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France 500 Francs 1994 (K 026640767) (circulated) VF-XF

France 500 Francs 1994 (K 026640767) (circulated) VF-XF
Product Code:
40.00 ($ 43.20)
500 Francs 1994 (Obverse: Portraits of Marie Sklodowska-Curie (1867 - 1934) and her spouse Pierre Curie (1859 - 1906) both Polish-French and French physicists. On their left, bottom, is represented a bulb containing radium salts photographed only with their acute luminosity. Red lines reproduce the graphic layout by Marie Curie in her study of probability curves for the action of X-rays on bacteria. In high watermark of "small Curie", mobile radiological have circulated on the initiative of Marie Curie during the 1914-1918 war. Under the small triangle for the visually impaired are printed four round figures symbolising the subatomic world. Mobile x-ray vehicle. Reverse: A representation of the chemical laboratory (utensils) of the department of the measurements of the Radium Institute established on the 21st of January 1914. Watermark: Portrait of Marie Curie (1903). Work by: Roger Pfund (1943-), Switzerland. Security feature: Silhouette of the chemical symbol of radium fluorescing in ultraviolet light. Segmented vertical 5mm wide, exposed only on the obverse and solid embedded 1mm wide security threads. Watermarked paper. Consecutively running serial numbers. Predominant colour: Green. Signatures: Didier Bruneel (Le Secrétaire Général), Jean Bonnardin (Le Contrôleur Général), Claude Vigier (Le Caissier Général). Printing method: Offset. Issuer: Bank of France. Authorization: 1 June 1994. Date of Issue: 22 March 1995 (1994). End of circulation: 1 January 2002. End of redemption: 17 February 2012. Material: Cotton paper. Printer: Banque de France (BdF)) (Serial # K 026640767) (circulated) VF-XF

Dimensions: 155 x 80 mm

Catalogue Number: P-160a (Albert Pick; Krause)

Grade/condition: Very Fine to Extra Fine (VF-XF) (circulated, used)

Texts: Banque de France. Cinq Cents Francs. Le contrefaçon ou la falsification des billets de banque et la mise en circulation des billets contrefaits ou falsifiés sont punies par les articles 442-1 et 442-2 du code pénal de peines pouvant aller jusqu'à trente ans de réclusion criminelle et trois millions de francs d'amende. Five Hundred French Francs.

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China 10 Cents 1940 (C878618V) AU
Indonesia 1000 Rupiah 1968 (VCH005696) (circulated) VF
Slovenia 200 Tolarjev 2004 (ZS3797xx) UNC
Sweden 5 Kronor 1966 (BV/C266872) UNC
Zaire 5 Zaïres 1977 (B7369009J) UNC
France 1 Franc 1915 (CC d'Angers) (O2/46918) (circulated) Fine
Portugal 500 Escudos 18.3.1993 (Sig: Beleza & Mateus) (CGP 369666) UNC
Gift certificates