Home :: World Banknotes - S :: Singapore :: Singapore 10 Dollars (1980) (B/41 426806) (circulated) VF+

Singapore 10 Dollars (1980) (B/41 426806) (circulated) VF+

Singapore 10 Dollars (1980) (B/41 426806) (circulated) VF+
Product Code:
20.00 ($ 21.60)
10 Dollars (1980) (Front: White-collared Kingfisher (Todiramphus chloris). Singaporean skyline. National Coat of Arms of Singapore depicting a lion and a tiger. Flowers. Stylised map of Singapore as denominational guilloche. Merlion (Singa Laut) as a see-through security feature. Reverse: View of Garden City with high-rise apartment buildings. Chinese lion dance. Watermark: Lion's head. Security features: Watermark. Running and fluorescing serial numbers. Solid metallic security strip. Signature and signature seal fluorescing under ultraviolet light. Main colour: Red. Signature: Hon Sui Sen (Minister for Finance, 1970-1983). Printing method: Intaglio. Issuer: Board of Commissioners of Currency Singapore (BCCS). Date of Issue: 6th August 1976. Withdrawn from circulation: Yes. Legal tender: Yes. Material: Cotton fibre paper. Printer: Thomas De La Rue & Company, Limited) (Serial # B/41 426806) (circulated) VF+

Dimensions: 139 x 69 mm


Catalogue Number: P-11b

Grade/condition: Nice Very Fine (VF+) (circulated, used)

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