Home :: World Banknotes - C :: China :: China 5 Dollars 1.1.1918 (310401) (circulated) F-VF

China 5 Dollars 1.1.1918 (310401) (circulated) F-VF

China 5 Dollars 1.1.1918 (310401) (circulated) F-VF
Product Code:
25.00 ($ 27.00)
5 Dollars 1.1.1918 Canton (Front: Zhenhai Tower (Five-Story Pagoda) on Yuexiu Hill, in Yuexiu Park, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province (Canton, Kwangtung), China. Back: Decorative interlaced ornamental guilloche patterns and rosettes made with lathework. Watermark: None. Main colours: Orange and purple. Artist: ABNC. Engraver: ABNC. Signatures: Rong Xianlin "X.L. Rong"; Cheng Tiandou "T.T. Cheng" (Cashier and Managing Director, without titles). Printing method: Intaglio. Issuer: The Provincial Bank of Kwang Tung Province (a.k.a. Canton, now Guangdong). Date of Issue: January 1st 1918 — 7th Year of the Republic. Withdrawn: Yes. Legal tender: No. Total issue: N/a. Material: Cotton paper. Printer: American Bank Note Company, New York (ABNC)) (Serial # 310401) (circulated) F-VF

Dimensions: 155 x 81 mm

Catalogue Number: P-S2402b (Albert Pick; Krause)

Grade/condition: Fine to Very Fine (F-VF) (used, circulated)

Texts: 券換兌行銀省東廣. 廣東省銀行兌換券. The Provincial Bank of Kwang Tung Province promises to pay the bearer on demand Five Dollars 圓伍, Canton, January 1st. 1918. 圓銀用通換兌券憑. 憑券兌換通用銀圓. 中華民國七年印. 印年七國民華中. 7th Year of the Republic of China. Guangdong.

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