Home :: World Banknotes - E :: European Union :: European Union: France 5 Euro 2013 (UB & UD prefixes) UNC

European Union: France 5 Euro 2013 (UB & UD prefixes) UNC

European Union: France 5 Euro 2013 (UB & UD prefixes) UNC
Product Code:
12.00 ($ 12.60)
France 5 Euro 2013 (Obverse: Classical architecture: Arch gate. Reverse: Classical architecture: Bridge with arches. Map of Europe and dependencies. Watermark: Face of Europa, electrotype "5". Signature: Mario Draghi (ECB President, 1 November 2011). Main colours: Grey and olive green. Work by: Robert Kalina. Issuer: European Central Bank (ECB). Date of issuance: 2 May 2013. Legal tender: Yes. Material: Cotton fibre. Printer: Banque de France, Chamalières, France) UNC

Currently available series (first 2 letters of the serial number): UB, UD, UE

ATTENTION: This is NOT a specimen! It is a regular banknote issue.

Dimensions: 121 x 62 mm


Catalogue Number: P-20u

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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Gift certificates