Home :: World Banknotes - I :: Italy :: Italy 10000 Lire 3.9.1984 (PD 361091 M) UNC

Italy 10000 Lire 3.9.1984 (PD 361091 M) UNC

Italy 10000 Lire 3.9.1984 (PD 361091 M) UNC
Product Code:
25.00 ($ 27.00)
10000 Lire 3.9.1984 (Front: Physicist Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta (18 February 1745 – 5 March 1827); Voltaic battery - electric battery prototype; Winged lion of St. Mark, symbol of Venice above three shields of Genoa, Pisa and Amalfi. Back: Mausoleum of Alessandro Volta in Como. Watermark: Portrait of Alessandro Volta. Signatures: Carlo Azeglio Ciampi (Governor); Lascia Speziali (Cashier). Drawing: Giovanni Pino. Etching: Alberto Canfarini. Paper: High-quality, slightly coloured, special pulp, watermark, luminous fibrils and a vertical security thread. Characteristics: Copperplate, dry and wet offset. Notes Issued: 3,200,000,000. Printer: Officina della Banca d'Italia) (Serial # PD 361091 M) UNC

Dimensions: 133 x 70 mm


Catalogue Number: P-112b

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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