Home :: World Banknotes - C :: Congo Democratic Republic :: Congo Democratic Republic 5000 Francs 30.6.2020 (R75357xxP) UNC

Congo Democratic Republic 5000 Francs 30.6.2020 (R75357xxP) UNC

Congo Democratic Republic 5000 Francs 30.6.2020 (R75357xxP) UNC
Product Code:
15.00 ($ 16.20)
5000 Francs 30.6.2020 (Front: Herd of zebras. Carved female statuette of Hemba people. D.R. Congo map outline as a see-through registration device. Back: Wraps and bundles of prepared foods – Chikwanga or kwanga, made from cassava, cooked, wrapped and stored in banana leaves. Vegetables drying on a fire pit. Pair of Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris). Watermark: Head of an Okapi. Electrotype '5000'. Main colour: Brown. Work by: Unknown. Engraved by: Unknown. Issuer: Central Bank of the Congo. Signature: Deogratias Mutombo Mwana Nyembo (Governor – Le Gouverneur). Printing date: 30 June 2020. Legal tender: Yes. Material: Cotton paper fiber. Printer: Unknown) (Serial Nos: R75357xxP) UNC

Dimensions: 146 x 73 mm

Catalogue Number: P-102c (Albert Pick; Krause)

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

Texts: République Démocratique du Congo. Banque Centrale du Congo. BCC. Cinq Mille Francs. Elfu Tano. Binunu Bitanu. Koto Mitano. Mafunda Tanu. Le contrefacteur est puni de servitude penale. Five Thousand Congolese Francs.

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