6-7/16" x 2-7/8". Made in USA.
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Deluxe Currency Slab by BCW
Crystal Clear Hard Plastic - Acid Free - Archival Quality
Precision fit two piece snap together design offering both side visibility
Excellent for long term storage
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Moneymakers: The Secret World of Banknote Printing (Hardcover).
by Klaus W. Bender (Author). 308 pages. Publisher: Wiley; 1st Translated Ed., Rev. and Updated edition (May 15, 2006). Product Dimensions: 9.4 x 6.5 x 1.2 inches.
This book is about the most precious piece of paper we know, about banknotes. Modern life would be unthinkable without them. Yet, the general public is kept very much in the dark about how they are made or who makes them. Moneymakers has been researched over a five-year period in Europe, the USA and Latin America. The book is based exclusively on personal interviews and confidential material normally not accessible to outsiders. There were attempts to stop this research project. Many witnesses interviewed spoke under condition of strict confidentiality for fear of reprisals by their employers.
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The Catalogue of Japanese Coins and Banknotes (Hardcover)
Publisher: Japan Numismatic Dealers Association. Japanese language. Nihongo.
"This compact catalogue has most, if not all, of the coins and paper currency Japan has ever issued, from hundreds of years ago to today; commemoratives, pre-Meiji, pre-modern, modern coins, and various types of paper currency including military notes and Japanese occupation notes."
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Chinese Banknotes (Hardcover)
Authors: Ward D. Smith and Brian Matravers.
Publisher: Shirjieh Pub; First Edition (June 1970). English.
Hardcover, 225 pages, illustrated throughout, quarto, red cloth. The absolute standard reference on Chinese banknotes.
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Recommendation |
If you are serious about collecting world banknotes (paper and plastic world currency notes) and investing in world banknotes, paper and polymer money, then the following books are a must buy for you. |

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Collectable Paper Money: Guidebook with Collecting Tips: How to Collect World Bank Notes and Bank Checks (Collecting Banknotes & Cheques) Paperback – January 1, 2015 by Alan Ackroyd (Author)
This information-packed illustrated handbook on collecting paper money is the work of AlanAckroyd, a banknote specialist with over 25 years of professional expertise. It provides hundreds of useful tips on how to collect bank notes and bank checks (cheques) for maximum enjoyment. It explores the various paper money collecting themes and provides advice on where to obtain your paper collectibles at the best prices.
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World Notgeld, 1914-1947 : A Guide & Checklist and Other Local Issue
Emergency Money by Courtney L. Coffing. Paperback - 400 pages, 2nd Ed. (Sept. 2000)
Editorial Review:
Notgeld emergency money issued during wartime and other crisesis highly popular with thousands of nostalgic collectors who are enamored with the wartime period for which it was created. This comprehensive book will benefit all emergency paper money enthusiasts with its more than 1,000 photos of Notgeld and rarity grading index. Metal, paper, and cloth materials from the 60 nations that issued emergency money between 1914 and 1947 are included. For ease of use, the 13,000 entries are listed alphabetically by both country and city. For beginners to experts this is a must-have guide.
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English Paper Money: by Vincent Duggleby (Author) and Pam West (Editor), Latest, 9th Edition (Paperback), more than 300 pages
English paper and polymer banknote collector's bible.
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Standard Catalog of United States Paper Money (Standard Catalog of
U.S. Paper Money, 19th Ed) by Chester L. Krause, Robert F. Lemke, Joel T. Edler, Robert E. Wilhite (Editor). Hardcover - 216 pages, 19th edition (October 2000).
Editorial Review:
This edition covers the various forms of U.S. printed currency issued during the past 188 years. Small notes, large notes, national bank notes, U.S. Treasury notes, Civil War substitutions, postage stamp envelopes, error notes and more are all catalogued. Categories are listed by denomination rather than obligation for easier identification. More than 5,500 currency items are fully updated with 14,000+ valuations. Also included is a detailed 15-page guide to authentication and a comprehensive checklist of national bank notes with rarity designations.
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Confederate States Paper Money 10th Edition by Arlie R. Slabaugh. Paperback - 264 pages. 10th Edition (March 2001).
