Home :: World Banknotes - P :: Portuguese India :: Portuguese India 50 Rupias 29.11.1945 (Sig: Machado; Viegas) (099,057) CANCELLED (circulated) VF

Portuguese India 50 Rupias 29.11.1945 (Sig: Machado; Viegas) (099,057) CANCELLED (circulated) VF

Portuguese India 50 Rupias 29.11.1945 (Sig: Machado; Viegas) (099,057) CANCELLED (circulated) VF
Product Code:
75.00 ($ 81.00)
50 Rupias 29.11.1945 (Obverse: Porftrait of Afonso de Albuquerque (1453–1515), first Duke of Goa, a Portuguese general, admiral, and statesman, who served as viceroy of Portuguese India from 1509 to 1515. Colonial BNU (Banco Nacional Ultramarino) bank seal depicting a steam ship. Reverse: Seated female, steamship and a sailing ship. Portuguese coat of arms (Armillary sphere + the quinas + the castles). Watermark: None. Predominant colour: Red. Date on the banknote: 29 November 1945. Designer: Unknown. Signatures: (as depicted) Francisco José Vieira Machado (O Administrador – Administrator); António dos Santos Viegas (O Presidente do Conselho Administrativo – The Chairman of the Board of Directors). Issuer: Banco Nacional Ultramarino. Demonetized: 1 January 1959. Material: Cotton fiber paper. Printer: Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. Ltd., New Malden, Surrey, England (BWC)) (Serial # 099,057) CANCELLED (circulated) VF

Dimensions: 155 x 81 mm

IMPORTANT: The banknote picture is for reference only (unless its serial number exactly matches its description). Photos displaying the entire banknote should not be treated as WYSIWYG for signature and date varieties, for exact serial numbers etc. Smaller supplemental photos of signatures are WYSIWYG indeed. Our textual descriptions are your reliable guide to what you will receive. What you read is what you get (WYRIWYG).

Catalogue Number: P-38(3) (Albert Pick; Krause; Banknote-ws)

Grade/condition: Very Fine (VF) (circulated, used, with 2 large cancellation holes)

Texts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino. Índia Portuguesa. Cinquenta Rupias. Fifty Rupees. Pagável na Índia Portuguesa. Decreto Nº17.154. Lisboa, 29 de Novembro de 1945. Colonias, Commercio, Agricultura. Gravadores BWC, Inglaterra.

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China 50 Yuan 1940 (L239710A) (circulated) aXF
French Indo-China 1 Piastre (1936) (ser#varies) (circulated) VF
Korea (South) 10000 Won (2007) (KH2646217K) UNC
Nigeria 50 Kobo (1973-78) (F/45 4798xx) UNC
Sweden 5 Kronor 1973 (BS/N650727) UNC
Ukraine 1 Hryvnja 1992 (122613833x) UNC
Syria 1000 Pounds 2013 (A/27 29843xx) UNC
Malta 1 Lira / Pound L.1967 (1973) (A/7 186839) (circulated) F-VF
China 1 Yuan 1979 (ZW 429676) AU
Gift certificates