Home :: World Banknotes - P :: Portugal :: Portugal 500 Reis 27.12.1904 (Sig: Júnior; de Vilhena) (1NG/maen) (circulated) Fine

Portugal 500 Reis 27.12.1904 (Sig: Júnior; de Vilhena) (1NG/maen) (circulated) Fine

Portugal 500 Reis 27.12.1904 (Sig: Júnior; de Vilhena) (1NG/maen) (circulated) Fine
Product Code:
20.00 ($ 21.60)
500 Reis 27.12.1904 (Obverse: Coat of arms of Portugal. Denomination rosettes and guilloche patterns. Reverse: Portrait of Athena Pallas, in proifile. Denomination rosettes and guilloche patterns. Watermark: Head of Greek god Hermes (Roman god Mercury) in profile. Main colours: Black on green underprint, brown. Designer: Unknown. Signatures: Director: João da Motta Gomes Júnior (O Director, 1894-1931); Governor: Júlio Marques de Vilhena (O Governador). Date of print: 27 December 1904. Demonetized: 24 June 1929. Printer: Printing of the Bank of Portugal — Estamparía do Banco de Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal (EBP)) (Serial # 1NG/maen) (circulated) Fine

Dimensions: 118 x 73 mm

Catalogue Number: P-105 (SCWPM: Albert Pick; Krause Publications)

Grade/condition: Fine (F) (circulated, used) GRADING INFO

Texts: Banco de Portugal. REPUBLICA. Chapa 3. Quinhentos Reis Prata. Five Hundred Silver Reis. Lisboa, 27 de Decembro de 1904.

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