Home :: World Banknotes - G :: Germany :: Germany 20 Mark 4.11.1915 (H-7441875) UNC

Germany 20 Mark 4.11.1915 (H-7441875) UNC

Germany 20 Mark 4.11.1915 (H-7441875) UNC
Product Code:
25.00 ($ 26.25)
20 Mark 4.11.1915 (Front: Two allegorical men pouring coins out of cornucopias, symbolizing wealth. German Imperial Crests. Floral design. Back: German couple (man and woman). Watermark: Watermarked paper. Main colour: Blue. Signatures: 10. Issuer: Reichsbank. Date of Issue: 4 November 1915. Legal tender: No. Material: Cotton paper. Security features: Running serial numbers and watermarked paper. Printing method: Intaglio. Printer: Reichsdruckerei) (Serial # H-7441875) UNC

Dimensions: 142 x 90 mm


Catalogue Number: P-63

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint) GRADING INFO

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