Home :: World Banknotes - G :: Guinea :: Guinea 1000 Francs 2015 (AY7321xx) UNC

Guinea 1000 Francs 2015 (AY7321xx) UNC

Guinea 1000 Francs 2015 (AY7321xx) UNC
Product Code:
3.00 ($ 3.36)
1000 Francs 2015 (Front: Smiling Guinean African woman. Birds in flight. Pineapples surrounding the coat of arms of Guinea. Back: Steam shovel excavator and two dump trucks open pit ore mining. Map outline of Guinea. Banana stalk. Watermark: Portrait of a young Guinean woman. Electrotype "1000". Security features: Consecutively running serial numbers on the front of the banknote. Fluorescing on the obverse under ultraviolet light: Denomination block "1000", flying bird, the vertical serial number, parts of the design and the coloured filament fibers (hairs). The exposed security thread on the reverse fluoresces yellow and red under ultraviolet light. Predominant colour: Brown. Artist: Pending. Engraver: Pending. Signatures: Karamokoba Camara (Ministre des Finances); Louncény Nabé (Gouverneur Banque Centrale). Security thread: Segmented, solid, metallic, semi-exposed, 3 mm wide. Printing method: Intaglio. Issuer: Central Bank of the Republic of Guinea - Banque Centrale de la République de Guinée. Date of Issue: 2015 (Law of 1 March 1960)) (Serial Nos: AY7321xx) UNC

Dimensions: 133 x 64 mm


Catalogue Number: P-48a

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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