Editorial Review:
Back for a 10th edition, this numismatic industry bible has updated pricing and expanded listings. Collectors and history buffs will love the coverage of the Southern states issues along with the in-depth information on engravers and printers. There is also a must-read section on the financial history of paper money. Nine successful editions prove that this reference sets the standard for the Confederate states and Southern states paper money markets. 100 photos.
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Paper Money of the United States : A Complete Illustrated Guide With
Valuations (16th Ed) by Arthur L. Friedberg, Ira S. Friedberg, Robert Friedberg, Ara S.
Friedberg. Hardcover - 340 pages 16th edition (12 January 2001).
Editorial Review:
The standard reference work on American currency. This guide illustrates, catalogs, describes and places values on all United States paper money, from the first issues in 1861 to the present. Included are the large size notes issued until 1928, the fractional currency (three cents to fifty cents) notes produced from 1862 to 1876, and the current size notes, which were first issued in 1929. Also includes sections on notes of the colonial period and the issues of the Confederate States of America. The Friedberg Numbering System is the method used by dealers to identify and describe notes when buying and selling. Featuring twenty pages of color photographs of paper money from the world famous collection of the American Numismatic Association in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
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Standard Guide to Small Size U.S. Paper Money : 1928 to Date
by Dean Oakes, John Schwartz. Paperback - 416 pages 3rd edition (October 1999) .
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Early Paper Money of America : An Illustrated, Historical, and
Descriptive Compilation of Data Relating to American Paper Currency
from Its Inception by Eric P. Newman. Hardcover - 488 pages 4th edition (October 1997).
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Canadian Government Paper Money (13th Edition) - The Charlton
Standard Catalogue by W. K. Cross. Paperback - 328 pages 13th edition
(November 2000).
Editorial Review:
From the Playing Card Money of New France to the 1990 Bird Series of Canadian bank notes, this 328 page pricing catalogue has it all. History issuing authorities, pricing, printing errors, signatures and much, much more. The only reference for Government bank notes.
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Die deutschen Banknoten ab 1871. von Holger Rosenberg.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2001. 383 Seiten. Auflage 12. German banknotes since 1871 by Holger
Rosenberg. In German. Issued in 2001. 12th Edition. 383 pages.
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Collecting Paper Money (Instant Expert) by Fred Schwan. Paperback (May 1996).
Book Description
Essential facts you need to start collecting paper money like a professional.
Synopsis - By 1996 all paper money in the U.S. will be drastically different. How can readers know if they have valuable paper money? This guide helps them learn which currencies are the most popular to collect, find out what Great-grandma's confederate money is worth, and learn how to have fun collecting from circulation.
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The Art of Money : The History and Design of Paper Currency from
Around the Word by David Standish. Paperback - 132 pages (November 1, 2000).
Editorial Review:
L'argent. Dinero. Geld. Dough. Whatever you call it, money makes the world go round. The United States is dispensing its first redesigned bills in decades, and the Euro is on the brink of unifying European notes. It's the perfect time for this visual tour of the world's currencies. The various people, places, animals, and historical events depicted on money reflect how countries see themselves-and how they want the rest of world to see them.
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Deutsche Serienscheine von 1918-1922. Katalog mit aktuellen
Marktpreisen von Manfred Mehl. Taschenbuch - 544 Seiten - Gietl Verlag.
Erscheinungsdatum: 1998.
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Das Papiergeld der deutschen Länder von 1871 - 1948. von Hans L. Grabowski.
Gebundene Ausgabe - 606 Seiten - Gietl Verl., Regenstauf. Erscheinungsdatum: 1999.
Paper money of German Lands between 1871-1948. 606 pages. Printed in 1999.
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Le Billet dans tous ses Etats : Du premier papier-monnaie à l'euro
de René Brion, Jean-Louis Moreau. Relié - 167 pages (10 décembre 2001).
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Books & Catalogues About Coins 
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Collecting World Coins : A Century of Circulating Issues : 1901-Present
(Collecting World Coins, 8th Ed) by Chester L. Krause, Clifford Mishler, Colin
R. II Bruce (Editor). Paperback - 767 pages 8th edition (September 1999).
Editorial Review:
The ideal identification and price guide for beginning or casual world coin collectors just got better. The seventh edition presents more than 19,750 popular world coins from 330 countries, released from 1901 to date. Nearly 17,000 actual-size coin photos aid in identification.
