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Libya 1 Dinar (2013) (1 A/1 77549xx) UNC

Libya 1 Dinar (2013) (1 A/1 77549xx) UNC
Product Code:
5.00 ($ 5.40)
1 Dinar (2013) (Obverse: Cheering Libyan anti-Gaddafi protesters with new Libyan flags. Reverse: New Libyan flag and white doves of peace. Main colours: Purple, red, blue and green. Watermark: Omar Al-Mukhtar; Electrotype '1'; Reinforced cornerstones. Signature: Gasem Azzoz or Saddek Omar Ali Elkaber (Governor). Issuer: Central Bank of Libya. Date of First Issue: 17 February 2013. Legal tender: Yes. Material: Cotton paper. Printer: Thomas De La Rue and Company, Limited) (Serial Nos: 1 A/1 77549xx) UNC

Dimensions: 131 x 65 mm


Catalogue Number: P-76 (Linzmayer CBL B43)

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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