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Mauritius 50 Rupees 2009 (BD2830xx) UNC

Mauritius 50 Rupees 2009 (BD2830xx) UNC
Product Code:
8.00 ($ 8.64)
50 Rupees 2009 (Obverse: Portrait of Joseph Maurice Paturau CBE, DFC, GOSK (1916 - 1996). Coat of arms depicting Dodo (Raphus cucullatus), Sambar deer (Rusa unicolor), lymphad, palm trees, sugar cane, key. Blindfolded Justitia, Lady Justice or Themis holding balance scales and a sword. Bank of Mauritius building. Blooms of Boucle d'Oreille (Trochetia boutoniana). Reverse: Le Caudan Waterfront - business centre, melting pot for local artists and the favourite meeting place for gastronomes, tourists and locals looking for leisure and entertainment. Watermark: Dodo bird; Reinforced cornerstones. Main colour: Blue. Signatures: Yandraduth Googoolye (First Deputy Governor); Manou Bheenick (Governor); Dr. Ahmad Jameel Khadaroo (Second Deputy Governor). Date of First Issue: 30 October 1998. Material: Cotton paper. Printer: Thomas De La Rue and Company, Limited) (Serial Nos: BD2830xx) UNC

Dimensions: 140 x 68 mm


Catalogue Number: P-50e

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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