Home :: World Banknotes - I :: Ireland (Republic) :: Ireland (Eire) 5 Pounds 1999 (RTM 519311) UNC

Ireland (Eire) 5 Pounds 1999 (RTM 519311) UNC

Ireland (Eire) 5 Pounds 1999 (RTM 519311) UNC
Product Code:
50.00 ($ 56.00)
5 Pounds 15.10.1999 (Front: Catherine McAuley, founder of the Sisters of Mercy; Mater Misericordiae Hospital in Dublin which was founded by the Sisters of Mercy; Back: Children in a classroom; The first verse of the Irish poem "Mise Raifteri an File" by Antoine Ó Raifteiri is written on the classroom blackboard in Gaelic script; Map of Europe; Watermark: Lady Hazel Lavery) (Serial # RTM 519311) UNC

Dimensions: 120 x 64 mm


Catalogue Number: P-75b (SCWPM: Albert Pick; Krause Publications)

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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Great Britain 1 Pound (1978-84) (DW29/3261xx) UNC
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South Africa 10 Rand (2012) (AS23436xx A) UNC
Viet-Nam 20000 Dong 2006 (EA062154xx) UNC
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Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 29.2.1968
Gift certificates