Home :: World Banknotes - C :: China :: China Collection of 9 All Different Ration Coupons (Nanbu County, 1988)

China Collection of 9 All Different Ration Coupons (Nanbu County, 1988)

China Collection of 9 All Different Ration Coupons (Nanbu County, 1988)
Product Code:
5.00 ($ 5.40)
Collection of 9 all different picturesque food ration money rice coupons called Liangpiao, from Nanbu County (20th century - all dated 1988) Some coupons may have some ink or oil spots, stains or smears. UNC (some AU to AU-UNC).

Dimensions: Small, vary (all coupons easily fit into a 108 x 63 mm envelope)

Depicted are all of the 9 money coupons included in the set.


Catalogue Number: unknown or none

Grade/condition: Mostly Uncirculated

These food ration money coupons (rice coupons; grain coupons) allow the bearer to buy a certain amount/weight of rationed foodstuffs. Rationed foodstuffs included rice, flour and cooking oils. These coupons are called LIANGPIAO (grain and commodity ration coupons).

The average ration was 15 kilograms for a man and 13 kilograms for a woman each month, though it varied somewhat with age, profession and location. Meat was much scarcer and it was rationed at Ban Jin (0.25 kilogram or about half pound) per person per month.

These coupons were given per person, no matter how poor or rich that person was, therefore these food ration coupons (also known as: rice coupons) were and are much scarcer than Chinese Renminbi Yuan banknotes.

The last Liangpiao were issued in 1993-95.

Chinese - International Weight Unit Conversion:

1 Kilogram = 2 Jin = 20 Liang = 2.2 Pounds.
1 Jin = 0.5 Kilograms (500 grams) = 10 Liang = 1.1 Pounds
1 Pound = 0.4545 Kilogram (454 grams) = 0.91 Jin = 9.1 Liang
1 Liang = 0.05 Kilogram (50 grams) = 0.1 Jin = 0.11 Pound = 1.763698 Ounces

Chinese Weight Unit Conversion:

1 Liang = 0.001 Dan = 0.1 Jin = 1.335863 Tael = 10 Qian = 100 Fen = 1000 Li = 10000 Hao = 100000 Si = One Million Hu.

1 Dan = 100 Jin = 1000 Liang.


To the best of our knowledge the Rice Coupon set contains ration coupons from and issued by the following provinces, cities and localities (so far in no particular order):

Nanbu County, Sichuan Province, China

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: *
: *
Croatia 1 Dinar 1991 (I17180xx) UNC
Maldives 10 Rufiyaa 1998 (D9246xx) UNC
Russia Imperial Government Bond 5000 Roubles 1924 (circulated) F-VF
Togo 5000 Francs 2011 (T 11796261957) AU-UNC
Zimbabwe 1 Cent 2006 (AA08046xx) UNC
France 20 Francs 10.3.1949 (C.200/497764085) (circulated) VF-XF
Zimbabwe 200 Million Dollars 2008 (Serial # varies) (circulated) VF+
Cuba 1000 Pesos 2023 (JC-25/2687xx) (Sig.26: JA Vázquez) UNC
Gift certificates