Home :: World Banknotes - R :: Rhodesia :: Rhodesia 10 Dollars 19.11.1975 (J/35 871007) AU

Rhodesia 10 Dollars 19.11.1975 (J/35 871007) AU

Rhodesia 10 Dollars 19.11.1975 (J/35 871007) AU
Product Code:
125.00 ($ 135.00)
10 Dollars 19.11.1975 (Front: Sable antelope (Hippotragus niger). Bank logo with Chiremba Matopos Balancing Rocks at Epworth. Coat of Arms depicting two sable antelopes. Reverse: Great Zimbabwe Ruins, a former centre of Munhumutapa (Monomotapa) Empire. Predominant colours: Black, grey and blue-green. Watermark: Cecil Rhodes or Zimbabwe Bird (1979 issue only). Signature: N. H. B. Bruce (Governor). First Date of Issue: 17 February 1970. Printer: Printed in Rhodesia. Material: Cotton paper) (Serial # J/35 871007) AU

Dimensions: 159 x 88 mm


Catalogue Number: P-33h (former P-33b)

Grade/condition: About Uncirculated (AU) (about- unused, uncirculated)

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