Home :: World Banknotes - J :: Japan :: Japan 100 Yen (1953) (QR240xxxH) UNC

Japan 100 Yen (1953) (QR240xxxH) UNC

Japan 100 Yen (1953) (QR240xxxH) UNC
Product Code:
7.50 ($ 8.10)
100 Yen (1953) (Itagaki Taisuke; The National Diet Building, Tokyo) (Serial Nos: QR240xxxH) UNC

Dimensions: 148 x 76 mm

Itagaki Taisuke (1837–1919) was a Japanese politician who became a leader of the Freedom and People's Rights Movement (jiyu minken undo). Itagaki Taisuke was born on April 17, 1837 in Tosa, Japan, into a middle-ranking samurai family. Following factional disputes, Itagaki emerged in the 1860s as the military leader of his district.

The National Diet of Japan (kokkai) is Japan's legislature. The word "diet" derives from Latin and was a common name for an assembly in Medieval Germany. The postwar Constitution of Japan, adopted in 1947, created a more democratic system and renamed the legislature to the National Diet.


Catalogue Number: P-90c (SCWPM: Pick; Krause)

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, unhandled, mint)

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