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Russia 100 Roubles 2004 (VI 18005xx) UNC

Russia 100 Roubles 2004 (VI 18005xx) UNC
Product Code:
9.50 ($ 10.26)
100 Roubles 2004 (Front: Bank logo with double-headed eagle. Famous sights of Moscow: Statue of Greek God Apollo riding a Quadriga, a chariot pulled by four horses (sculptor: Peter Clodt von Jürgensburg or Pyotr Klodt) atop the portico of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. Back: Bolshoy Theatre building. Watermark: Bolshoï Theater; Electrotype '100'. Main colours: Dark olive, dark brown, purple-brown (puce) and pink. Issuer: Bank of Russia. Date of Issue: 1 January 1998 / 16 August 2004. Legal tender: Yes. Material: Cotton paper. Printer: Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Goznak" (State Insignia), Moscow) (Serial Nºs: VI 18005xx) UNC

Dimensions: 151 x 65 mm


Catalogue Number: P-270c

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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