Home :: World Banknotes - I :: Italy :: Italy 10000 Lire 3.11.1982 (HC 135787 P) (circulated) VF

Italy 10000 Lire 3.11.1982 (HC 135787 P) (circulated) VF

Italy 10000 Lire 3.11.1982 (HC 135787 P) (circulated) VF
Product Code:
15.00 ($ 15.75)
10000 Lire 3.11.1982 (Front: "Portrait of a Man" by an Italian Renaissance painter Andrea del Castagno (Andrea di Bartolo di Bargilla); Winged lion of St. Mark, symbol of Venice above three shields of Genoa, Pisa and Amalfi. Back: Architectural elements: diamond point bugnato facade and part of the entrance of the New Church of Jesus in Piazza del Gesù Nuovo; Detail from the Church of Gesù Nuovo (New Church of Jesus; Chiesa del Gesù Nuovo) in Naples, Italy. Watermark: "Portrait of a Man" (Busto d'Uomo del Castagno) by Andrea del Castagno) (Serial # HC 135787 P) (circulated) VF

Dimensions: 133 x 70 mm


Catalogue Number: P-106b

Grade/condition: Very Fine (VF) (circulated, used)

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Cayman Islands 100 Dollars 2006 (C/I 500219) UNC
Malawi 200 Kwacha 1.6.2004 (BL63280xx) UNC
Soviet Union 3 Roubles 1961 (VB 86327xx) UNC
Tunisia 5 Dinars (1958) SPECIMEN COLOR TRIAL (C/I 000000) UNC
Uganda 50 Shillings 1996 (MJ7862xx) UNC
Uruguay 1000 Nuevos Pesos (1992) (Serie D; 164647xx) UNC
Great Britain One Lewes Pound 2013 (00009xxM) UNC
France 10 Francs B.1.7.1976.B. (K.290/7234437554) (circulated) F-VF
Iran 500 Rials (2004) (34/29 9815xx) UNC
Gift certificates