Home :: World Banknotes - I :: Italy :: Italy 500.000 Lire 6.5.1997 (MA 367228 E) (lt. circulated) XF

Italy 500.000 Lire 6.5.1997 (MA 367228 E) (lt. circulated) XF

Italy 500.000 Lire 6.5.1997 (MA 367228 E) (lt. circulated) XF
Product Code:
300.00 ($ 315.00)
500000 Lire 6.5.1997 (Front: Portrait of Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (1483–1520), an Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance. Extract of fresco "Trionfo di Galatea" (Triumph of Galatea, ca.1512) depicting dolphins. A round seal with winged lion of St. Mark, symbol of Venice above three shields of Genoa, Pisa and Amalfi. Back: Extract from Raphael's fresco 'The School of Athens' (Scuola di Atene, ca.1509–1511). Leafy design with grapes. Watermark: Portrait of Raphael; Electrotype "BI" monogram. Main colours: Blue and purple. Signatures: Antonio Fazio (Governor – Il Governatore, 1993–2005); Angelo Amici (Cashier – Il Cassiere). Engraving: Trento Cionini (obverse); Giorgio Capponi (reverse). Composition: Guglielmo Savini. Legislation: Ministerial Decree of 6 May 1997. Paper: High quality, slightly coloured, special pulp, watermark, luminous fibrils and a vertical security thread. Issuer: Bank of Italy. Date of Issue: 6 May 1997. Withdrawn: 28 February 2002. Exchanged until: 1 March 2012. Print: Calcografia (intaglio) and offset. Printer: Officina della Banca d'Italia (Bank of Italy Printing Works)) (Serial # MA 367228 E) (lightly circulated) XF

Dimensions: 163 x 78 mm

Catalogue Number: P-118 (SCWPM: Albert Pick & Krause Publications); B469 (Banknote Book)

Grade/condition: Extremely Fine (XF) (lightly circulated, lightly used)

Texts: Banca d'Italia. Lire Cinquecentomila pagabili a vista al portatore. La legge punisce i fabbricatori e gli spacciatori di biglietti falsi. Decreto ministeriale 6 Maggio 1997. Officina della Banca d'Italia.

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Mongolia 3 Tugrik 1983 (AE6185xx) UNC
Nicaragua 1 Centavo (1991) (A/A 27193xx) UNC
Rwanda 100 Francs 1.9.2003 (AG31561xx) UNC
France 10 Francs L.4.1.1968.L. (U.396/0989479694) (circulated) F
Monaco 50 Centimes 1920 (A/22288) UNC
Belgium 5 Francs 3.3.1938 (P14/948043) UNC
Gift certificates