Home :: World Banknotes - S :: Spain :: Spain 2000 Pesetas 24.4.1992 (2M9617108) (lt. circulated) XF

Spain 2000 Pesetas 24.4.1992 (2M9617108) (lt. circulated) XF

Spain 2000 Pesetas 24.4.1992 (2M9617108) (lt. circulated) XF
Product Code:
35.00 ($ 37.80)
Denomination and date: 2000 Pesetas 24.4.1992

Front: Effigy of José Celestino Bruno Mutis y Bosio (6 April 1732 – 11 September 1808), a Spanish priest, botanist and mathematician, inspecting flower of Cinchona** tree with a magnifying glass. Stylized compass as a registration device. Earth globe depicting Americas.

Fact: **Cinchona was successfully applied in the treatment of malaria.

Back: Drawing of the Mutisia clematis flower, named in honor of José Celestino Mutis. Entrance gate to the Royal Botanical Garden (Real Jardín Botánico) in Madrid. Crowned Royal Spanish coat of arms – Escudo de España (Adopted: 5 October 1981). Fleur-de-lis symbol. Description of the book "History of the Quina Trees" written by José Celestino Mutis.

Watermark: Portrait of Bartolomeu de Las Casas; Electrotype '500' (with two globes).

Signatures: Mariano Rubio Jiménez (El Gobernador – Governor, 24 July 1984 – 24 July 1992); Esteban Róspide Echeto (El Interventor – Auditor Comptroller General); Jesús Urdiola Salvador (El Cajero – Cashier).

Main colour: Red.

Issuer: Banco de España – Bank of Spain.

Date of Issue: 7 November 1995.

Occasion: Issued for the Five Hundredth Anniversary of the Discovery of America by Spain. Quincentennial or quincentenary of the discovery of the Americas.

Artists: Reinhold Gerstetter; Isabel Quintanilla; Pablo Sampedro (Engravers of the obverse); Reinhold Gerstetter; Isabel Quintanilla (Engravers of the reverse).

Legal tender: No, since 1 March 2002. Redeemable until 30 June 2021.

Material: Cotton fiber paper.

Printing method: Intaglio (raised print).

Printer: Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (FNMT).

Total emission: No info.

Serial # 2M9617108

Dimensions: 139 x 68 mm

Catalogue Number: P-164

Grade/condition: Extremely Fine (XF) (lightly– circulated, used)

Texts: Banco de España. Dos Mil Pesetas. Two Thousand Pesetas. Madrid, 24 de Abril de 1992. Carolus III P.P. Botanices Instaurator Civium Saluti et Oblectamento. Anno MDCCLXXXI. Charles III P.P. Botanical Institute for the Safety and Recreation of Citizens, Year 1781. Historia de los árboles de (la) Quina, obra póstuma del Dr. D. José Celestino Mutis, célebre naturalista y patriarca de los Botánicos, Director de la Real Expedición Botánica del Nuevo Reino de Granada, socio de diferentes Academias de Europa y astrónomo de S. M., concluida y arreglada por don Sinforoso Mutis y Consuegra, individuo de la Real Expedición Botánica y nombrado para organizar y publicar la Flora de Bogotá. Año 1809.

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