Home :: World Banknotes - N :: Netherlands Antilles :: Netherlands Antilles 10 Gulden 1.5.1994 (2040825321) UNC

Netherlands Antilles 10 Gulden 1.5.1994 (2040825321) UNC

Netherlands Antilles 10 Gulden 1.5.1994 (2040825321) UNC
Product Code:
25.00 ($ 27.00)
10 Gulden 1.5.1994 (Front: Purple-throated carib (Eulampis jugularis), a Hummingbird (Colibri) in flight. Landscape with a giant cactus Saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) and a road. Back: Logo seal of the Bank of the Netherlands Antilles. Watermark: Bank logo seal. Security features: Watermark. Consecutively running horizontal serial numbers on the reverse of the banknote. Blue filament fibers (hairs) fluoresce while exposed to an ultraviolet light. Main colour: Green. Signatures: Robert J.M. Reynaert (Direkteur Sekretaris); Emsley D. Tromp (President). Artists: Oscar Ravelo Nadal; J. Miles. Date of issue: 1 May 1994. Demonetised: 1998. Material: Cotton fiber. Issuer: Bank van de Nederlandse Antillen. Printer: Johan Enschede en Zonen (Netherlands) ) (Serial # 2040825321) UNC

Dimensions: 147 x 66 mm


Catalogue Number: P-23c

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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Gift certificates