Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 5.1.1983 (Clydesdale Bank) (D/CJ 174343) UNC
Product Code:: SQ-211b
($ 27.00)
Scotland 5 Pounds Sterling 11.2.2016 (Royal Bank of Scotland) (AY774073) UNC
Product Code:: SQ-370
($ 24.30)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 1.10.2001 (Royal Bank of Scotland) (C/93 6412xx) UNC
Product Code:: SQ-351e
($ 6.48)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 16.9.1959 (National Commercial Bank of Scotland) (X 048192) (circulated) VF-XF
Product Code:: SQ-265-1
($ 75.60)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 16.9.1959 (National Commercial Bank of Scotland) (1E 246794) (circulated) VF-XF
Product Code:: SQ-265-2
($ 91.80)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 2.12.1944 (Commercial Bank of Scotland) (25L 151491) (circulated) VF-XF
Product Code:: SQ-S331b
($ 108.00)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 2.1.1947 (Commercial Bank of Scotland) (26A/524476) (lt. circulated) XF-AU
Product Code:: SQ-S332a(1)
($ 135.00)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 2.1.1947 (Commercial Bank of Scotland) (26F/007643) (lt. circulated) XF-AU
Product Code:: SQ-S332a(2)
($ 145.80)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 2.1.1957 (Commercial Bank of Scotland) (27M/126377) (lt. circulated) XF
Product Code:: SQ-S336
($ 124.20)
Scotland 20 Pounds Sterling 14.2.1962 (British Linen Bank) (G/5 05/327) (circulated) VF-XF
Product Code:: SQ-164
($ 361.80)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 6.5.1965 (Bank of Scotland) (A/L 0281961) (lt. circulated) XF
Product Code:: SQ-102b
($ 43.20)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 13.11.1939 (British Linen Bank) (Nº D 008704) (circulated) Fine
Product Code:: SQ-157a
($ 37.80)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 5.8.1950 (British Linen Bank) (R/2 271297) (circulated) VF-XF
Product Code:: SQ-157c
($ 81.00)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 4.6.1951 (British Linen Bank) (S/2 468005) (circulated) VF
Product Code:: SQ-157d(1)
($ 59.40)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 12.2.1952 (British Linen Bank) (T/2 1010981) (circulated) VF+
Product Code:: SQ-157d(2)
($ 70.20)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 4.11.1952 (British Linen Bank) (U/2 592086) (circulated) VF
Product Code:: SQ-157d(3)
($ 59.40)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 21.10.1953 (British Linen Bank) (V/2 304683) (circulated) aVF
Product Code:: SQ-157d(4)
($ 54.00)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 12.1.1955 (British Linen Bank) (X/2 863496) (circulated) VF+
Product Code:: SQ-157d(5)
($ 70.20)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 10.12.1957 (British Linen Bank) (F/3 225848) (circulated) aXF
Product Code:: SQ-157d(6)
($ 81.00)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 28.8.1958 (British Linen Bank) (H/3 194606) (circulated) VF
Product Code:: SQ-157d(7)
($ 59.40)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 12.5.1959 (British Linen Bank) (K/3 318136) (circulated) VF
Product Code:: SQ-157d(8)
($ 59.40)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 15.4.1960 (British Linen Bank) (M/3 518286) (circulated) VF
Product Code:: SQ-157e
($ 48.60)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 31.3.1962 (British Linen Bank) (X/3 804131) (lt. circulated) XF-AU
Product Code:: SQ-166a
($ 140.40)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 1.7.1963 (British Linen Bank) (B/4 096575) (circulated) VF
Product Code:: SQ-166c(1)
($ 37.80)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 4.5.1964 (British Linen Bank) (E/4 463244) (circulated) VF
Product Code:: SQ-166c(2)
($ 37.80)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 25.1.1966 (British Linen Bank) (M/4 338027) (circulated) Fine
Product Code:: SQ-166c(3)
($ 24.30)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 13.6.1967 (British Linen Bank) (P/4 857662) (circulated) VF
Product Code:: SQ-166c(4)
($ 37.80)
Scotland 5 Pounds Sterling 21.9.1962 (British Linen Bank) (D/12 442962) AU
Product Code:: SQ-167a
($ 167.40)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 13.6.1967 (British Linen Bank) (S/4 708210) (lt. circulated) XF+
Product Code:: SQ-168a
($ 102.60)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 29.2.1968 (British Linen Bank) (X/4 655705) (circulated) VF+
Product Code:: SQ-169a(1)
($ 37.80)
Scotland 1 Pound Sterling 5.11.1969 (British Linen Bank) (C/5 613295) (circulated) VF+
Product Code:: SQ-169a(2)
($ 37.80)
Scotland 5 Pounds Sterling 23.4.1968 (British Linen Bank) (L/12 907257) AU
Product Code:: SQ-170a(1)
($ 156.60)
Scotland 1 Pound 1.3.1961 (Clydesdale & North of Scotland Bank) (B/B 606512) (circulated) VF
Product Code:: SQ-195a
($ 48.60)
Scotland 5 Pounds 2.2.1976 (Clydesdale Bank) Sig: Macmillan (D/BP 116079) (circulated, 2ph) VF+
Product Code:: SQ-205c
($ 37.80)
Scotland 20 Pounds 25.3.2006 (Clydesdale Bank) Sig: Thorburn (RB/I 740625) (circulated) VF-XF
Product Code:: SQ-229G
($ 91.80)
Scotland 5 Pounds Sterling 3.1.1961 (National Commercial Bank of Scotland) (G839247) (circulated) VF
Product Code:: SQ-270
($ 113.40)
Scotland 5 Pounds Sterling 1.8.1963 (National Commercial Bank of Scotland) (D145631) (circulated) VF+
Product Code:: SQ-272a
($ 59.40)