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European Union: Germany 100 Euro 2019

European Union: Germany 100 Euro 2019
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European Union: Germany 100 Euro 2019 (Obverse: Baroque and Rokoko architecture: Arched gateway. Reverse: Baroque architecture: Bridge built from brick. Map of Europe, EU member countries and dependencies. Watermark: Face of Europa (Greek mythology), electrotype "100" and the Baroque style arched gateway. Signature: Mario Draghi (ECB President, 1 November 2011 to 2019). Main colours: Green and yellow. Work by: Robert Kalina. Engraver: Reinhold Gerstetter. Issuer: European Central Bank (ECB). Date of issue: 2019. Legal tender: Yes. Material: Cotton fibre. Printer: Bundesdruckerei, Berlin, Germany (BDG))

Dimensions: 148 x 76 mm

Catalogue Number: P-24r (SCWPM: Albert Pick; Krause Publications)

Texts: European Central Bank (ECB). Europako Banku Zentrala (EBZ). Bank Kreiz Europa (BKE). Европейска Централна Банка (ЕЦБ). Banc Central Europeu (BCE). Европан Коьрта Банк (EKБ). Banca Centrale Europea (BCE). Europska Središnja Banka (ESB). Evropská Centrální Banka (ECB). Den Europæiske Centralbank (DEC). Europese Centrale Bank (ECB). Euroopa Kesk Pank (EKP). Evropeiski miðbankin (EMB). Euroopan keskuspankki (EKP). Banque Centrale Européenne (BCE). Europäische Zentralbank (EZB). Ευρωπαϊκή Κεντρική Τράπεζα (EKT). הבנק המרכזי האירופי. Európai Központi Bank (EKB). Seðlabanki Evrópu (SBE). Banc Ceannais Eorpach (BCE). Banca Centrale Europea (BCE). Eiropys Centraluo Banka (ECB). Europae Centralis Bank (ECB). Eiropas Centrālā Banka (ECB). Europos Centrinis Bankas (ECB). Europäesch Zentralbank (EZB). Banco Central Europeu (BCE). Европската Централна Банка (ЕЦБ). Banco Central Europeo (BCE). Bank Ċentrali Ewropew (BĊE). Banc Meanagh Eoropagh (BME). Den Europeiske Sentralbanken (DES). Europejski Bank Centralny (EBC). Banco Central Europeu (BCE). Banca Centrală Europeană (BCE). Европейский Центральный Банк (ЕЦБ). Banca Meadhan na h-Eòrpa (BME). Европска Централна Банка (ЕЦБ). Banca Cintrali Eurupea (BCE). Európska Centrálna Banka (ECB). Evropska Centralna Banka (ECB). Banco Central Europeo (BCE). Europeiska centralbanken (ECB). Європейський центральний банк (ЄЦБ). Banc Canolog Ewrop (BCE). אייראפעישער הויפט באנק. One Hundred Euro.

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