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Slovakia 100 Korun 2004 (U74718xxx) UNC

Slovakia 100 Korun 2004 (U74718xxx) UNC
Product Code:
18.50 ($ 19.98)
100 Korun 5.11.2004 (Front: Madona from the Altar of Birth in St. Jacob´s Church at Levoca. This Gothic ornamental sculpture was the work of the outstanding medieval artist - sculpture and wood-carver Master Pavol of Levoca. Back: Town of Levoca where master Pavol was acitive.The main motifs are the two dominants of the town - the church of the St. Jacob and the city hall. This motif is overprinted by an illustration of a gothic stone head from the sacristy of the old church of the minorite order at Levoca. Watermark: Portrait of Madonna. Signatures: Marián Jusko (Governor of National Bank of Slovakia, July 1999 to December 2004); Ján Mathes (Board Member, National Bank of Slovakia). Designer: Jozef Bubák. Engraver: Vaclav Fajt. First Date of Issue: 1 September 1993. Printer: Polish Security Printing Works – Polska Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych S.A., Warsaw, Poland (PWPW S.A.)) (Serial Nos: U74718xxx) UNC

Dimensions: 142 x 71 mm

Catalogue Number: P-44 (SCWPM: Pick; Krause)

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint) GRADING INFO

Texts: Národná Banka Slovenska. Sto Slovenských Korún. One Hundred Slovak Korun. Madona Majstra Pavla. V Bratislave, 5. Novembra 2004.

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