Home :: World Banknotes - G :: Great Britain :: Great Britain 20 Pounds (1970-91) (75A/592159) AU-UNC

Great Britain 20 Pounds (1970-91) (75A/592159) AU-UNC

Great Britain 20 Pounds (1970-91) (75A/592159) AU-UNC
Product Code:
175.00 ($ 196.00)
20 Pounds (1970-91) (Front: Queen Elizabeth II in court robes. Bank of England logo: Britannia seated next to a pile of coins and a shield, holding a spear and a laurel or olive branch. Saint George slaying the dragon, who is placed in William Shakespeare's plays. Back: The balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet. English poet and playwright William Shakespeare (1564-1616) - his sculpture erected in Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey, London in 1740, designed by William Kent and executed by Peter Scheemakers. Watermark: Portrait of William Shakespeare. Predominant colour: Purple. Issuer: Bank of England. Date first issued: 9 July 1970. Date last issued: 5 June 1991. Date ceased to be legal tender: 19 March 1993. Design: Harry Eccleston. Signature: D.H.F. Somerset (1980-87) (Chief Cashier). Legal tender: No, but exchangeable forever at Bank of England in London. Material: Cotton paper. Printer: Bank of England Printing Works) (Serial # 75A/592159) AU-UNC

Dimensions: 160 x 90 mm


Catalogue Number: P-380d

Grade/condition: About Uncirculated to Uncirculated (AU-UNC) (almost new, unused, mint)

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