Home :: World Banknotes - N :: Norway :: Norway 10 Kroner 1981 (B_ prefix) UNC

Norway 10 Kroner 1981 (B_ prefix) UNC

Norway 10 Kroner 1981 (B_ prefix) UNC
Product Code:
12.50 ($ 13.50)
10 Kroner 1981 (Front: Effigy of Fridtjof Nansen (1861–1930). Norwegian coat of arms. Back: Sculpture of Nils Flakstad "Fisherman" with cranes and a cargo ship in the background. Seagulls. Watermark: Numeral "10" repeated throughout the note. Main colour: Dark blue. Designers: Knut Løkke-Sørensen (front); Henry Welde (back). Signatures: Knut Getz Wold (Direksjonens Formann – Governor 1970–1985); Kåre Sagård (Hovedkasserer – Chief Cashier). Issuer: Norges Bank. Date of First Issue: 1972. Date on the banknote: 1981. Date of withdrawal: 13 July 1999. Legal tender: No. Material: Cotton paper substrate. Printer: Norges Banks Seddeltrykkeri (NBS)) (Serial # B_ prefix) UNC

Dimensions: 125 x 65 mm

PHOTO REMARK: The banknote picture is for overall design reference only (unless its serial number exactly matches its description). Photos displaying the entire banknote should not be treated as WYSIWYG for signature and date varieties, for exact serial numbers, grade, condition etc. Smaller supplemental photos of signatures (where available) are WYSIWYG indeed. Our textual descriptions are your reliable guide to what you will receive. What you read is what you get (WYRIWYG).

Catalogue Number: P-36c (SCWPM: Albert Pick; Krause)

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

Texts: Norges Bank. Ti Kroner. Ten Kroner.

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