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Standard Catalog of World Coins : Seventeenth Century 1601-1700
by Chester L. Krause, Clifford Mishler, Colin R. II Bruce. Paperback - 1200 pages
2nd edition (January 1, 2000).
Great book! As a reference in identifying coins from the world of the 17th century, this Standard Catalogue is the best.
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Standard Catalog of World Coins : Eighteenth Century 1701-1800
by Chester L. Krause, Clifford Mishler, Colin R. Bruce. Paperback - 1248 pages
2nd edition (November 1997).
Great book! As a reference in identifying coins from the world of the 18th century, this Standard Catalogue is the best.
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Standard Catalog of World Coins : Nineteenth Century 1801-1900
by Chester L. Krause, Clifford Mishler, Colin R. Bruce. Paperback - 1032 pages
2nd edition (September 1998).
Editorial Review:
From Napoleon to Florence Nightingale to Admiral Perry, the record of a dynamic century is frozen forever in the coins of the world. The detailed history of that record appears in this second edition. Readers can take advantage of the fully updated market values for all listings. 24,000 photos. Review: Great book! As a reference in identifying coins from the world of the 19th century, this Standard Catalogue is the best.
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Standard Catalog of World Coins : 1901-2002 (29th Ed.) by Chester L. Krause,
Clifford Mishler, Colin R., II Bruce (Editor). Paperback - 2240 pages 29th edition (May 2001).
Editorial Review:
This best selling world coin reference contains more than 2,000 pages and includes every known coin issued during the Twentieth Century. This expanded edition features over a million current market coin prices and 48,000 photos. Complete coverage of world coins and commemorative issues by date and mint since 1901, representing more than 570 coin-issuing authorities, are included. This comprehensive global encyclopedia also includes vital reference material such as foreign exchange rates, identification charts, a complete how-to-use tutorial, coin size chart, and an international numeric guide. More than 50 pages of essential background information provide the necessary tools for beginning and expert collectors.
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Standard Catalog of World Gold Coins : 1601 to present.
by Chester L. Krause, Clifford Mishler, Colin R. Bruce. Paperback - 1104 pages.
4th Revised edition (February 2001).
Editorial Review:
This edition is the first revision of the Standard Catalog of World Gold Coins since 1993, and represents seven years of effort and worldwide research by the experienced Krause cataloging staff and the expertise of over 200 dealers, scholars and collectors. No other volume is as comprehensive, accurate or thorough in depicting all collectible aspects of gold coins. This 1,100+ page, hardcover volume covers gold coins, date-by-date, from 1601 to present, plus palladium, platinum and off-metal sister issues. Complete date/mint listings, actual weights, current values in up to four grades of condition, coupled with crisp obverse and reverse photos help make this extraordinary volume the most-anticipated coin collecting price guide in a decade.
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The Official Guide to Coin Grading and Counterfeit Detection (1st Ed)
by John W. Dannreuther, Scott A. Travers (Editor), Professional Coin gradi, Q. David Bowers (Introduction), David Hall. Paperback - 336 pages (October 1997).
Editorial Review:
This one-of-a-kind guide virtually revolutionizes the coin-collecting business. Now, for the first time ever, here is a coin-grading volume so complete and so advanced that it explains, illustrates, and, indeed, sets the standard for grading Mint State coins. Precise and meticulously accurate descriptions accompany lavish illustrations, including a 48-page color insert.
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Medieval European Coinage : With a Catalogue of the Coins in the
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge : The Early Middle Ages, 5Th-10th
Centuries by Philip Grierson, Mark Blackburn. Hardcover Vol 001 (December 1986).
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Kleiner deutscher Münzkatalog. Von 1871 bis heute. von Günter Schön, Gerhard Schön. Taschenbuch - 513 Seiten - Battenberg/Weltbild, A. Erscheinungsdatum: 2001. Auflage: 31., rev. und erw. Aufl. German coins catalogue. German coins since 1871 till today. In German. Issued in 2001. 31st Edition. 513 pages.
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Modern Coin Magic by J. B. Bobo. Paperback - 358 pages (March 1982).
Editorial Review:
Sleight-of-hand magic has consistently earned the respect of professional magicians. If you are yet an amateur, this easy-to-follow manual--together with regular practice--is the surest route to professional-level competence. All the test, traditional methods of coin magic are here. You can learn about palms, holds, flips, switches, change-over, cuffing, sleeving, and other techniques.
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