Home :: World Banknotes - C :: China :: China 1000 Yuan (1944) (Sun Yat-sen) (T720843) RARE (circulated) VF-XF

China 1000 Yuan (1944) (Sun Yat-sen) (T720843) RARE (circulated) VF-XF

China 1000 Yuan (1944) (Sun Yat-sen) (T720843) RARE (circulated) VF-XF
Product Code:
100.00 ($ 108.00)
1000 Yuan (1944) (Front: Portrait of Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925). Issuer: The Central Bank of China. Printer: Printed in China. Predominant colour: Blue-gray) (Serial # T720843) RARE (circulated) VF-XF

Dimensions: 163 x 73 mm

Catalogue Number: P-269 (SCWPM: Albert Pick; Krause Publications)

Grade/condition: Very Fine to Extremely Fine (VF-XF) (used, circulated)

Texts: 行銀央中. 圓仟壹. 印年三十三國民華中. Central Bank. One Thousand Yuan. Printed in the 33rd Year of the Republic of China.