Home :: World Banknotes - E :: Egypt :: Egypt 1 Pound 31.1.2007 (Sig.21b) (511/lam 73960xx) UNC

Egypt 1 Pound 31.1.2007 (Sig.21b) (511/lam 73960xx) UNC

Egypt 1 Pound 31.1.2007 (Sig.21b) (511/lam 73960xx) UNC
Product Code:
2.00 ($ 2.10)
1 Pound 31.1.2007 (Front: Sultan Qait Bay Mosque; Back: Part of the facade of Abu Simbel Temple; At the top and bottom of the note running in two bands horizontally are birds and other shapes taken from the structure built by Ramses II in front of the Luxor Temple of Amenophis II; Watermark: The statue of Tutankhamoun. Signature # 21b: Farouk El-Okdah (Governor CBE, 1.12.2003 - 31.1.2013)) (Serial Nos: 511/lam 73960xx) UNC

Dimensions: 140 x 70 mm


Catalogue Number: P-50

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused)

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