Home :: World Banknotes - N :: Netherlands :: Netherlands 25 Gulden 10.4.1955 (IXP 037278) (circulated) VF

Netherlands 25 Gulden 10.4.1955 (IXP 037278) (circulated) VF

Netherlands 25 Gulden 10.4.1955 (IXP 037278) (circulated) VF
Product Code:
40.00 ($ 43.20)
25 Gulden 10.4.1955 (Front: Portrait of Dutch astronomer, mathematician and physicist Christiaan Huygens (1629 - 1695) (engraving by Frederik Ottens). Planet Saturn, its moon Titan and a partial solar eclipse by Earth's Moon. Hofwijck, home to Christiaan Huygens from 1688. Back: Ornamental guilloche patterns, designs and rosettes. Watermark: Christiaan Huygens in profile; horizontal and vertical wavy lines. Main colour: Red. Security features: Double black horizontal serial numbers on the reverse of the banknote. Watermarked paper. Design: Joseph Ferdinand "Eppo" Doeve (1907 - 1981). Signatures: A.M. de Jong (Secretaris); W.M. Holtrop (President). Issuer: De Nederlandsche Bank. Date of Issue: 10 April 1955. Withdrawn: 1966. Legal tender: N/a. Redeemable until 1.1.2032. Total issue: Unknown. Material: Cotton paper. Printing method: Intaglio (raised print). Printer: Johan Enschede en Zonen, The Netherlands (JEZ)) (Serial # IXP 037278) (circulated) VF

Dimensions: 155 x 87 mm

Catalogue Number: P-87 (SCWPM: Albert Pick; Krause Publications)

Grade/condition: Very Fine (VF) (circulated, used) GRADING INFO

Texts: De Nederlandsche Bank. Vijf en Twintig Gulden. NLG. Twenty Five Guilders (Florins). Amsterdam, 10 April 1955. Wet boek van Strafrecht Art. 208. Hij die Muntspeciën of Munt- of Bankbiljetten namaakt of vervalscht, met het Oogmerk om die Muntspeciën of Munt- of Bankbiljetten als echt en onvervalscht uit te geven of te doen uitgeven, wordt gestraft met Gevangenisstraf van ten hoogste negen jaren.

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