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Haiti 1000 Gourdes 2009 (AW310647) UNC

Haiti 1000 Gourdes 2009 (AW310647) UNC
Product Code:
55.00 ($ 59.40)
1000 Gourdes 2009 (Obverse: President Florvil Hyppolite (1828 - 1896). Stylized sailing ship. Crawling flies or bugs in the background. Coat of arms of Port-au-Prince (lion lying on a crown, an arrow and a sailing ship). Reverse: Marché Vallière (Iron Market) in Port-au-Prince. Watermark: President Florvil Hyppolite. Reinforced cornerstones. Predominant colour: Violet. Signatures: (as depicted) Charles Castel (Gouverneur); Philippe W. Lahens (Gouverneur Adjoint); Marc Hébert Ignace (Directeur Général). Design by: Daniel Elie (Haïti). Printer: Thomas De La Rue & Co. Ltd) (Serial # AW310647) UNC

250 eme Anniversaire de la Ville de Port-au-Prince (1749-1999)

Dimensions: 150 x 70 mm


Catalogue Number: P-278d

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint unhinged)

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