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Spain 200 Pesetas 1980 (2425024) UNC

Spain 200 Pesetas 1980 (2425024) UNC
Product Code:
20.00 ($ 21.60)
200 Pesetas 16.9.1980 (Front: Cross – coat of arms of Kingdom of Asturias. Portrait of Spanish writer and jurist Leopoldo Enrique García-Alas y Ureña (1852–1901) known simply as Leopoldo Alas or Clarín, wearing spectacles. Crowned Royal Spanish coat of arms – Escudo de España. Back: Asturias Oak, symbol of the Asturian royalty. Handwritten fragment from author's realist novel "La Regenta" ("The Regent's Wife"): "...el Confín, una montaña que escondía sus crestas en las nubes y caía a pico sobre valles ocultos...". ("...the Outback, a mountain that hid their peaks in clouds and fell steeply to hidden valleys..."). Watermark: Leopoldo Alas "Clarín". Signatures: Don José Ramón Álvarez Rendueles (Governor - El Gobernador, Mar. 1978 - Jul. 1984); Miguel Palazuelo García (The Auditor - El Interventor); Jesús Urdiola Salvador (Cashier - El Cajero). Dominant colours: Brown and orange. Security thread: Solid, narrow, yellow. Issuer: Bank of Spain. Date of Issue: 16 September 1980 (circulated from 1984). Designer: Víctor Hevia (Clarin's portrait). Engravers: José Manuel Mata Martín (obverse), Antonino Sánchez Gutiérrez (reverse). Legal tender: N/a. Date of withdrawal: 1992. Material: Cotton paper. Printer: Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre, Madrid (FNMT)) (Serial # without series prefix letter: 2425024) UNC

Dimensions: 121 x 64 mm

Catalogue Number: P-156 (Albert Pick; Krause)

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

Texts: Banco de España. Doscientas Pesetas. Madrid, 16 de Septiembre de 1980.

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