Home :: World Banknotes - T :: Tanzania :: Tanzania 10 Shillings (1966) (DK379231) UNC

Tanzania 10 Shillings (1966) (DK379231) UNC

Tanzania 10 Shillings (1966) (DK379231) UNC
Product Code:
18.00 ($ 19.44)
10 Shillings (1966) (Obverse: Effigy of President Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1922 - 1999). Coat of arms depicting male and female holding elephant tusks. Flowers and a palm tree. Reverse: Sisal drying. Watermark: Head of a giraffe. Predominant colour: Green. Signatures: Edwin I. Mtei (Minister for Finance); Charles Nyirabu (Governor). Date of Release: 1966. Material: Paper) (Serial # DK379231) UNC

Dimensions: 144 x 70 mm


Catalogue Number: P-2e

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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Algeria Lottery ticket 860 Francs 1956. Serial # 012736 (nice) XF
Belgium 2000 Francs (1994-2001) (83500292380) (circulated) VF
Greece 20000 Drachmai 29.12.1949 (G.06- 817124) (lt. circulated) XF-AU
Japan 500 Yen (1951) (M756504P) (circulated) aXF
Nicaragua 25 Centavos (1991) (A/D 83343xx) UNC
Russia 500 Roubles 1912 (Sig: Shipov & Shmidt) (ГБ 195884) AU
Turkey 1 Lira 2005 (A63/827337) UNC
United States of America 1 Dollar 2003 "D" CLVLD-OH (D66950703C) UNC
Australia 20 Dollars 1989 (RDR 671502) (circulated) VF
Gift certificates