Home :: World Banknotes - I :: Iran :: Iran 20 Rials (1974-79) (3/1724xx) UNC

Iran 20 Rials (1974-79) (3/1724xx) UNC

Iran 20 Rials (1974-79) (3/1724xx) UNC
Product Code:
7.00 ($ 7.56)
20 Rials (1974-79) (Obverse: Emperor of Iran - Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi (26 October 1919, Tehran – 27 July 1980, Cairo) in army uniform; Shepherd and ram; Persian floral designs. Reverse: Amir Kabir dam (Karaj dam) on the Karaj River. Signatures: Hassan Ali Mehran; Hushang Ansari. Printer: Thomas De La Rue & Company, Limited) (Serial Nos: 3/1724xx) UNC

Dimensions: 131 x 67 mm

LARGER SAMPLE PHOTO (with different signature): CLICK HERE

Catalogue Number: P-100a2

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)