Home :: World Banknotes - I :: Italy :: Italy 500 Lire 14.2.1974 (E02/739428) UNC

Italy 500 Lire 14.2.1974 (E02/739428) UNC

Italy 500 Lire 14.2.1974 (E02/739428) UNC
Product Code:
15.00 ($ 16.20)
500 Lire 14.2.1974 (Front: Winged head of Mercury (Mercurius), a god of trade and a messenger in Roman mythology. Gears and mechanisms. Back: Zeus on a geared Trojan Horse (Bellerophon riding Pegasus). Watermark: Emblem of Italy. Design: E. Vangelli; Scolpi; V. Nicastro Inc. Printer: I.P.S. Officina Carte Valori, Roma. Signatures: Gastone Miconi (Director General of the Treasury); Nardi (Special Cashier); S. Fabiano (for the Court of Auditors)) (Serial # E02/739428) UNC

Dimensions: 115 x 58 mm


Catalogue Number: P-94a

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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